My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1693: Enlightenment Tree

The scream just fell.

Concubine Nie Qian is like a white fish, diving into the hot spring water in Qinglili.

How could Su Jin think that this place designated by the master Nie was occupied by his daughter first, and this beautiful accident made him feast his eyes——

Well, Nie Qianfei is pretty beautiful in all aspects, and this woman often soaks in the spiritual spring, and her whole body is full of spiritual energy.

"You... why are you here??"

It took a long time for Concubine Nie Qian to reveal her beautiful face from the water. Her face was hot and ruddy, and there was a girlish infatuation in it.

"Your father arranged a place for me to come here to take a bath, but I didn't expect Miss Nie to come first."

Su Jin has a thick-skinned face. This situation is nothing. The sight he just saw just made his heart beat for a few seconds, and then he didn't feel it anymore, but this girl seemed to have never experienced such a situation before, and the atmosphere was a little bit slightly. awkward.

"Did you just see it?" Nie Qianfei stared at Su Jin closely, her tone of embarrassment in her voice.

"I didn't see it." Su Jin shrugged with a look of innocence.

"you're lying!"

"Well, you said you saw it when you saw it."


Concubine Nie Qian looked embarrassed, she was a little at a loss now, she didn't know what to do, but the man in front of her looked like she admired!

Very angry!

Miss Nie's temper is very irritable, she wants to hit someone!

"Everyone is an adult, why bother yourself? Have you heard a word..." Su Jin's eyes were calm.

"Which sentence?" Nie Qianfei was startled.

"Life is more than just the ambiguity in front of you, but also poetry and the distant fields!" Su Jin raised his hand in an imposing manner.

Nie Qianfei:...

"Why don't you die!" Nie Qianfei's delicate shoulders were exposed on the water, but she felt that Su Shao's eyes were always on her body. This feeling was very embarrassing. She couldn't say anything. It's senior!

Senior, do you know? She was invited by herself, so she must not offend anymore.

Fortunately, Su Jin quickly turned her attention away from her, which made Nie Qianfei relieved.

Su Jin's eyes--

Staring in the direction of the southwest corner of Lingquan, a tea tree grows on the edge! This tea tree is about two meters high, but the thickness of the arm, there are hundreds of green leaves.

Su Jin walked under the tree, and immediately felt all kinds of avenues spread out in his heart. He carefully looked at the leaves of the tea tree. On each of these small oval leaves, there were traces of dao marks invisible to the naked eye!

This discovery made Young Master Su very excited.

"Sure enough, it really is Enlightenment Tea."

Umbrella’s ecstatic voice reappeared in his mind, “You are so lucky that it explodes, and you can even touch this tea tree. In ancient times, if anyone had such a tea tree, it would definitely cause a lot of power to **** it.”

"I didn't expect that it would be a surprise to have an enlightened tea tree growing in Kunlun Mountain. What is the effect of this tea tree?" Su Jin asked.

"Under the tree of enlightenment, one day of meditating can be worth ten years of other people's work! Those of the Kunlun Sword Sect do not know the goods, only know that they harvest the tea, actually sitting cross-legged under it is absolutely unimaginable Things." Xiao Umbrella said.

"I'll try."

Su Jin was obviously interested, and sat decisively under the tree of enlightenment.


Dim circles of Buddha light spread out behind Su Jin, he closed his eyes, and his heart was peaceful.

Nie Qianfei looked at Su Jin and slowly opened her eyes. She felt that Su Tianzi was a little inexplicable. She didn't look at such a beautiful beauty and even sat under the tree to practice.

However, there was a touch in Nie Qianfei's heart, the temperament of this man when he meditated, he was really handsome! Is the dim yellow light that spread out, is it a Buddha?

Su Jin had already become a Buddha!

This guy is still very mysterious to Nie Qianfei. She wants to know everything about the other party. After all, she is so young that she has reached a level that other men can't do!

"Bad man." Nie Qianfei lowered her head slightly, looking at her delicate and white complexion, a kind of self-confidence manifested in her heart. She was in the water now, and when she saw Su Jin practicing, she felt a touch of excitement in her heart. Pervade.

Gently, she swam to the southwest corner of Lingquan, and then slightly exposed her beautiful shoulders the same color as snow, and then—


Nie Qianfei, who had performed the'dangerous action', had a slightly spicy face. After she was sure that Young Master Su hadn't paid attention to her at all, she picked up strands of clear spring water, tilted her face, and placed her under her long black temples. On the jade neck...

At this moment, Su Jin felt more and more shocked.

He closed his eyes and meditated under the tree of enlightenment, and the truth of the Taoist Buddha began to appear over and over again around him, and the traces of the truth were refined by him.

"Tuo La Tuo, Di La Ni——"

"Shifo Laye, Zha La Zha La. Mo Mo punish Mo La, Mu Dili."

"Yilaiyi, Shina Shina, Alosan~~~"


With a sound of Sanskrit singing, it seems that there is no way to find the source. The Buddhist sound seems to sing out of the illusory. Nie Qianfei was still very happy, but when she heard the subtle Buddhist sound, she suddenly raised her head in surprise and saw The scene immediately shocked her.

In the vision of Fei Nie Qian.

In the circle of Buddha light behind Su Jin, hundreds of small Buddha figures seem to be revealed. These Buddha figures clasp their hands together and are constantly chanting and singing. The sound of the scriptures is heard, as if it directly purifies the soul. Nothing!


Nie Qian's heart beats faster. She has never seen a senior with this manifestation vision, and this peaceful and peaceful feeling makes people feel very comfortable, and even the route of the exercises in her body is much smoother.

Taking this opportunity, Nie Qianfei closed her beautiful eyes and involuntarily began to perform the exercises. Under the shower of Buddha's light, her stay in the "mid-stage aspirations" started to loosen up.

Half an hour later, Nie Qianfei broke through to the late stage of aspiration!


This breakthrough is very important and very well in place!

To know that the aspiration reaches the end, can Half Saint be far away? At that time, she can take over as the main sect master and become the new sect master of the Kunlun Sword Sect!

Nie Qianfei restrained her joy and began to stabilize the state of the latest breakthrough, without realizing it, Su Jin had already opened her eyes at this moment.

Stand up!

This Nizi--

Su Jin tilted his head and looked at her silently.

Immediately, Young Master Su didn't care about the existence of Concubine Nie Qian in Lingquan at all, and began to slowly raise his hands and jump forward...

Puffed into the water~~~

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