My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1702: Crusade against Great Zhou Dayan Chilan

"The heart of the stone is complete, I need Pangu's will to condense the bones!"

Su Jin was full of enthusiasm, and majestic strength was constantly pouring out with his spiritual power. This kind of bold idea has never been done before.

If he succeeds, in his physical state, his bones can be sublimated step by step, and he won't know it will be frightening by then!

The point is, Su Jin now chooses where to petrochemical——

His physical heart, when urging the'Pangu Will', was already free to transform into a stone heart state. The feeling was quite wonderful, and he could feel his own strength in an instant. Now, he needs to turn another place into a rock!

"The heart is different from the bone. This is a way of no return. If I choose, there will be no way out. The bone will remain stronger than the rock." Su Jin had to hesitate this bold idea.


Su Jin now chooses to petrify his sternum. There are a total of 12 pairs of sternum in the human body. I don’t know if it is completely petrified at one time. The Pangu will here is enough. Of course... Young Master Su can wander too far away, and he must do it no matter how far away. .

Turning the breast bone into a **** bone is a bold decision!

Squeak ~~~

Su Jin's spiritual power is condensed. At this moment, he is wandering in the emptiness, he can easily sweep away pieces of ancient will and turn it into his own!

On the first sternum on the lower left side, a trace of lime gray spread out.

After half an hour.

Su Jin under the "Enlightenment Tree" opened his eyes and frowned.

not enough!

Not enough!

Although the "Pangu Will" in this place had the help of the "Enlightenment Tree", he had only petrified three sternums in this half an hour, which was far away from twelve. Moreover, for thousands of miles around, he wandered around too vainly and completely swept away.

Although unexpected, Su Jin is not discouraged. There are still more opportunities, and the big deal is to go to a few more places to collect.

Now he can fix it another way!

"Not long after I stepped into the Holy Realm, if I changed to another person, I would have become a big demon who killed the world. Before I was outside the realm, I felt that there were heads that could be taken down everywhere." Su Jin knew that his realm had improved. Too fast, Daoji is not that stable.

So at this moment, he must completely make up for his lost lifespan, and feel the profound meaning of the ‘big life technique’.

Su Jin’s mental power returned to his body and urged the ‘big life technique’, only a trace of green fluorescent light escaped from his body, like a firefly, lingering around——

The ‘Tree of Enlightenment’ spreads the vicissitudes of ancient times, life in various forms, as if beginning to evolve step by step in Su Jin’s mind.

If it hadn't been for Su Jin's previous and daughter-in-law Yu Xuanji, that kind of strange thing happened, which caused the current mental strength to increase greatly, he might not be able to accept such a huge message.

Time passed by.

Practicing is like sleeping, unconsciously it is a day.

As Su Jin’s Shouyuan continued to comprehend the ‘Great Life Art’, he gradually recovered, and his hair completely turned black.

"There is a fish in the North Ming, its name is Kun. Peng's back, I don't know its thousands of miles. It flies in anger, its wings are like clouds in the sky!"

In the middle of the night of this day, Su Jin understood life. In the "Maha Town Prison Eye" on the center of his eyebrows, there appeared an'eagle', a'fish', and a huge and constantly changing shadow of the soul. He had been with the'Little King Jinpeng' more than once. 'Played.

The opponent's "Kunpeng technique" is unparalleled in the world. If it weren't for his own magic, this person had already become the most outstanding existence outside the territory. This technique requires the Kunpeng bloodline to perform, but now Su Shao feels different, life can exist in any form.

This requires a deeper understanding of'life'!


The Mohe Town Prison Eye on Su Jin’s eyebrows threw out a scene of red light. A'Kunpeng' was manifested by him. Although this Kunpeng was not a real'Kunpeng Divine Beast', it was condensed by his blood. How inferior in'Maha Town Prison Eye' is really Kunpeng?

Boom boom boom -

The surroundings shook, and the water in the Yaochi set off a great wave, and the Kunpeng, who was thousands of miles away, fully unfolded its heroic posture!

Su Jin appreciates that Kunpeng can transform a fish into a peng, and a fish can't leave the water, so it will be very angry. That's why it transforms a peng and unfolds the power of fighting the sky!


Su Jin has realized it!

In the next moment, Su Jin disappeared under the ‘tree of enlightenment’ in one step, and walked to the ‘Kunpeng’ formed by the condensation of his own essence and blood. Even when he glanced at it, he felt heart palpitations. The pressure was unimaginable.

Sure enough, successful integration!

The Kunpeng sacred beast condensed from his own essence and blood, when he came into contact with him, a cordial feeling of blood thicker than water appeared. Su Jin couldn't see his hands, and couldn't see any place of himself. He now seemed to be real. Kunpeng!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Su Jin spread his wings and lifted the water in the Yaochi, which is more than a hundred miles high!

Kunpengshu! Su Jin's blood began to expand, and the blood qi was surging, and the wings of a thousand miles were flying directly into the sky...

Bang bang bang.

The void was shaken to pieces, and the terrifying black space storm began to sweep through all, Su Jin's heart was so happy, he walked out of the "Kunpeng Divine Beast" condensed by his own essence and blood. If you really want to ask him how he feels, it's as if he's flying an airplane--

Be a pilot!

But it's far more than the pilot's feeling, that kind of mellow feeling of connectedness, very strange.

Su Jin collected the blood of the'Kunpeng' in the'Eyes of Mohe Town Prison', and immediately he stepped down and continued to sit under the'Enlightenment Tree'.

Two days passed.

Three days passed.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Su Jin opened his eyes from a static state of perception. In three days, he had fully comprehended his own avenue, and his realm had reached the ‘Holy Realm Peak’. Unfortunately, he had wanted to hold on for a few days, but he hadn’t made any progress.

Can only give up.


Su Jin had the vision of the Southern Heaven Gate of the'Gu Tian Ting' and strode out.

Purple Qi is coming! A dazzling sun gradually rose from the east.

The sea is blue, and there are clouds here, and it seems that they can be reached by raising their hands. Su Jin looked at the surrounding islands, and thought to himself: "I am hitting randomly now, I don't know how powerful it is."

Just do it!

Su Jin slowly squatted down, gently placed his palms on the ground of the island, a little bit of strength, and slightly pressed——


This island was directly turned into ashes, and the surrounding sea water became a ‘bowl’-shaped air wave, which was spreading far away. Su Jin felt like an ant in it!

Although Su Jin knew that he had made great progress, he had never expected that his power would be so strong. He is only in the "Holy Realm" now, and I don't know what realm he will reach in the future!

Without thinking, Su Jin's eyes flickered coldly, and he said coldly:

"Da Zhou, Da Yan, Chi Lan! I will destroy you now!"

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