My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1717: Time is running out

"There must be a way."

Su Jin found it ridiculous, because when he said this, he didn't even believe it.

Before the purple-haired goddess died that year, she made the wish of being in the same coffin with him in the last life. How could it be wrong to perform the "big wish technique" with a powerful person like the purple-haired goddess. Obviously there is no way out.

"Ten days, ten days, do whatever you want!" Xiao Umbrella sighed in Su Jin's mind.

A strong person like the Zifa Goddess has exceeded Xiao Umbrella's expectations. It suspects that the realm before her death is at least the grade of the first emperor. Otherwise, how could it continue to appear deliberately and forge a marriage with Su Jin for three thousand generations?

"What about after ten days--" Su Jin asked blankly.

"I am also curious as to what you will choose for these ten days, whether to stay here and bury yourself. Or leave and fall within the Huaxia Territory."

"Count and count, but I didn't count that I died in the hands of Princess Lingyu."

Su Jin smiled bitterly and shook his head, but he immediately took a deep breath, "I have ten days to wait for death here. Even if I know I will die, I will die vigorously!"

"You have given up yourself?" Xiao Umbrella asked.

"No, never give up! But I still have things to do!"

"Go to see your rain smoke?"

"More than this."

"then you--"

"Da Zhou and Chi Lan, I must get rid of them! And I won't let it go, Little King Jinpeng."

"Whatever, you are happy."

What else can the small umbrella say? Ten days seem to be able to do a lot of things, but to do this, it is obviously not enough.

Slowly, Su Jin walked off the stone platform, but then he shook his body and looked up in a daze.

"Stay~~~" The vague female voice, with a weak and hoarse voice, came from the purple double coffin embedded in the stone platform——

"I can't stay!" Su Jin turned around and shouted at the double coffin.

In the purple double coffin, there was silence for a while, and the weak and hoarse voice slowly said: "Your great cause has not been achieved, and your aspirations have not been paid. If you want to accomplish the almost impossible thing, I will trace your six circuits and spend three thousand lives with you. The beauty of...Although, I know that the person with you in the end is not me."

"Are you still alive—" Su Jin was silent after speaking.

"Before the deadline, I have only used the'big wish technique' once in my life. It is not that you come to sleep with me, but that you must succeed... Your last life is on the right, it is to seal..."

She was so weak that she was panting, just like the great wish she made before she left. She didn't answer Su Jin's words. She was obviously dead. This was just a spiritual wish left over from that day in the previous life.

"What?" Su Jin discerned carefully, but the weak voice was only once, and the words that followed were covered by the Dadao, making it difficult to hear.

"I didn't hear clearly either. Obviously the words behind it were covered by Heaven. Obviously, it is impossible for you to live." Xiao Umbrella cried secretly as it was a pity when she said it.

"Obviously, obviously there is still a way out. I must find it out." Su Jin's face showed joy, "At least now I know the way to live is on the right!"

"Is it to the right of this fairy tomb, or go to the right?" Xiao Umbrella asked.

Su Jin:...

How can I guess? Su Jin didn't answer Xiao Umbrella, because he didn't know, he walked to the right side of the stone platform, but it was the same sentence: "Chuan Tobacco, the city is full of wind, and the plum is Huang Shiyu."

This sentence does not seem to be wrong at all, and there is no hint.

"Does it mean my right hand?" Su Jin looked at the palm of his hand. He knew that there was a "Emperor Origin" in it, so he guessed.

"It doesn't feel like it is, let's take a walk on the right side of a fairy tomb—" Xiao Umbrella sighed.

"Stay steady, there must be something to discover."

Su Jin knew that he couldn't go to the doctor in a hurry, and guessing would be a waste of time. He felt that Xiao Umbrella was right, so he went to the right and tried it!

Starting to walk to the right side of the fairy tomb, Su Jin faintly looked forward to it, but there was an empty void along the way, and there were some broken stones outside, which was not found, and when he reached the end on the right, he looked even more There are a few star lights.

If you leave again, you will be out of this fairy tomb——

"It's impossible to find a ray of life," Xiao Umbrella said with great regret. It felt that the most important thing was that it should be hidden by the avenue. No matter how witty the way of life goes to the right, it can't be broken, even if Su Jin used pupil technique to wipe out. Did not find any clues.

"Let's go out." Su Jin knew that wasting time like this was not a solution at all, he had run out of time.

"Let's go!" Xiao Umbrella stopped talking, hiding in the depths of Su Jin's spiritual sea, and no longer chose to appear.

Su Jin stepped past the starlight and looked back at the coffin on the stone platform of the fairy tomb. The purple-haired goddess was an infatuated woman who had been with her for three thousand lives. In each life, she deliberately formed a marriage relationship with herself. He was still more emotional , But he can't come back here...


When he took his gaze back, Su Jin's eyes flashed brightly when he turned sideways. The star lamp next to him, like the other star lamps, was still on, but there was no wind at the moment, why did the lamp drift to the right?

Su Jin's heart was ecstatic, and the prison eye of Maha Town swept all the star lights, all the 999 star lights were the same, and the light bean turned to the right!

This also means that the path of life is not in this fairy tomb, and he will guide himself to continue to the right!

Go right!

Su Jin didn't look back, and swept to the right. If he caught the glimmer of life, those forces and enemies who wanted to die would definitely have to take back that smile!

Thousands of miles--

Already thousands of miles away from the immortal tomb, Su Jin stepped on a ripple and walked out completely.

The distance is lush and green, with green trees forming a forest. Thousands of miles away, Su Jin’s eyes lit up. It turns out that he hadn't been taken far away. Isn’t that Jiuyou Jedi thousands of miles away?

Heaven and earth are furnaces, sacred mountains are incense! The three sacred mountains were manifested in the "Maha Town Prison Eye", and Su Jin's eyes were shining brightly, meaning that his life was on the right. Could it be that ten days later, when he died, he had to choose to sit in those three sacred mountains. ?

There is a 20% chance!

Su Jin's face looked like chicken blood, he knew that if he made the wrong choice, he would die, but he could only plan like this! He always felt that there was a problem with the word "Feng", and the words that followed were not really heard at all, so he was not allowed to hear it.

"Ten days later, I chose to die among the three sacred mountains!" Su Jin took a deep breath. He made up his mind, but instead of choosing to go to the three sacred mountains, he turned around and hurried towards Chilan Kingdom——

In this way, one day passed.

On this day, many things happened. The big disciple of Shenyang Palace in Chilan, the big disciple "He Qing" who had obtained the mansion from the ancient continent, was killed...

The opponent used the'Kunpeng Technique' to fight against the sky, killing He Qing in one blow, and Shenyang Palace directly declared war on the Jinpeng clan!

After the little king Jinpeng learned about it, he vomited blood with anger, and he was directly confused~~~

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