My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1739: Yin and yang god

"Brother Jinpeng, now that Demon Su is gaining momentum, you should be with me to cut off Demon Su, why stop me here——"

The **** of Yin and Yang stared at Su Jin fiercely at the corner of his eyes. He did not doubt the identity of the "Little King Jinpeng".

"It's very simple, because the life of Demon Su must be taken by this king!" Su Jin said coldly, staring at the **** son of Yin and Yang.

The yin and yang **** child suddenly ——

It must be the little king Jinpeng who passed by Yinyang City, and then went to fetch the head of Su Tianzi personally, so that he would stop him now and have a problem.

"Brother Jinpeng and Demon Su's grievance, it's okay for you to solve it yourself, I don't want to grab it with you--" the **** son Yin Yang smiled.

"This king can now fight the ancestors with Kunpengshu. I really think I can look down on you! Give me death!"

Su Jin knew that saying more was a flaw. Although he himself had a'kunpeng technique', he didn't want to talk to the **** son of Yin and Yang, and this was the site of his Yin and Yang family.

Boom boom boom~~~

Su Jin was full of blood and energy, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a roc that covered the sky and covered the sun. Layers of gold were filled with feathers like swords, as if they were plated with a layer of gold. Kunpeng technique can fight the sky! Moreover, Tianzi Su is now the Heaven-defying Saint King, and his performance is even more shocking.

Kunpeng's wingspan instantly reached the point of thousands of miles, and the endless power of the void was accepted by Lingyu, covering how many large cities outside the region!

"That's--" Yin Yang City cultivator, there were a lot of people who were going to the Mo family land, but now a Kunpeng appeared in the sky, which directly attracted everyone's attention.

"Why did Little King Jinpeng fight our yin and yang divine son?" Some monks were surprised.

"The **** of Yin and Yang was taken into the house of Yin and Yang since he was a child. He is actually an outsider. Many people think that he is not worthy of the goddess. Finally, he had the opportunity to kill Su Tianzi, but he faced off against the arrogant King Jinpeng. !"

"There is a monk from ahead. The reason why the little King Jinpeng wants to kill the **** son just now is because of his great Kunpeng skills, and the **** son of Yin and Yang also wants to take the head of the king Su, he is not willing to be snatched!"

"Dacheng's'Kunpeng Technique'! If the little King Jinpeng is really successful, it will not be difficult to kill Emperor Su!"

"Kunpeng who is thousands of miles away, how should the **** son of Yin and Yang respond?"

The cultivators became enthusiasm. The contending situation of the two super geniuses is really rare. Many people worry about the strength of the son of Yin and Yang. After all, King Jinpeng is not better than the son of Su, but he can escape multiple times. Now the son of Yin and Yang is obvious. A lot of weakness.

"Okay! I'll come to ask Jin Peng brother Dacheng's'Kunpeng technique'!" The Yin and Yang divine child's eyes showed white divine glory, and a few black dots were faintly visible in the white pupils——

Su Jin was shocked when he saw this.

He used to turn over several books of "Ancient Strange Tales" in Huaxia, which recorded that someone was born with the "Innate Double Eye", which is a kind of ability endowed by the sky with unpredictable and mysterious power. At this time, he saw the **** of Yin and Yang. Su Jin naturally paid more attention to it.

Chi Chi ~~~

Yin and Yang Shenzi's body trembled slightly, and the void trembled fiercely. The white divine brilliance in his eyes spread out, enclosing his black figure in it, forming a small area that cannot be invaded by all means, and through the folds During the time of Shenhui, what Su Jin saw was unexpected to him.

Somewhat weird.

I saw the corpse behind the **** son of Yin and Yang, a carrion that couldn't distinguish between men and women, and his eyes were about to burst out, but this Xiongtai can calmly carry on his back, I really don't know how courage he has.

Holy King Corpse!

Su Jin looked at the carrion corpse, and couldn't help feeling nauseous, as if he had smelled a sickening stench before he even got close.

No wonder, it's no wonder that Tai Yu'er didn't like the Taoist priest who had arranged since childhood. It would be unbearable for future Taoists to carry the carrion corpse. Even if they loved the undead technique, they would never tolerate this happening.

"Get up!" The **** of Yin and Yang raised his hand, and in his eyes, the black dots turned and turned, and the floating corpses of evil ghosts appeared incomparably true.

Many monks covered their noses and screamed that it smelled like--

The rotting corpse of the saint king is so stinking that it is unbearable, but since this is the first show of the **** son of Yin and Yang, everyone has to watch it by pinching his nose to see if it is the king of Jinpeng or the son of Yin and Yang. Awesome!

Su Jin seemed to merge with the whole Kunpeng. After feeling that all the feathers were plated in gold, the huge wingspan immediately shrank in the clouds!

There is a fish in Beiming, named Kun!

This ability to fight against the sky began to be manifested. When it turned into a kun state, Su Jin felt quite wonderful, as if there was a vast world, and I was happy to travel, but it was only in the state of "kun" that I was fighting the sky. Start!

"My God! Little King Jinpeng is too powerful! That Kunpeng accepts power and will soon begin to exhibit a skill that can fight the sky!" There are monks who have participated in the sacred place of Yaochi, and have seen the'Kunpengshu' of King Jinpeng, but Compared to now, it's a far cry!

It is totally incomparable. In the eyes of some people, the "Kunpeng Remnant Bones" obtained by Little King Jinpeng in the ancient continent has truly transformed him, and no one suspects that it was Su Tianzi at this time!

The yin and yang divine son on one side also made many people look at him with admiration. Although he was carrying the corpse of the holy king, his self-confidence and aura made people feel that this person was hiding too deeply!

"A yin-yang sky!" The yin-yang **** child gently stepped into the void.

On the upper side of the sky, white is yang and black is yin. The two yin and yang fish began to chase slowly, as if turning this heaven and earth into a dojo. The **** of yin and yang immediately sat in the middle, fusing himself and the avenue in a short time. piece.

So strong!

Not only Su Jin felt this way, but even the monks in Yinyang City around him were shocked!

That yin and yang sky seemed to be a communication avenue, constantly seizing power from the depths of the void, and constantly instilling in the body of the yin and yang **** son, and almost feeling the yin and yang **** son is becoming stronger by personal experience.

"Could it be that this is the secretary of the Yin-Yang family, the Yin-Yang magic?" Someone boldly guessed, exclaiming in exclamation, knowing that every family that can stand still has the secret skill of the town clan. The son of God did not let it be buried.

"Yin and Yang divine art, even Tai Yu'er only learned the fur, jerky and incomprehensible, this **** child has a small achievement, can transform the Yin and Yang sky." A monk said in amazement.

"In this way, the strongest magical skill of the Yin Yang family, against the talented magical skill of Little King Jinpeng-'Kunpeng skill', it is impossible to know who will die."

"Look! Kunpengshu is about to start Botian's blow!"

A monk pointed at the horrible existence that turned into a ‘kun fish’, and fought away quickly--

Who is stronger!

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