My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1704: Surprised to stupid (2/4)

"Oh? Tell me about it."

Su Jin was a little expectant, he didn't believe anyone knew, after all, that mud girl was too mysterious, and should never appear in front of the public.

"My father told me." Nie Qianfei's expression relaxed, "Want to know, I won't tell you--"

"Go outside the territory, you'd better be a little behaved to me, otherwise I will throw you down now." Su Jin said lightly.

Don't tell me? How does that work! He could really do it and threw Nie Qianfei off the Nine Elephants Flying Boat.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you." Nie Qianfei took a deep breath and said, "My father checked the literature. It appeared once 800 years ago."

"Then her identity?" Su Jin was surprised.

"The incarnation of the mother of the earth, the mansion of the innate god. It is said that the mother of the earth guards this Chinese continent and is transformed by the avenue. She only has the memory of a stick of incense."

Su Jin shocked——

I can't guess it anyway.

I can't even think of it, the mud girl with the catchphrase "babble babble" turned out to be the incarnation of the mother of the earth, it is no wonder that he can ride the demon king and trap her grandfather Yu Xuanji! However, can I see her in the future? Su Jin felt a little solemn.

After passing through the ancient continent, when he was chased and killed by the old stone man, the Buddha body world he had visited, the stone monk told him that in the near future, both inside and outside the Huaxia Territory, there will be no more. Existence, what will be the final result of that mud girl.

Su Jin clenched his fists unconsciously.

China still has time! In the near future, if no one can protect it, he will guard this lovely land! No matter, who is the one who wants to annihilate China!

"I see." Su Jin glanced at Concubine Nie Qian, turned around and walked to the table on the deck, and sat down.

"Oh, why did the atmosphere suddenly become so dignified? What have you been thinking about again." Nie Qianfei followed and sat beside Su Jin, supporting her chin with her fist, tilting her head and looking at Master Su.

In his eyes, he was a little fascinated.

What kind of man is this, not to mention the shocking speed of cultivation, even his temperament is so charming.

"After going outside the territory, I will find someone to protect you. When that happens, remember not to cause trouble to me." Su Jin is worried that this girl's hot temper is easy to provoke people, but the strength and fist are not big, and then something will happen. Come on, die outside...

How did he explain to Master Nie when he came back?

"Isn't it good for me to be by your side?" Nie Qianfei had her own careful thoughts.

"I have big things to do." Su Jin shook his head flatly.

"Predecessors~~" Nie Qianfei showed an expression that is rarely seen, and grabbed Su Jin's arm by the table with both hands, and said pitifully: "I first went outside the territory without relatives and reasons, and I don't know anything, you Just take me by your side."

Su Jin smiled.

The distance between the two now is only twenty centimeters. The slim and exquisite sister Qianfei wrapped in a green skirt, with a faint scent, drills in with her breath, convulsing her soul--

"No." Su Jin was still like that, absolutely impossible.

"Huh!" Nie Qianfei loosened his arm, turned around, turned her back to Su Jin, obviously a little angry.

The atmosphere was slightly silent. After a while, Nie Qianfei's heart suddenly jumped, and the skirt she was wearing only reached above her knees, and now Su Jin actually...

She actually put her hand on her knee and touched the snow-colored skin that covered a few inches~~~

"If someone protects you, it will also be wonderful outside the territory. My business is not something you can participate in." Su Jin squeezed her leg, and she was about to hold it with one hand. One can imagine how delicate the beauty is, the key to this girl It also makes people feel skinny.

Nie Qianfei tensed her body, suffocated her breath on both sides of her powder cheeks, then chuckled, turned around, with a touch of shame in her eyes, and said, "Men are not good things--"

"Whatever you say." Su Jin felt the feeling on his hands.

"Senior! Are you famous outside the territory?" Nie Qianfei didn't dislike Su Jin putting her hand on her lap, but asked curiously.

"How do you know?" Su Jin asked unexpectedly.

"Guess it!" Nie Qianfei nodded in a sonorous tone.

"You will know then."

Su Jin shrugged, now if I tell Concubine Nie Qian, I'm afraid this girl will be scared!

"Just tell me~~"

"Low-key can have connotation."

"Are you low-key? Why don't I believe it—"

"believe it or not."


The two sat on the flying boat of Nine Elephants, chatting sentence by sentence. Su Jin used words to bully Nie Qianfei from time to time. For example, the girl's body standard, where is the scale that meets the human aesthetics, and often trouble Nie Qianfei The face was flushed, and it directly made Little Sister Qianfei feel... This guy knows so much!

Nine Elephants Flying Boat, drove quickly to the Western Desert——

after an hour.

In the temple deep in the western desert, Su Jin put away the Nine Elephants Flying Boat, the two landed on the portal of the teleportation formation, and threw them into the spirit crystal. In the excited eyes of Nie Qianfei, the two disappeared into the domain together~~~

Purple County in Izumo 13 Prefectures!

In the gate of the city, Guanghua's figure flickered constantly, Nie Qianfei cast a suspicious and surprise look, and walked out with Su Jin——

"Is this a foreign country?" Nie Qianfei felt so special.

"It's just a drop in the ocean outside the territory, just a corner of the frontier." Su Jin knew that Concubine Nie Qian would be curious.

"Wow, it's so big outside the region!" Nie Qianfei was surprised.

Immediately there were a few monks looking at her weirdly. This kind of words made people feel like an old hat. They were obviously outsiders and had never seen the world.

Su Jin secretly has a headache, I don't know what to say, can he not be so loud, he now feels far away from Concubine Nie Qian, and wants to shout at others, I don't know her!

"Keep your voice down." Su Jin coughed slightly. He was somehow a character outside the territory, and he couldn't damage his image because of Fei Nie Qian.

"Alright." Nie Qianfei pouted at Su Jin, and then she asked optimistically: "Where shall we go next?"

"Go to the restaurant--" Su Jin gestured to the hotel a hundred meters away, where all were places for people to rest. Because it was close to the teleportation array, business would be much better, and of course it would be expensive. However, Young Master Su didn't care.

"The sun is so big, let's live now? Don't you want to go around the city?" Nie Qianfei asked.

"I'm arranging you to live in the restaurant, I have another business to do." Su Jin took it and said clearly.

What Su Jin wants to do is naturally because of Li Bicheng, who will send her to Jiujiang Water Mansion later. God knows how uncomfortable Palace Master Jiujiang is because of the pain of losing her daughter. For Palace Master Jiujiang, Su Shao’s overall impression is pretty good. .

Nie Qianfei's face was reluctant, thinking why Su Jin was so busy, she immediately said: "I'm hungry! Stay in the shop!"

Immediately, Su Jin took her into the best restaurant nearby, "Yuntianzhai".

The two chose a position by the window and ordered food, but they had just sat down shortly after—

"Have you heard, something has happened!" There was a bearded young man outside the three tables, said mysteriously.

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