My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1703: set off! (1/4)

Su Jin has decided.

He intends to leave immediately and first go to grasp Dayan Kingdom among the three kingdoms.

The country’s strong ancestors are dead, and they are the easiest to be wiped out. They belong to the Eastern Region. Before that, he would take Concubine Nie Qian and send Li Bicheng in the Fate Gourd when he passed by the'Ziju County' Back.

Su Jin's face was plain, and his powerful temperament was unforgettable. He raised his hand and sent out a small black boat against the wind——

The Nine Elephants Flying Boat rises in the wind! But after a few breaths, it has grown into a wild ship with the word ‘Zhen’, Su Jin jumped up in one step and started his journey.

The warship went west and hurried towards the'Kunlun Mountain'.

For the past three days, Nie Qianfei has not been very happy. On the first night, she stood on the snow-capped mountain and looked east. When the cold wind was drenching and the night opened, she did not see Su Jin coming.

The next day, Su Jin's most promising day, she waited for another day, but the person still did not appear.

She used to be the most active in the mountains, but now she has no interest at all. On the third day, she stayed in the room abnormally, locked the door, and sat in front of the window with her fists on her cheeks. She was in a daze for two hours. A mother has been here to comfort myself.

It seems... that person is becoming increasingly impossible.

Nie Qianfei changed into a green gauze dress that was quite a heroine. It was a vibrant and energetic youthful color. When she wore it, she looked forward to a fresh goddess.

"It's been three days, and today is the fourth day." Nie Qianfei sighed. She didn't even have the appetite for the breakfast delivered by her junior sister. The breakfast had already been chilled on the table.

Concubine Nie Qian's handsome face is full of helplessness, her eyebrows are outlined, her big eyes are disappointed, and her fingers are curled around the strand of long hair in front of her.

The baby feels wronged! But the baby can't tell people! Nie Qianfei's lips pursed slightly, and a layer of mist formed in her big eyes.


Originally, a huge sound like an avalanche appeared. This kind of sound could be heard for a long time in Kunlun Mountain. Nie Qianfei instinctively took a glance at the small window, suddenly opened her eyes, with a surprised expression on her face, and stood fiercely. Up.

Come on!

Nie Qianfei turned and rushed out of the door, standing in front of the room, waving her arms, cheering.

The **** ship with the word "I" was so wild. Once it appeared at this moment, it directly alarmed all the people of the "Kunlun Sword Sect". First of all, Master Nie came out and went to his daughter.

On the bow of the boat, Su Jin unfolded the folding fan of the mountain **** and Dachuan map, and slowly fanned it in front of him.

"So handsome—" At the corner of a few stone houses, several Kunlun female disciples poked their heads out and watched nervously.

"Yes, I heard that Senior Su was young and had already entered the Holy Realm. Even the sect master felt invincible. Sooner or later it would become the pride of China." A female disciple admired.

"Senior Su's cultivation speed is really enviable. I haven't even reached the infant and fairy stage. I don't know when I will be as good as him."

"It can't be compared. I heard that Senior Su will take her senior sister to the illusory spiritual holy land this time. If we had this opportunity, it would be nice."

"Efforts will definitely work!"

"I'm a big boat, isn't Senior Su being so swagger outside? It's too tough!" There is also a female disciple with a timid expression, but there is no lack of admiration in her tone.

At this moment, Su Jin, who was standing on the bow, looked at Concubine Nie below, with a curious expression on his face, and said, "Sister Qian Concubine, seems to be thinner—"

"No, no." Nie Qianfei said, she didn't dare to stare at Su Jin's eyes. She thought that Su Jin would not come to pick her up, and thought that taking her to the outside world was just an excuse to leave. Who knew he really came on the fourth day.

"My nephew, the little girl's experience outside the territory is up to you." Although the master Nie is middle-aged, but now he has a feeling of a fairy style, he arched his hands at Su Jin.

Although Sect Master Nie has never been outside the territory, he is also very clear that there is no shortage of slaughter and blood-drinking in all sacred places of cultivation, and he does not want his daughter to be outside.

Su Jin hesitated a bit, but nodded. After all, the "Enlightenment Tree" he planted by the fairy pond was originally a thing of Kunlun. He was soft-handed and short-mouthed. He was speculative and apologized. , As for protecting Nie Qianfei, he considered it and thought it was no problem at all.

At that time, it's a big deal to find a strong holy realm to protect her.

"Sister Qianfei, please!" Su Jin folded his fan and made an invitation gesture.

"Hmm!" Nie Qianfei was a little excited when she went to such a remote place for the first time. She flew above her body and slowly landed on the deck.

If you don’t stand on it, you don’t know how magnificent it is. This warship is like a mountain. She waved her hand at her father from a high position and shouted: "Daddy! I will be back soon!"

Sect Master Nie was also very excited and waved at his daughter.

Su Jin drove the Nine Elephants Flying Boat and drove the'Kunlun' directly in the air, and it was dozens of miles away in the blink of an eye, and then in the blink of an eye, it has completely disappeared——

Leaving Kunlun.

"I, I thought you weren't coming anymore." Nie Qianfei's past vigorous energy, in front of the senior Su in front of her, has been completely behaved, she said with a small mouth.

"I forgot the time to practice, forgive me." Su Jin felt that he still had some problems, but only because the'Enlightenment Tree' was too mysterious, otherwise he should come to Kunlun to pick her up between the second and the third day. .

"Outside of the field, what is it like..." Nie Qianfei's cui skirt was waving in the wind, and a strand of ink hair was scratched at the corner of her mouth. She was stroking her hand behind her ear, and her eyes looked far away, looking forward to her.

"I'll know when I go. It's much more wonderful than Huaxia in the region." Su Jin nodded.

"Really? Don't lie to me, there are still many strange things in our domain. A few days ago, you forgot, the mud girl riding the pangolin king..." Nie Qianfei said.

Mud girl?

How could Su Jin forget that the mountain armor demon king, according to the level of the human race, is a strong saint king, and at the level of the demon race, it is also the level of the demon king, but that mud girl can actually ride it around. More importantly, Daughter-in-law Yu Xuan Ji can be imprisoned.

The identity of the mud girl has always been the most puzzled by Su Jin, even reaching an unbelievable point.

"Of course I remember." Su Jin and Nie Qianfei said, he was paying attention to the fluttering Nie Qianfei, his eyes were on her, and he kept looking at her.

This girl is really beautiful. Standing at the bow of the ship, she seemed to be a fairy who wanted to fly away, dressed in a green dress, fresh and beautiful, if she didn't have a good figure like the sky, she would never show her temperament so vividly.

"I know what she is--" Nie Qianfei said suddenly.

Su Jinmeng has sharp eyes! Did Nie Qianfei know the identity of the mud girl?

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