My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1727: Who moved the weak water **** coffin

Kill me like a dog?

Su Jin smiled slightly, and shook his left hand fiercely. When he was not strong before, someone disobeyed him like this, maybe he could still laugh it off.

but now--

He is not allowed!

Outside the domain, only the strong have the right to speak!


As Su Jin shook his left fist fiercely, the sleeve of his left arm was shattered into ashes, and the catalogue of flowing lava on it began to glow fiercely, and a red stone dragon turned directly above Su Jin's head. The head of the red stone dragon is lifelike, and the body is 80 thousand feet!

As he lowered his head, the huge dragon head roared at the two immortal ancestors of Beidou and King Kong. The heat waves visible to the naked eye almost knocked them to the ground——

With just one operation, it has changed the color of King Kong Xianzu and Beidou Xianzu!

"This, this is in the legend..." Immortal ancestor Beidou gasped, and his heart began to tremble. He was very knowledgeable, and Confucianism had become an ancestor, and he had terrible guesses directly.

"What's in the legend?" Immortal Ancestor King Kong felt a kind of palpitations, and that feeling made him want to turn around and flee immediately!

"The Zulong Book of Heaven--" Beidou Xianzu said each word. When he said these four words, he himself did not believe what he said.

But this truth is now more and more in line with speculation.

The faces of the others were a little confused, except for their limited powers and their faces were shocked. For example, the younger generations such as Jiang Ruyi and Bai Baobao were all confused.

Immortal Ancestor King Kong was stunned, forcibly suppressing the tremor in his mind, and quietly transmitted a sentence: "Now that Tianzi Su has become a small master, it is difficult to control it. In addition, there is a Ksitigarbah here. We have no advantage. We are not as good as the current one. Go back and make long-term discussions."

"it is good!"

Immortal Ancestor Beidou nodded, Immortal King Kong's meaning coincided with him. Years of tacit understanding made him directly show a tria garment on his body, and a seven-star pattern appeared on his body. He lightly touched Immortal King Kong's ancestor with his hand. Wrapped in the gossip seven-star Taoist figure, about to move back to the sacred place of Yaochi!

"Where to go?"

Eighty thousand zhang red ancestral dragons encircled this area and completely confined this area. Su Jin reached the realm of the Saint King, and he was still the Saint King! The power of the Zulong Book of Heaven began to be truly revealed, full of domineering flavor!

"Little Saint King, the two of me have already become ancestors, you can't stop me!" The ancestor Beidou was angered, and the seven-star Taoist clothes wrapped around him began to light up one by one, and he was about to leave.

"Really? I let you two go, but you two need to leave something—"

Su Jin knew that the red ancestor dragon was not ineffective, and he dragged the two of them away, and then he showed off his "Happy Streaming Light Technique", and forty-five virtual and real figures began to come together!

Now that Su Jin has broken through, this extremely handsome body style has also changed accordingly. When he is chaotically around, Su Tianzi can almost move as he wants, and can be fake!

Forty-five figures, each of which has a different posture and expression, with finger swords, sitting cross-legged and enlightening, and even more like a flying fairy from the sky!

However, Su Jin is a giant sage soldier holding an '18 thousand catties', moving around the two immortal ancestors, the speed is so fast that it is dazzling!

"What kind of technique is this!" Immortal Ancestor King Kong was enveloped by a white gourd, but he couldn't keep up with Su Tianzi's speed!

The Immortal Ancestor of the Big Dipper and the Immortal King Kong, with amazement on their faces, raised their hands in unison, pointing to the world, becoming the illusion of the ancestral realm, and wanting to leave forcibly!


The 18 thousand catties of the Juque Saint Soldier was actually danced by Su Jin until the moment, the ‘mountain pattern’ was slow and clear at that moment, but it swept their arms with incomparable precision!

Cut it off!

Cut off the right arms of the two ancestors with one sword!

"What a wicked obstacle!"

Immortal Ancestor Beidou was anxious. Like Immortal King Kong, after taking away his right arm with his left hand, the two figures turned into nothingness and moved away.

Jiang Ruyi, Bai Baobao, and Xi Louyue have a lot of splendor in the eyes, and the unworldly powerhouse is Su Tianzi! Among the young generation, who has this kind of courage, cut two powerful ancestors with one sword!

They all believed that Emperor Su had already begun to rise and was unstoppable!

In the depths of Bai Susu's eyes, there was a touch of fear, and he bowed his head and bowed first and said: "Congratulations to the master for breaking through, one step closer, to reach the Heavenly Defying Saint King Realm!"

Su Jin looked at it with indifferent eyes, a flash of cold light flashed through the corner of his eyes, don't think that he just broke through the life and death barrier, he didn't understand other things! This woman still hopes to die!

"Your breakthrough today is indeed gratifying, but the fate of China's Great World has just arrived. If you have some free time, you can go to the underworld to tell you--" The Ksitigarbha King looked at Su Jin and said.

Su Jin arched his hands at him, nodded and said: "Definitely!"

However, Su Jin was a little moved in the words of the Ksitigarbha, is it true that Ksitigarbha has done anything, has the China Tribulation really arrived——

Miss Meng’s eyes are clear, and her beautiful face is full of smiles. She has witnessed Su Jin’s success. She did not speak at this moment. Even if she left with the Tibetan King, because she knew very well in her heart, Su Jin must know that she did the same. Will wait for him in hell!

The holy king of Lama is now relieved, his hands clasped together: "Little brother, disaster in the Great China World is about to occur, my Buddha is merciful, and cannot tolerate the prosperity of the devil's path. Now the eleventh of the sword is far away in the Miaoshan Mountain, the future demon, It takes the little brother to act to check and balance."

All wonderful mountains?

Su Jin's complexion changed, but after all he couldn't bear it? Last time in the north of Blizzard City, that sword eleven dug up a corpse of the ancient **** of May, now finally began to dig the corpse of the great statue?

"How did the predecessors know about this?" Su Jin's young man had a tiger body, and his hair reached the waist level. Now his hands clasped together, he has a different charm, but his face is a little solemn.

"After I came to Zen Enlightenment, I rushed to Void Sea two days ago and saw with my own eyes that the Yongle Bell was moved." After the Lama Holy King said, he bowed slightly, and the light of Buddha spread behind his back, reminding Queen Su Jin. He also left.

Su Jin gradually relaxed his brows, shook his head secretly, stepped into the void, and entered the Nine Heavens Sacred Palace——

After a half-pillar incense, a huge round wooden bathtub was placed in the room in a palace. Su Jin had his chest naked and a tiger's body photographed. Outside the bathtub, several charming girls were giggling and began to behave for Su. Jin scrubbed--

It is Bai Baobao, Jiang Ruyi, and the three daughters of Xilouyue!

Among them, Jiang Ruyi cut his hair for Su Tianzi, Bai Baobao was a little bit immature, and a little embarrassed, but Xi Louyue was constantly stretched out by Su Jin, holding up his chin, allowing people to see the breathtaking face!

But Su Jin didn't know now.

As early as this morning, a terrifying and terrifying event quietly spread in the Five Regions!

In the ancient continent wandering in the void, the coffin of the Weak Water Goddess was snatched away by a big snow-white hand that came out of the void, and the rest of the coffin crystal coffin was also taken away overnight—

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