My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1731: There are shows

There is no way out for the white-haired Lingyu!

She couldn't believe it, she couldn't believe that a person could be reborn in just a few days, reaching the point where she was a little struggling to deal with it.

It's really a few days away! When I saw it with admiration--

With one blow, Baifa Lingyu knew that she had only one chance! The situation is not waiting for anyone. When Su Jin slashed out this sword, she pointed directly at the void, and a quaint pale green "Jinse" flipped and was hugged by her!

Jinse is an instrument from a long time ago. It is the same as "Qin", but it is different from Qin. "Se" is generally more than 23 strings, and the highest is as many as 50 strings, generally 25 strings!

This is a rare fifty-stringed instrument ancestor soldier!

In a blink of an eye, the white-haired Lingyu hugged Jinse and sat cross-legged in the void, and all the ancestral realms faintly hugged a hand. The plain white Qiong finger gently fiddled on the string~~~

A circle of tender green sound waves are also cut!

Su Jin’s eyes brightened, but he felt a sharp pain in his heart. He would never forget the scene when the King of Sage Li captured Bicheng Fairy to death when he was in the sacred place of Yaochi, and that piece of Yaoqin should be still in the sacred place of Yaochi. Will get it back soon!

This Jinse is beautiful and difficult to move eyes. It has a pale green sacred wooden body with two bunches of willow branches carved on it. The branches and leaves are green and simple and generous. It makes people happy to see it——

Su Jin gave Fairy Bicheng an ancestor soldier stone flute, but it was not enough. Yaoqin would be taken back by him soon, but that yaoqin was not yet a holy soldier, then...this intact ancestral soldier, He wants it! At that time, when I went to Jiujiang Shuifu to bring back Concubine Nie Qian, it happened to be sent.

The ancient sayings of Qinse and Xiaose are enough to see the status of ‘se’ in musical instruments. Fairy Bicheng must like it very much!

It's too late to say, then it's fast, and my thoughts are not in an instant!

After dozens of miles of sword light, it cut down, and the white-haired Lingyu drew out a circle of sound waves with "Jinse", but the robe was still agitated, and Su Jinli's domineering blow to the mountain, cut flying——

The white-haired spirit's raincoat was messy, and the tied hair fell loose, like a mad ancestor, her eyes were completely stunned. She did not catch Su Jin's blow!

How could I not catch it! Lingyu with white hair can't figure it out!

But now Su Jin was full of energy and blood, and he was uncomfortable. The opponent's female ancestor was extremely cultivated, and even caused him to suffer a small injury, and he could recover in a flash. He took advantage of the aura!

"You, you die for me--" The white-haired Lingyu's delicate body trembled, and her hands repeatedly fiddled with her. Judging from the messy sound waves, she has obviously lost her reason!

Su Jin disappeared in one step, then appeared in another step, perfectly avoiding the sharp and messy tender green sound waves, and flashing to the white hair Lingyu at an extremely fast speed——

Make a punch.

The power of the lifelong saint king is all concentrated on this punch!

too fast! Almost so that the white-haired Lingyu couldn’t escape. If she didn’t lose her mind, she might be able to compete with her daughter’s ancestors, but when a person began to doubt herself, she would be confused and the loopholes that appeared Can't make up for it by itself!


Bai-haired Lingyu spouted blood in the void, and was beaten by Su Jin's powerful punch. The cross-sitting posture could no longer be maintained. The'Jinse' who was holding her hands was also suppressed and captured and photographed back to Su Tianzi's hands!


The scene was silent, and the heaven-defying Saint King Su Jin severely wounded her ancestor Lingyu! The daughters of Chu Ji couldn't cover their mouths, with a look of horror. They were not very optimistic about Emperor Su, after all, the cultivation base of the other's grandparents was placed there, and at best they were evenly divided.

But I didn't expect it to be so simple!

"The master defeated the white-haired Lingyu..." Nine-day Saint Ji Shiyao widened her eyes. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe it.

"The master's supernatural power is superb, and the future achievements are like a rolling tide, unstoppable. I should serve with all my heart, and it is also a good luck for me." Chu Ji is still banging in her mind now, and she, like the women, is also shocked. .

"Serve, serve—"

Bai Baobao's face was ruddy like a wave of blood. When she was changing clothes for Su Tianzi, she didn't let her master kiss her. Now it seems that something was done wrong, which violated the meaning of the master Bai Susu before he left.

In the void, Su Jin touched'Jinse' and fell into thought.

"Let's go." Su Jin looked up and looked not far away, with an ugly white-haired Lingyu, and said lightly.

"You are so kind, let me go?" Ling Yuhan made a small face, obviously not believing Su Jin's nonsense.

"If you don't want to go, is it because you want to be upset with me?"

Su Jin sneered, the words were reasonable and unforgiving. This is not to show his kindness. Although Gusu Lingyu has a bad temper and has a princess disease, things have developed to this point. Su Jin is more or less of him. The fault lies in it.

But he did not expect that Lingyu with white hair would not accept his pity.

"I am the first to become the emperor, and I will be the first to kill you." Bai-haired Lingyu knew that he could no longer restrain Su Tianzi now, so it was the best policy. However, because she didn't kill Su Jin, the girl Gusu Lingyu refused to integrate with herself completely.

It's a troublesome thing.

Su Jin watched the grandfather turn and leave, put the "Jinse" into the bone ring, looked at the sky, and then swept to the side of the women——

"Master, the food has been ordered, do you want to eat now?" Shi Yao said.

"Yeah." Su Jin hesitated for a while before nodding.


I don’t know how long it took, Su Jin’s wine was full, and when it came out, it was already on the branches of the moon, the mountain breeze was clear, and the surrounding leaves were constantly shaking.

In front of the jade railing of the palace, there are a few old trees of unknown age, and their branches are strange in the dark, which is quite emotional.

"The moon is full of frost, Jiang Feng Yuhuo is sad." Jiang Ruyi chanted a poem softly. The first half of the sentence was now engraved on the mountain of Luanfeng Pavilion by Su Jin. It was immediately read out, which fits the scene—

"Sister Ruyi's poem..." Xi Louyue moved her mouth and couldn't help asking.

"The poem that the master gave to Luanfengge, but I still don't feel it is complete. There should be the second half?" Jiang Ruyi cast her beautiful eyes on Su Jin's side face.

Xi Louyue was shocked...

I had known that the owner was full of resources and talents, but I didn't expect to give me a sentence that is such a beautiful poetry, just like being in a poetic scene.

Su Jin exhibited the folding fan of the "Mountain God and Dachuan Picture", gently swaying in front of him, and said lightly: "Hanshan Temple outside Gusu city, midnight bells, and the passenger ship."

Xi Louyue and Jiang Ruyi trembled, and there was a touch of fanatical worship in their eyes, but the white baby made a grimace, grotesquely lying on the jade railing, and said: "What mountain, what boat, I don't understand! "

"You don't understand normal." Su Jin repeatedly fanned the folding fan, turned and walked towards the palace where he was staying.

"Brother Su, it's late, where do we live--" Babe Bai cried out.

"Come here, there are shows." Su Jin said without looking back.

"What show!" Bai Baobao shouted again.

"Serve the bed."

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