My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1750: Lonely figure

Tighten Yingying's body like a bird with his arms--

Ge Xueyan is really as light as a swallow, holding it in his arms, there is a wonderful feeling, warm and caring. And in front of him, with those jade ears like butterflies, Su Jin couldn't help lowering his head to hold a snow-colored earlobe...

The beautiful body trembled.

As someone else, Ge Xueyan might have already slapped the opponent's face with one ear scrape, but Su Tianzi seemed to... seem to have a frightening temperament, and he fell into it unconsciously.

Let go slowly.

"That Niu Kun didn't die, but he was seriously injured." Ge Xueyan put her hands on her cheeks, and she felt better when she looked at Su Jin.

"It's just right not to die." Su Jin smiled faintly.

"Why are you telling me that you are pretending to be the'Little King Jinpeng'?" Ge Xueyan felt that the news could not be revealed, so Tianzi Su let her see it naturally because he trusted her.

Trust her, at least that's how she feels.

But is it really out of trust?

Regardless of whether Ge Xueyan said it or not, Su Jin didn't care. The Outer Wild Peng Clan had already suffered a heavy loss, so Little King Jinpeng knew what was wrong!

"Do you think this is important?" Sure enough, Su Jin asked Xiang Ge Xueyan.

"Why not important--" Ge Xueyan didn't understand.

"The future China World is full of crises. Just Jinpeng Little Prince is no longer anxious. Now other big worlds deceive me Huaxia is weak, but it is because there is an emperor in their realm. How many."

Su Jin sighed.

"Yes, the Huaxia Great World back then was brilliant. In the era of the Great Emperor, it was really a beautiful era." Ge Xueyan nodded in agreement.

"If there is no emperor in my world, I will always be bullied. I...I want to be an existence far surpassing the emperor!" Su Jin squeezed his fist fiercely and said lightly.

Becoming an emperor is not only to accomplish your goals, but the most important thing is to still have a great emperor in the heart of the dream girl. Although he has a lot of fate, he now has preliminary strength against the sky, and he does not allow anyone to point his fingers on the path of cultivation in the future. !


Ge Xueyan was startled by Su Jin's words.

No one knows when his potential will be used up. Although Su Jin's tone is weak, he gives people a very confident feeling.

"Brother Su will surely succeed!" Ge Xueyan focused his head.

"Don't mention this, walk around." Su Jin strolled around with Ge Xueyan.

Knowing more, this Huaxia city Su Jin gradually understands it thoroughly. It turns out that this is only a border of nine thousand miles, and there are more than a dozen large cities under construction, which will be completed soon.

After passing the west gate of China City, many monks gathered here.

The foreground is like a map of Pingchuan, a green poisonous river is tumbling with bubbles, I don't know what will happen when humans and animals touch it, and on the opposite bank of this green poisonous river, a gray stone wall is as high as several meters, and the opposite is no longer the fertile soil of China Great World.

"There is the'Shenwu City' of the Heavenly Dragon Realm. After crossing this poisonous river, it is all their territory. I hate that we have only drew nine thousand miles of barren land!" There are many monks, their faces are not very good.

"No way, the Heavenly Dragon Realm is relatively strong. If you take it, you can take it. Do you have the ability to ask for it?"

"Indeed, if our emperor is still alive, it must be more than 20 million li. Those big worlds are clearly bullying, is there the strongest voice to speak, or we are too weak!"

"Look! A few words appeared on the walls of Shenwu City--" Suddenly, a young monk yelled, pointing at the handwriting.

This is so impressive, almost all the monks are blown up!

"The Chinese monk and the dog are not allowed inside!"

In just ten words, many people jumped and scolded, even Ge Xueyan's face paled when she saw it. What exactly did the Mo Family win for China Great World! Not even this respect!

"Oh, confidant--"

A strange voice appeared. I saw a black-and-white spotted dog with joy on his face: "Someone finally looks at my dog ​​family!"

"Three brothers!" The blonde Ayao's face was hot, and he picked up the wagging tail of the black and white spotted dog to prevent it from jumping again. Sure enough, many monks glared at him.

"The Heavenly Dragon Realm deceives people too much, don't do it for nine thousand miles, just hit it!" There was a Chinese monk who was angry and could not be humiliated.

"Fight, you fight?" A cultivator glanced at the Xiongtai who threatened to fight and urged.

"Shut up."

Su Jin's face was gloomy, and his voice spread to the ears of all the monks present. In the past, no matter who it was, he had never looked so dark even when Niu Kun said that he could kill him by farting.


Tianzi Su's face seemed to have the words'unhappy' written on his face.

The monks heard the sound and looked for the source of the sound. Ge Xueyan raised his hand and was about to stop Su Jin, but when the majestic and lonely figure walked out alone, she couldn't stop her words.

The green poisonous river just made a leap, and Su Jin turned into an arc-shaped streamer, standing on the opposite bank of the river, dozens of meters away was the "Shenwu City" of the Heavenly Dragon Realm! The ten words "Chinese monk and dog, no entry" on the wall came into view very clearly.

"He, who is he? I dare to cross the other side of the river!" The Chinese cultivators were all dumbfounded, looking at them at a loss.

Looking at the lonely figure.


Dignified Huaxia Wanxiu watched so humiliating himself, but no one was in the early stage, daring to attack this Shenwu City! Others dare not, Su Tianzi dare!

Respect is not charity, it is made with fists!

"That figure is a bit familiar." Blond Ayao was a little suspicious, but then his eyes lit up and he exclaimed in surprise: "Su...he is the son of Su!"


The scene was quiet, and many monks had wet their eyes. Why was Su Tianzi able to make a name for himself in the Five Realms, isn't he what he dared to do? Any power he has offended, as an ordinary person, would have long since gone into the soil and formed bones, and the grave grass may be three feet tall!


But Emperor Su made his head for the Five Domains more than once and won respect. Now that the Heavenly Dragon Realm has humiliated the five-domain cultivators so much, Tianzi Su stood up again!

Ge Xueyan's beautiful eyes are filled with worry, the Heavenly Dragon Realm is so powerful, and Shenwu City must not be lost. Now that Su Jin has been killed, what should he do?

On the other side of the river, Su Jin's back took a step forward, and another step, no one saw his almost hideous and distorted face!

And when accompanied by his steps! A red stone dragon, almost like a stone body, surrounded him, directly under everyone's eyes, and lifted up a great amount of dust——

The Ancestral Book of Ancestral Dragon, the red Ancestral Dragon is first revealed in the Taixu God Realm! That terrifying dragon shadow, turned into a hundred feet, a thousand feet, and a million feet!

In the end, the terrifying ancestor dragon completely encircled the "Shenwu City" with a huge dragon body. The proud dragon head and the scarlet dragon pupil are like a millstone in the clouds, invincible!

The overwhelming voice of announcing the world pervades the world:

"Shenwu City, destroyed today!"

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