My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1738: Kill a **** child to help!

Su Jin walked into the city without the Yin Yang family noticing it.

At this time, the resident of the direct family of the Yin and Yang family was a colorful place. Several girls stepped on the pebbles in the stream with their bare feet.

Several girls laughed and laughed constantly, except for a woman covered in black and black gauze, sitting quietly on a boulder in a daze.

"Sister, the water is so cool, come here soon—" a girl playing in the water shouted at the woman in black.

Tai Yu'er woke up from a daze, turned her head, and watched the younger sisters freely and gracefully in the stream, feeling a little bitter in her heart.

did not think of.

Tai Yu'er never expected that the Yin Yang family would be right with Su Tianzi. She knew the temper of the seniors very well, but she thought that she knew Su Jin better. Perhaps that was the feelings of her peers, plus her own divine residence. The inheritance was given to her by Su Tianzi.

So she didn't want the Yin Yang Family to be against Su Jin!

But things backfired. Tai Yuer found the patriarch immediately after she spoke at Yin Yang's house and persuaded a lot, but it was difficult to change the family's mind. When she thought that Su Tianzi alone could reach the power of a country, she didn't feel a little creepy.

Against the emperor Su, it is definitely the most unwise move for the Yin Yang family!

"Oh, let's play." Tai Yuer shook his head.

"Senior Sister! What about that Su Tianzi again?" There was the youngest junior girl who came over alone with her skirt.

"What do you mean by thinking again?" Tai Yuer was startled.

"Hey, don't pretend, our Yin-Yang family has a superb status. Although you have been favored by Su Tianzi, as far as the matter is concerned, Su Tianzi is the enemy of the world this time. Our Yin-Yang family will not let him go." The little junior sister sat down. side.

"Then you think the family did it right?" Tai Yuer asked in amazement.

"Of course it's correct. Heavenly Su is only one person. If our ancestor of Yin and Yang makes a move, he will definitely not be able to beat him to Beilai——"

The tyrannical degree of the little junior sister towards the family has reached the point of top worship.

"Have you met Su Tianzi?" Tai Yuer asked.


"Do you know how terrible he is?"

"I don't know, anyway, our Yin-Yang family--"

"Stop it."

Tai Yu'er didn't know why. Now when she heard the words'Yin Yang Jia', she felt a little disgusted and determined. In addition, the little junior sister opened her mouth to shut our Yin Yang Family, which made her ear-piercing. Then she said: "Su Tianzi is a strong man who can make all three big countries tremble."


The little junior sister seemed to feel the dislike of Senior Sister, after checking her words and expressions, she stuck her tongue out: "Senior Sister, do you like Su Tianzi?"

"Wh...Where is it?" Tai Yu'er felt a sudden heart, and said sideways.

"Oh, I haven't said it yet, but it's a pity. Tianzi Su is an enemy of the world, and it is estimated that he will be wiped out by the ‘Hundred Clan of the Masters’ and several great sacred places." Little Junior Sister sighed.

Tai Yu'er raised her head slightly, her eyes looked a little dazed in the distance, and then lowered her eyebrows: "I have always had a feeling of unknown, but I can't tell where I am--"

"Don't think about it! Play in the water, all your troubles will run away." The little junior sister took Tai Yu'er's hand and dragged it from the boulder to the water's edge.

The water began to play.


Su Jin dressed in a white robe and appeared in an inn in Yinyang City. This inn was very inconspicuous, and the price of wine and meat was much cheaper. After entering it, there were almost no seats. There was no place to find a place by the window. The sitting position is slightly off.

"Internal news, the five holy elders of the Yin Yang family brought out three gilt coffins from the Yin Tomb. I don't know the origin. It is rumored that they were prepared to prepare for the Su Tianzi, otherwise the time would not be so coincidental." A monk wearing a black hat lowered his voice.

"An ancient gilt coffin? Or three?" The monk with ears was suddenly surprised.

"Yes, the ancestral shrine has always had this rule. The ancestors of the'Yin Yang Family' have many ancestral corpses that are physically immortal. Now that they have carried out three coffins, the Yin Yang Family is also very nervous, facing Su Tianzi like a big enemy. ."

"More than three." Another monk looked out the door and window and said: "It is four, and the last one was pulled out of the purple gold coffin, which was placed on the golden dragon car."



Everyone was shocked. They felt that the Yin-Yang Family had really begun to take it seriously, to prevent Su Tianzi from destroying the "Yin-Yang Family".

"There is another news. After receiving the news that he was enemy of Su Tianzi, Young Master Hang also left the customs, and let out a word, when facing Su Tianzi, he is willing to fight for the Yin Yang family first, and kill the Demon Su. ——"

"Young Master Hang? That yin and yang **** who is called trash?"

"It's not a waste. He had another chance a few years ago. Rumor has it that he has broken through to the Holy King. His horror power has been recognized by several elders of Yin and Yang. The past few years have obviously been a retreat, and it is really a snow trap, just for a blockbuster!"

"No wonder the **** of Yin and Yang is so excited. Legend has it that Tai Yu'er and Su Tianzi have an inexplicable relationship and have an affair! And the **** of Yin and Yang was taken into the clan since childhood, and the imperial husband of Taiyu's made a breakthrough for the double cultivation path. To prepare, it is normal for him to want to kill Emperor Su."

"Everyone knows that Tai Yuer said that there is only one person in the world who can match her, that person is Su Tianzi, and the person she likes is Su Tianzi!"


Su Jin heard this, took the hand of the wine jar, and laughed blankly. This is a scandal!

The troubles of a celebrity! This is too true! In fact, he and Tai Yuer really had nothing to do.

As for the yin and yang **** son Hang Shao-

Su Jin's expression was plain, he planned to kill a **** son first to help him out!

He was determined in his heart and would not change anymore. Then he drank half a jar of wine, and he really felt how popular his topic was. Of course, the Xuanyuan family's daughter-in-law expressed her attitude before, which was also known by many people.

But the good show is still to come. During the time he came, he didn't do nothing. He just spent some spirit crystals and let people spread it out. It must be spread now, right?

"Walk, Su Tianzi is going to attack the Mo Family, and the Mo Family has already ordered! Let's say that Su Tianzi dared to appear and kill him directly at the Mo Family!" A monk ran into the inn and said to a familiar friend.

"Look at it! Quickly—" In a blink of an eye, the inn became empty.

And Su Jin was calm, lost a spiritual crystal on the table, and also got up and left.

Soon after, the **** of Yin and Yang turned into a black long rainbow over the city of Yin and Yang. He wanted to rush to the Mo Family as soon as he got the news, and wanted to kill Su Jin first, and come back to claim credit!

But the next moment, a young man in a white robe with a familiar face stopped the **** of Yin and Yang in the void!

"Little King Jinpeng!" The **** of Yin and Yang had a sharp look. This young man was so powerful that he had naturally seen him, and he was at a grand meeting a few years ago.

Of course it was Su Jin who got dirty with Little King Jinpeng!

Just now, Su Jin deliberately turned into the face of Jinpeng's little prince, and now he faintly said: "The **** son of Yin and Yang, this king's'Kunpeng technique' is now a master, and wants to practice with you. If you can't die, you can leave--"

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