My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1728: Wait for someone to come

Nine Heavens Palace.

Babe Bai covered her face, covered her beautiful eyes, and said in a murmured tone: "Oh, sister Yue, how can you play kiss with Big Brother Su——"

Just now, the scene that happened made Babe Bai extremely shy, Young Master Su lifted Xi Louyue's chin lightly, and then sister Yue blushed her little face and her cherry-like rosy mouth, and kissed her tenderly.

"What's the matter, you can do it too." Su Jin looked serious and looked at the handsome white baby, feeling that she was too conservative and could not keep up with the pace of the real society.

"Certainly, you can't." Bai Baobao looked at Su Jin from his fingers, "Big Brother Su, how are you?"

Su Jin:...

Is this bad?

Bai Baobab is like a green apricot that is completely immature, and doesn't understand the real human affection.

On the contrary, Jiang Ruyi and Xi Louyue are easier to let go. They belong to the kind of girl who knows their hearts. Moreover, Jiang Ruyi, the future patron of Luanfeng Pavilion, is already his person, and he does not feel strange.

There was silence at the scene, Su Jin stretched out his hand to Bai Baobao, and his fingertips slid from her hot face to Yu Neck and shoulders——

The green body allows Su Jin to feel the trembling from her body, maybe she is still unmanned, and she has a sense of curiosity and fear about this kind of thing.

Immediately, Babe Bai raised her heart to her throat, so she spit out in a hurry, her eyes widened, and she saw Su Jin's hand suddenly turning, reaching her waist, gently pulling it, and she approached Su Jin. With his bare chest, what does he want to do?

Babe Bai said with a nervous little mouth.

"Change clothes." Su Jin used the fingers of the other hand and scratched her nose before speaking lightly.

"Oh oh oh -" Babe Bai swallowed, turned around and brought the prepared clothes.

The next moment, the three women waited on the emperor Su to bathe and change clothes. Su Jin looked at the gold-patterned robe on her body, and suddenly felt a noble aura spreading over her body. It turns out that if the Buddha relies on gold clothing, and people rely on clothing, it is also very suitable for foreigners. I am afraid that this piece of clothing has no less than ten spiritual crystals!

Su Jin smiled slightly and saw Bai Baobao's face flushed like blood. In the process just now, this girl closed her eyes almost all the way, very shy.

"What are we doing now."

Bai Baobao blinked his eyes strangely, and his big eyes kept peeking at the big bed, thinking that Brother Su would not think about it in the daytime...think...

"Let's go out." Su Jin smiled lightly.

"What are you doing out?" Bai Baobab asked curiously.

"Master naturally has his thoughts, there is no need to ask more." Xi Louyue said softly.

"Sister Yue, people just ask, no other meaning, huh, Big Brother Su just wanted to kiss me, so I wouldn't let him kiss him. What a shame--" Babe Bai laughed and ran out first.

Jiang Ruyi and Xi Louyue looked at each other. The two women's eyes were filled with helpless expressions. Bai Baobao was still immature, and he was not afraid to offend Young Master Su. Fortunately, the master did not seem to care about it. Great tolerance.

The two women followed Su Jin out of this glorious palace. Outside, the white baby was in front of the railing, her hair was blown by the breeze, looking at the distant scenery, in a daze. It's been a long time to take it in Luanfeng Pavilion, and it's not bad to see other different scenery occasionally.

"I need to wait for one person, and the three of you don't follow." Wearing a gorgeous golden-patterned aristocratic robe, Su Jin jumped to the back of the old turtle at the front and bottom, and then sat on the ground.

The three women cast aside their doubts and looked at each other. They didn't know who Su Jin was waiting for, but now Su Tianzi is the boss here. Doing more and talking less is the right approach.

"Master he—"

After a while, Nine-Day Saint Ji Shiyao and Chu Ji appeared next to the three women. Seeing the turtle shell below, Su Jin was sitting on the ground, and the two Saint Ji suddenly became surprised.

"The master said he was waiting for someone to arrive." Xi Louyue nodded to the two Saints and said truthfully.

"Waiting for someone? Who will come here?" Shi Yao was surprised. She couldn't think of the identity of that person, but it was more important to think about it.

"We just waited with him, but it is not in vain. You three juniors, carefully observe the master, it is best to have some insights, that will be very good for your future." Chu Ji said, starting to watch Su Jin started.

The five beauties of national beauty all threw their beautiful eyes to Su Jin. The women knew very well in their hearts that Su Jin had no intention of giving up practice during this time of waiting!

"Buddha, Buddha light!" Bai Baobao was surprised, as if realizing that the voice was a little louder, she hurriedly shut up, her eyes shocked more than the others.

At this moment, three circles of awe-inspiring Buddha light spread out from behind Su Jin. It was different from when he was seriously injured long ago. His current Buddhist path is deep, but he feels that there is still a flaw, and he needs to make up now.

"The master's Buddhism has actually reached the realm of Heaven-defying Saint Buddha." Shi Yao gasped and said blankly.

I don’t know how many years the holy king of lama has been practicing. The holy king who arrived here, Su Jin was in the western desert and became a Buddha on the spot, but with the development of enchanting talents, today he has become a heaven-defying holy king, and the principles of Buddhism follow. Transformation, completely become a perfect holy Buddha.


The women immediately raised their hands to cover their eyes, and the golden light of the Buddha's path was suddenly released, and there was a feeling that they could not be looked directly at!

The Sanskrit singing that floated from nothingness appeared!

"Bodhi night, Bodhi night. Puduo night, Puduo night."

"Mi Di Si Ye, Na La Jin Chi. Di Li Sen, Po Ye Man Na, Su Po He."

"Xituo Ye, Suo Po He. Mohe Xi Tuo Ye, Suo Po He."

This kind of Sanskrit singing does not belong to any buddha. For example, the Ksitigarbha scriptures were written by the Ksitigarbha, and the Ksitigarbha scriptures are the original scriptures of the Ksitigarbha. It is comparable to longevity. This kind of Buddhist scriptures require a deep understanding of the world. Have a chance to realize it.

Now Su Jin is about to complement his own Buddhism and completely let it become his own help in the future. At this moment, the Buddha's glory is so great, and several women have adapted, only to find that Su Tianzi does not know when to lift up with one hand, and he is at his fingertips and all over his body. , Everywhere in the Sanskrit scriptures.

The Brahman in the emptiness sang a whole stick of incense!

During Su Jin’s period, he felt that something was still missing, so he sat under the "Enlightenment Tree" and continued to be imperfect, and finally produced his original Buddhist scripture, named: "Tai Xu Life and Death Sutra", which is the source itself Feel the profound Buddhist scriptures created by life and death!

Once finished!


The eight Arhats and the Eighteen Bodhisattvas seem to manifest in the heavens and the earth, with real Buddha and phantoms in all directions! Moreover, several Buddhas from the outside world opened their eyes and looked at the Jiutian Holy Palace!

On the palace gate, several women were covering their mouths, and they didn't even dare to say a word. The master's talent is really terrible!

Soon, Junyi Su Jin, who was sitting still, suddenly put away his Buddhist and Taoist feelings, and stood up suddenly, his whole body began to become murderous, and he looked west--

Su Jin and others are here!

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