My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1730: Step on Tianchangsheng!

Baifa Lingyu was shocked-

Tianzi Su, when he was fighting with her in the Imperial City of Yan Nation that day, he was totally different from two people, and he was more than a bit stronger!

So Baifa Lingyu thought of the rumors that Su Tianzi was a monk against the sky, and he was in the Holy Realm when he was in the Holy Realm, so now...

Now the opponent is the Heaven-defying Saint King!

"I look down on you." The cold light in the white-haired Lingyu's cold eyes was full.

In her eyes, those forty-five phantoms that are enough to be messy and true, each posture is different, in her body, maintaining an elusive sword style, for the first time let Baifa Lingyu pay so much attention.

"You are no longer a problem." Su Jin did not show any weakness. Hearing the words of Lingyu with white hair, he felt whether to thank this woman again!

"Then look at it! Take a photo!"

The white-haired Lingyu ancestral realm world is fully unfolded. Above every ancestral realm imaginary aspect, not only is pulling away the heaven and earth aura, as her words fall, every imaginary aspect of her eyebrows begins to linger with a black air talisman seal. !

The black qi talisman seal appeared from her imaginary eyebrows, and the ancestral realm imaginary faces from all directions began to communicate with the great opportunity, completely sealing this place.

Su Jin's heart jumped.

Knowing that Baifa Lingyu has displayed his true ability.

Su Jin didn’t know at this moment that the white-haired Lingyu was originally the “Divine Divine Mansion”. In the distant past, it was so tyrannical. Few people could directly compete with it. But now the Human Race monks are constantly surpassing themselves. Di may not be able to compete against the human race.

For example, the realm master of Zhenluo was more than twice stronger than the white-haired Lingyu last time. That kind of power frightened her and took her away. Soon after leaving the Five Realms with her sister Luo Lingyi, she was released. .

"The beginning of heaven and earth!"

Su Jin's forty-five chaotic phantoms directly merged together, and he himself disappeared in one step, and he merged with the forty-five phantoms, and directly pierced the earth-shaking sword in front of the eyes of the white-haired Lingyu!

White-haired Lingyu now has an illusion.

No matter how she dodges, she can't escape the illusion of this sword. A gold-stripe black talisman shook out on her forehead, and she wanted to block her in desperation.


The tip of the sword of the Juque Saint Soldier pierced the void and pierced the black talisman seal, but the majestic will from the void seemed to have given Su Jin endless power!

"Not good!" Baifa Lingyu was shocked, looking backwards.

There was a wound on her eyebrows, and a drop of red and golden blood dripped down!

"You weak ant actually hurt me!" Baifa Lingyu didn't want to believe it, but this was what really happened.

The goddess of Xilou Yue and the daughters did not guard the house, the master, as the realm of the saint king, actually injured the strong female ancestor with one blow. If this were to be spread, it would definitely be a sensational event in the five regions!

"For him, no matter what, we shouldn't be surprised." Shi Yao smiled bitterly and shook her head.

Nine Heavens Saint Ji, nine powerhouses, most of them are not in the world today, but no female Ji can't reach Su Jin's height.

"Yes, a sword cut the second ancestor of Yaochi, it must have been spread." Chu Ji took a deep breath. Of course, she couldn't do what Shi Yao said. It's not surprising, because this white-haired spirit rain is strong enough. To the point where she looked up, it was strong and terrifying.

"The master's path... is stepping on Tianchangsheng. We don't understand his path." Xilou Yueqiao's face was full of shock, as if she was in a dream in a cloud, Su Jin's strength seemed to be no longer understood by her. In the future, if no one is against him, he will be destined to succeed in fighting against the sky.

"It's a good one who lives on the sky, but it is a pity that apart from the master, who in the world dares to be so bold." Chu Ji deeply agreed.

Baby Bai's face flushed with excitement, and he blurted out, "No wonder the master asked me and sister to stay, I understand her intentions--"

"Baby, you..." Jiang Ruyi's body trembled, Xiu Rong was a little weird. Although everyone knows Bai Susu's intentions, when Bai Babe said that, there is indeed a special atmosphere that breeds.

"Oh!" Babe Bai was shy, her eyes twinkled strangely, she didn't dare to look at Jiang Ruyi, she felt that she was still too young to say something like this directly.

At this moment, Bai-haired Lingyu’s eyes are cold, she is in the void, with little feet, and countless black talisman seals are beginning to be photographed by her. These black talisman seals come from her ancestral realm, and they can be taken at any time and can perform beyond the ordinary. The power of.

Su Jin agreed with his heart, holding the hilt of the giant **** sword with both hands, the tiger's body was shaken, the entire giant **** sage soldier was like an open water curtain, and shouted: "Zhan--"


Void was cut out by a huge sword of tens of miles of divine light, and a chasm was cut out. The black space storm rushed in, and the white-haired spiritual rain was also powerful. He gripped countless black talisman seals with his hand, and with a light wave, it would be cut abruptly. The void was sealed, but the momentum of this cut still affected her.

She was originally dressed decently, but then her hair fluttered, which made people feel a little embarrassed.

"I still have two tricks, I can burn your talisman, cut your divine body!" Su Jin suddenly raised his head as he spoke, the huge red ancestor dragon head was exposed, wandering in the void, filling the world with——

When the words fell, a red violent ape phantom directly shocked the world. As soon as it manifested, the small world of the Jiuyou Jedi began to tremble, and countless demon spirits were kneeling and worshiping. Heaven-defying Saint King Shi unfolds!

The white-haired Lingyu's eyes were rounded, and to the naked eye, the red ancestor dragon's body was full of divine flames, and the magical talisman seals all over the sky began to turn into torches, like a meteor shower, and began to fall. It turns into air when it touches the ground!

Zu Long was roaring, and the exhaled vigor made people feel that it was hard to stop that mighty fierce power!

"This technique is called'Ape Strike Technique', and it is unique to me in the world, but what I am using now can only be considered trivial." Su Jin took a step, the violent ape enveloped all over his body, fierce and reckless, blood-red. Pupils, when people look at them, will give rise to a sense of fear in the heart.

"No matter how many spells you have, you will die today and be killed by me!" A section of gray beast bones appeared between the white-haired Lingyu's hands, gently tossing towards Su Jin.

That piece of beast bone, when it left the palm of the white-haired Lingyu, turned into a world-shattering beast as big as a mountain, and its body was filled with gray air, which opened up the unclosed space again——


Su Jin took the giant sacred soldier out of his hand, the red violent ape held it on his arm, and as Su Jin's hand rose and fell, the red violent ape slashed away fiercely.

This blow shakes the world!

The storm was violent, Qiong Tower was shaken, and the sky was blocked. The power of this sword made it hard to look directly at it!

Baifa Lingyu's heart was beating wildly at this moment, and the sword cut by the ancient magical art of "Ape Strike" made her ancestor feel a little numb.

And the world-shattering evil beast that was transformed into that segment of beast bones, even before the fierce might even manifested, was cut in half by the sword of the red violent ape——


Bai-haired Lingyu just wanted to take her way away, but the surrounding storms tore people. The Zulong Heavenly Book's technique calmed the audience. Although she was walking, she was swaying in the void as if her feet were trapped in a quagmire. No longer avoiding evasiveness, he yelled: "I will fight you to death! Either you die or I die!"

After the words fell, dozens of miles of sword light, shining and dazzling, has reached the head of the white-haired Lingyu——

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