My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1718: Let's booze in a bar!

Chilan Kingdom, the city of Barbarian Kings.

The city of Barbarian King is not the capital of Chilan Kingdom. This country has a sturdy folk style, just like an uncivilized barbarian, who doesn't care about the colorful world of flowers and flowers. You can see sturdy men with bare arms everywhere on the street.

Eating animal meat and drinking alcohol all day, a man can't even think about it!

In the lion's head gate-like restaurant, the decoration is simple and generous, the benches are short and long tables, the wine and meat are fragrant, and the taste of spirits will make people who do not drink much will feel a pungent.

"Shenyang Palace, this time I went with the Jinpeng clan of the Outer Wilderness! The only genius who obtained the Divine Mansion, was killed by the little king Jinpeng. This hatred is not shared—"

There was a monk with strong shoulders with a circle of white fangs hanging around his neck to communicate with others.

"Little King Jinpeng is the one who got the remains of Kunpeng, combined with his Kunpeng bloodline, as soon as the'Kunpeng Art' that beats the sky came out, he directly killed that He Qing. I heard that He Qing and King Jinpeng yesterday Late in the'Yanyuelou' recruiting prostitutes, the fight between the two who grabbed the first card—"

"Wow, Little King Jinpeng still has this kind of grace, but with his current ability, except for a limited number of people, he can indeed be invincible."

"There was news from Shenyang Palace this morning that the Jinpeng clan said that the Jinpeng little prince did not kill He Qing, and this is doubtful."

"Isn't Jinpeng Little Prince? Who is the only one in the world who knows the'Kun Peng Shu'!"

"Yeah, where is Shenyang Palace willing? Even the strong of their ancestral realm gave orders to kill Jinpeng to cook, chase down Jinpeng Little Lord, and plan to roast his Peng Wing——"

"Now that Emperor Su is dead, Little King Jinpeng is indeed arrogant." Someone said.

"Tianzi Su... is he really dead?"

"Dead, this genius died young. It is a pity that the entire Dayan imperial city was destroyed, but some people saw it with their own eyes. He ignited the true spirit, exhausted his lifespan, and was burned. It’s a fan."

"It's a pity, it's a pity! The peerless genius who crushed the three holy kings died, and the other opponents should laugh!"

"More than just laughing, Dayan, including our Chilan, has been setting off firecrackers for more than a day. There are banquets on several streets in the Imperial City of Dazhou. It is said that it is the three days of Daqing. Anyone can go to taste wine and food. ~~~"

"Don't talk about Da Zhou, let’s take Chilan as an example. The emperor directly issued a pardon order to amnesty the world. Many prisoners who performed well were released. And today, we will have a feast for seven days at the gate of noon. Do you want to eat?"

The chatting in the restaurant was full of enthusiasm, but he didn't even notice. A young man in white robe by the window in the corner was slowly holding a jar of wine and poured it into the wine glass in front of him.

The white robe youth is Su Jin! He changed his appearance with the dragon scale mask presented by Zulong. When he came to Chilan yesterday, he found out that He Qing, "Shenyang Palace", had obtained the inheritance of the divine residence, and found this person, and followed the "Smoke Moon Tower".

Therefore, he turned into the appearance of the little king of Jinpeng, blacked the character of the little king of Jinpeng for a while, and robbed the arrogant and arrogant He Qing for the top card of "Yanyuelou" and killed him.

As for now, Su Jin is drinking wine and listening to other people's conversations, seemingly listening, it’s kind of interesting--

They are dead, how happy Dayan and Chi Lan are!

Laugh, laugh!

I can't laugh for long anyway--

Su Jin drank strong wine, which he was not used to drinking, it was very spicy, but it could reflect the pride of the barbarians, and he had a different taste in his heart.

"There's still half an hour to go, hurry up, anyway, a free banquet, don't eat nothing, don't eat!" A monk got up with a smile on his face.

"Go away, the royal banquet hasn't been eaten yet."

"Go! Really look forward to it."

Immediately people walked out of the building, two shop assistants ran over, some hurriedly picked up, and kept casting strange eyes at Su Jin, clearing the table.

Finally one of the younger brothers smiled and said, "Guest, the Royal Banquet'Noon Gate', won't you go?"

"Why don't you go?" Su Jin smiled.

Immediately, the two younger brothers flushed, and the younger second who was talking to Su Jin whispered: "Guest, you don’t want to go~~We’re not going to—"

"Well, I'll be fine right away. By the way, you have to go anyway. The general guarding the street today is a deceased friend or relative of mine. He has a trust to take me with him, but I am leaving in a hurry. You can help Can I bring it?"

Su Jin flipped his hand and grabbed a handful of spirit crystals and placed it on the table. At the same night, when he was resting, the written scroll had already appeared.

"No! No problem—" The two younger brothers became excited.

Mot! This guest official made a shocking move, so there should be at least ten spirit crystals. Since they became the second in the shop, they have never seen such a generous guest!

Su Jin nodded slowly, got up and grabbed the wine jar. He didn't blow away the wine, his body was slightly shaken, drinking the wine jar from time to time, and stepped out of the lion's head restaurant.

"It must be drunk. I didn't expect this errand to be so cheap for us! Split equally! Don't let the shopkeeper know!" The little brother was so excited that he quickly divided the spirit crystals and took the scroll.

How happy is life, and how afraid is death! A jar of wine, drunk, and happy to die! Su Jin's white robe walks on the street, sometimes floating in steps, and chanting poetry when drinking:

"I was shocked by the alcohol and fell asleep heavily, and the gambling book made the smell of tea spilled. At that time, it was only normal...Let's booze in a bar!

"Neurotic~~~!" The passing monk, with a strange expression on his face, kept rushing towards the ‘Noon Gate’, where there was a big feast, and he wanted to grab a seat quickly.


Su Jin laughed, didn't care, and walked slowly.

Not long after, Su Jin disappeared in an alley, the wine jar in his hand was thrown on the wall by him, and then he took out another jar from the bone ring, behaving very boldly.

Time passed slowly--

There are thousands of soldiers guarding the'Noon Gate', and that street is full of tables. I don't know how many black monks are in it, and there are so many people here that it is beyond description.

This time Emperor Chilan invited thousands of cooks to make a big table banquet to celebrate the death of Emperor Su. Among the thousands of soldiers, only one person with the appearance of a small second was let in by soldiers.

What the relatives of the general entrusted, who dares to slack off, immediately Xiao Er met the family of the three-generation general, Yan Bin...

Yan Bin was still a little strange, but still took the scroll and opened it gently——

He immediately changed his face! The scroll in his hand was like a living thing, he couldn't control it, so he just let it out, and the scroll flew to the sky!

It seems that there is some traction, the world begins to dim, the wind and clouds are surging, and all the black clouds are rolling in, but the scroll is bright and dazzling, even...

It turned out to be a Taoist edict!

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