My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1729: Buddha

Horror waves are coming!

There is invincible power in the Nine Heavens Palace! Strong ancestral realm!

Shi Yao and Chu Ji, the daughters, forcibly endured the trembling depression, looked west, their pretty faces changed.

Lai Ren is an ancestor--

Shi Yao’s daughters heard that Su Jin was severely injured by a female ancestor who was in the'Great Yan Country’ before, and that female ancestor was called the white-haired Lingyu. In fact, this woman is from Gusu Lingyu's dedication, which is an alternative One of the ways to seize the house, was born with the help of the body.

White hair rain, here comes!

"Unexpectedly, you who were so seriously injured can find a way out and heal successfully." Bai-haired Lingyu wore a black dress, long silver-white hair flying, combined with the little feet that stepped into the void, people couldn't help but His eyes are on her.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time. Today's cause is a cause and an effect is an effect, but the old grievances between you and me are thorough." Su Jin's face was calm.

Su Jin knew that he couldn't hide his Nirvana survival, and that the white-haired Lingyu would definitely get the news. He came here. The reason why he stayed in the Jiutian Sacred Palace was to wait for the arrival of this woman to make a fight between the two. Exactly, he was right.

"Although I couldn't completely kill you before, it doesn't matter, it's okay to do it again, but I can't think of...Who can save you this time?" Baifa Lingyu is very confident in herself.

Even if Su Tianzi has been promoted to the Saint King realm, what can he do?

The ancestor and the holy king are the difference between the heavens. Her white-haired Lingyu lives on in the world. If Su Tianzi cannot be cut off, the real Lingyu Princess will not be completely integrated with herself. Then the emperor she has always dreamed of will be It can never be achieved.

Su Jin sat on the turtle's back, smiled slightly, and stood still.

His current temperament is quite charming to other women, and there is too much calmness. This is the confidence of a sky-defying person. With his previous sword cutting the two ancestors, it is enough to make Xilouyue daughters Obsessed and crazy.

"Thank you for this breakthrough. If it weren't for your gift, how could I make every success and go further. Now, my strength is no longer controlled by you—" Su Jin said lightly.

"Hehe, you are really confident."

Bai-haired Lingyu sneered, "I used only three points before and beat you to the point where I was seriously injured and dying. Today I will cut you off and become an emperor!"

"You can try it."

There is no anger in Su Jin's words. The stronger he is, it seems that he has an extraordinary feeling of controlling everything. The cynicism of the white-haired Lingyu can't shock any waves in his heart.

"You are too arrogant!" The white-haired Lingyu seemed a bit disgusted. The white arms with jade texture seemed to wave a avenue. A lightly raised hand, an ancestral hand turned out and patted Su Jin——

Ordinary Saint King, absolutely can't take this blow, because there is a huge gap!

But Su Jin is different-

He is the Heaven-defying Saint King! Growing up to now, he no longer intends to be controlled by anyone!

When the white-haired Lingyu was fully exerting the power of the ancestral realm, the women in Xilouyue did not dare to look at the atmosphere. This level of competition is no longer they can guess. The women are worried about the Su Tianzi. Is the real grandfather!

"How should the master respond?"

Jiang Ruyi lifted her heart into her throat, and watched the jade porcelain-like ancestral realm pat with her hands. The terrifying power made her and Shi Yao and other women pale.

Lingyu with white hair wants to shoot Su Jin to death!

But Su Jin smiled quietly--

Just smile!

Even Su Jin didn't change even the posture of sitting cross-legged, his left shoulder swayed slightly, and forty-five phantoms of "Happy Streaming Art" appeared directly, just like Su Tianzi, maintaining the posture of sitting cross-legged on the turtle shell!


The Sutra of Life and Death, which belonged to Su Jin’s own insight, began to manifest in the world for the first time. This is an insight from the Buddha of Life and Death, and through the "Enlightenment Tree" to fill the gap, if the future is an ancestor, then this sutra will be famous World!

That's right!

Su Jin's own Buddhism is the Buddha of Life and Death!

A line of Brahma sang, chanted from the mouth of the forty-five chaotic real Su Jin, the dim Buddha light filled the world, and the Zen music was everywhere appealing to sins, persuading people to be good, and wanting to cross others and themselves, and the jade porcelain The ancestral realm master was also photographed above Su Jin's head at this time!


The sutras of life and death that swam around were like a big net that was carefully woven, and the ancestral realm master hand net!

The fate of cause and effect began to be entangled in Snow White's hands. Who can live forever? Escape from the cage of unborn or death!

Lingyu's pretty face suddenly changed!

She felt that Su Jin was no longer the weak one before! In a short period of time, the other party has undergone a qualitative transformation. Now she is a strong ancestor, and the ubiquitous Buddha sound fills her ears all the time, and she can't even block her hearing.

"If you don't kill you today, you will have it in the future!" Bai-haired Lingyu finally looked at Su Jin squarely, and the horror of the other party had begun to show.

Putting away the big hands of the ancestral realm, the white-haired Lingyu shook his body, and the overwhelming terror wave swept this nine secluded Jedi!

Countless demon cultivators began to be astonished, and even the weak points of the cultivation base could not move!

It was visible to the naked eye that the phantoms of the Ancestral Realm began to spread out, pulling away the power of heaven and earth every some distance, and the Ancestral Realm was the most terrifying method of the Ancestral Realm in the ancestral real body filled with white-haired spiritual rain!

"This grandfather's heart is so firm that she will kill her master." Nine Heavens Saint Ji Shiyao began to worry about Su Jin.

"It was her before, almost beheaded her master. Just now she said that she only used a third of her strength in the Yan State Imperial City." Chu Ji's temperament could not help but a little bit, her face was solemn.

"The master just said that to solve the old grievances, there must be something to rely on." Xi Louyue said, restraining the uneasy heart, and the big pretty eyes were full of expectation.

That's right--

Su Jin is no longer the emperor Su who can perform in the Great Yan Kingdom!

He is... very strong now!

The other party expanded the ancestral world, Su Jin's face was calm, he slowly stood up, calmly stared at the white-haired Lingyu, and said: "The strongest skill since I created the Dao is actually a sword move. It's called'Heaven and Earth Beginning', and its true power has only begun to manifest in the realm of my Holy King."

The Giant Que Sword of Saint Soldier was grabbed by him and held it in his right hand——

Forty-five chaotic phantoms seem to have caught forty-five giant faults at the same time!

Lingyu with white hair, long hair floating, a touch of solemnity in his eyes!

There seemed to be a depressive atmosphere in the air, and the white-haired Lingyu was filled with the spirit of heaven and earth. At this moment, she thought she had an advantage! Because she is the ancestral realm, the other party is not!

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

Under the expectant gazes of the women in Xilou Yue, they saw Su Jin’s 45 phantoms, which surrounded the white-haired spiritual rain. Each phantom's posture is a kind of kendo profound meaning, and the posture is so handsome that it is eye-catching. Point——


Bai Fa Ling Yu was shocked, how she feels now...

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