My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1716: I want to live

In the early morning when the sun was just showing up.

Su Jin looked at the purple double coffin, it turned out to be completely dark.

However, like a projection lamp, with the emergence of the first sun, the body of a small **** the right gradually became clear, with long purple hair and a gorgeous red wedding dress.

The corpse was on its side, curled to the left. In fact, there was no corpse in the space left on the left, but from her curled up figure, it seemed that she could feel warmth.

"Her ears." After Xiao Umbrella said four words, she fell into silence.

Su Jin naturally noticed that the purple-haired girl’s ears were crystal clear and slightly pointed, no trace of death could be seen on her face, her complexion was milky white, her lips were rosy——

"Male left and female right, the double coffin is still one person short." Su Jin muttered to himself.

"It's you." Xiao Umbrella said.

"If this is the case, why does she extend my life for ten days?"

Not only Su Jin was puzzled, but even the small umbrella felt very strange. That day, that year, before this woman lay in the coffin, she used the'big wish technique' to make a wish. This double coffin should be a wish to die. It's right to sleep together later, why do you want to extend Su Jin's life?

"Possibly, maybe on that distant day, this girl counts that you still have a chance to live." Xiao Umbrella can only guess in this way to explain why Su Jin continued his life.

"How to do that is the way to survive? I don't even know who she is." Su Jin was somewhat reticent.

"She has something to do with you. It’s certainly true. It’s not impossible to change your fate against the sky. It’s just too difficult. For example, if you’re still alive, it’s because that day far ago, this invincible power could help you. The promised'big wish technique' changed."

"I can't think of how to survive." Su Jin stared at her like sleeping eyes, but he was a little anxious.

He didn't know where it was.

Su Jin knew that he only had ten days. How to do it, how to do it right, has become the key. He was firm against the sky. When he was in Zhongmiaoshan, he was destined to die in that catastrophe, but because of the fate of the eternal ancestor of Yongle——

I only survived and walked to the present.

But this time it was more difficult than last time, and he couldn't see any hint.

Slowly, Su Jin shook his whole body slightly. He stood in front of the purple double coffin, with a touch of palpitations in his pupils. There seemed to be more scenes in his vision!


With the patter of rain floating in his ears, a scene of emerald green appeared in Su Jin's mind, slowly, he couldn't help closing his eyes——

It was a scene of heavy rain, with raindrops larger than soybeans hitting a sea of ​​bamboos. The strong wind blew each bamboo and bends over. Dark clouds billowed in the sky, lightning and thunder continued to appear, and the lightning flashed out half of the sky!

A scholar dressed in a blue shirt, carrying a book basket, was a little embarrassed. He was pulling a black donkey with nothing on his back, but the book basket was obviously heavy.

Finally tens of meters away, the scholar saw a ruined temple, hurriedly pulled the black donkey, hid in the ruined temple, and a fire started.

When the scholar took off his clothes, raised his arms to wipe his face thick, his shabby green robe was hung by the fire, and there were a dozen books covered in the basket. He held a steamed bun in one hand and a roll in the other.

"Fool, fool--" a quiet female voice appeared.

However, the scholar was immersed in the sea of ​​books and could not detect it. At night, the wind was like a ghost crying outside. He suddenly felt bad, and hurriedly walked to the statue of ghosts and gods to worship, and then fell asleep by the fire.

Su Jin's mind is now booming, and he is so shocked that he can't be added. Isn't that the scholar who looks like himself?

and also! In front of the ruined temple gate, the face of a girl with purple hair stuck out.

The scene was changed, but soon after a thousand miles away, the "Wangjiacun" blew up the suona. The scholar went to Beijing to rush for the exam. He liked the top prize and brought back the princess... The appearance of that princess, in Su Jin's view, is not this Who is the woman.

That life was very complete.

In another life, in front of the pork stall, the purple girl looked like a pork Xi Tzu. She was chopping pork bones on the street. A young man reached out and found her purse "stolen" and was directly chased by the purple-haired girl. The thief was a few blocks away.

That thief...

Looks like you are now! That life was very ordinary.

In such a lifetime, I don't know how many times there have been, a girl with purple hair can always meet herself, no matter who he is and what identity he is.

"Read the whole world and accompany you for three thousand lives. In the end, it's all parting. I made a long-cherished wish that we will be together forever in that lifetime and that day."

In the final scene, the girl with purple hair builds her own fairy tomb, refines thousands of star lanterns, cuts off two dragons, and uses her head to town the tomb, waiting for the day to come.

Su Jin couldn't help taking a step back.

Restored to normal expression state.

"I saw!"

Su Jin quickly scanned all the scene memories. The information was so big that it made his head burst. He hugged his head and roared: "Three thousand lives are the deepest memories, but for the first life, I tried hard to see it. It's hazy, I can't really see it!"

The torrential rain in the bamboo forest in the first act was not the first life, but the third life. At that time, the purple-haired girl was not desperate, but Su Jin saw the terrifying hazy scene at the end—

"It turns out that you have been on the road against the sky until now. Three thousand reincarnations have not yet succeeded." Xiao Umbrella was horrified.

Xiao Umbrella doesn't know how many lifetimes Su Jin has reincarnated, and the era of the last of those three thousand lifetimes has just begun.

"My life seems to be in that first life, I can't see clearly!" Su Jin's expression was sullen. During this period, he unknowingly put his hand on the sarcophagus, now he let go of his hand and turned around.

"What should I do now?" Xiao Umbrella sighed.

"I don't know." Su Jin tried to think back, but in the hazy scene of the first life, there was a red and yellow color, in which he seemed to be on a road against the sky.

Those three thousand years of reincarnation, who on earth was he back then, why did he reincarnate for so many lives, so defying the sky has not yet succeeded——

"Back then, you seemed to be wrapped in a scroll, and the red and yellow color should be from the scroll--" Xiao Umbrella also saw the scene.

"Did you see it too? On the red and yellow scroll, three words faintly appeared, I can't see what it is." Su Jin's face was a little ugly.

"This purple-haired goddess's corpse, made a wish, it should have seen the future today. This life may be your last life. Sure enough, she guessed right. With your current situation, your life is exhausted. Burning the true spirit, it is impossible to go to reincarnation at all."

"Give me ten days, just to let me feel what she did to me back then?" Su Jin was very unwilling.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I want to live."

"almost impossible."

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