My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1751: Don't believe me

Su Jin's voice spread over--


No matter when and where, it is the world where the strong say what they say. In the face of injustice, even if you know that one person can't do it, you must do your best to fight and fight! I belong to China, and Emperor Su is about to retake it!

In Ancestral Dragon Pancheng, the overwhelming terrifying fire waves began to roll, covering the entire "Shenwu City". That fire was the fire of the Ancestral Dragon Book of Heaven. The burning of the "Shenwu City" was only the first stop!

"Tianzi Su..." Someone had tears in their eyes. Unlike others who were unwilling and angry, Tianzi Su was really down-to-earth to prove that China World is not without a strong person. If he is a strong person, he must take back his own. all!


Some monks who watched the battle were worried, "My five domains are already weak, and now Su Tianzi has provoke the disaster of the Heavenly Dragon Realm for us, and I don't know what to do in the future."

The monk's words were refuted by many people, and he was frightened to stop quickly, showing a timid expression on his face.

"You are smart, you find a solution? For example, why are there so many lands in other worlds, do you have a way to come back?"

"Yeah, you're Niubi, you go and ask for it, you can come back without fighting, otherwise just shut up for Lao Tzu!"

"Su Tianzi came out alone, obviously wanting to take the whole thing on himself, as if he is not afraid of bullying by foreign powers, this kind of strong is truly worthy of our admiration!"

"Tianzi Su threatened to destroy Shenwu City, and now put it into practice, it seems that this situation is actually trying to refine the'Shenwu City' alive——"

"I am dignified five domains, only one person dares to fight back, hey!"


When the monks watched the battle, they talked very lively, but also the Shenwu city across the poison river was enveloped by the fierce and mighty waves, and there was no voice of resistance for the time being. Su Jin's offensive was too fierce, and it was really going to be wiped out. The posture of'Shenwu City'!

Boom boom boom -

A huge building that had just been built collapsed and was scorched. Finally, a few dark shadows jumped into the void. When they saw the magnificent Zulong, their faces were pale in fright.


Five people appeared in Shenwu City, three males and two females. One of the female nuns was still a demon. The cyan foxtail was bigger than her whole person. Like a parasol, the foxtail fluttered slightly, sweeping the surrounding void and talking. Is a middle-aged holy king in the middle!

The appearance of five people surprised the cultivators watching the battle in Huaxia City. The Five Domains were originally a unique region, but the "Sky Dragon Realm" seemed more suitable for the coexistence of cultivators. Now five holy kings have been dispatched casually, and their strength should not be underestimated!

Want Lao Tzu to stop?

Su Jin has decided to destroy the "Shenwu City", and it is impossible to stop because of the opponent's two words. It's a big deal!

Shenwu City is the largest city under construction in the “Tianlong Realm”. In a short tea room, more than half of it has been destroyed by Su Jin. Those burning buildings and collapsed city walls can already be described as heavy losses!

"I, Su Jin, don't admit that you wait for the geographical distribution of the world. Maybe I can't change your mind, but I will do my best to recapture it. From now on, this Shenwu City will only belong to me! You all get out of Lao Tzu— —"

Hehelong might dominate one side, Su Jin’s words immediately suppressed the five sacred kings of "Shenwu City", what is the situation? When the Five Domains had a meeting, the allocation plan was determined. How come there are different voices? Also hit the door!

In addition-

In addition, where is Su Jin sacred? The middle-aged Saint King remembered that at the meeting, there were Mozu Mozu, Yaochi Immortal Zu, and other important figures in the five domains, but no one reacted so fiercely as Su Jin!

"Su Jin? Who is he..." Among the two female saint kings, the blue shadow fox saint king looked at his companion in doubt and asked.

"Have not heard."

"Unheard of."

"I'm not from the Celestial Dragon Realm, maybe some little monk in the Five Realms."

"Little monk? Can a little monk refine Shenwu City?"

The other four Heavenly Dragon Realm Saint Kings all shook their heads, saying that they had never heard of Su Jin. Of course, now that the hostility has been confirmed, his five Saint Kings do not believe, and a young Saint King who appears in the Five Realms can take him a city. !

Finally, the middle-aged saint king in the head, staring at the terrifying giant ancestral dragon, said angrily: "The saint king of the five realms can't even beat the holy realm in my realm. Why are you fighting for my Shenwu City? !"

"Fart! Not only you, Shenwu City, all of you Laozi from all circles will crusade!"

Su Jin corrected the other party's words.


Ge Xueyan didn't dare to think that one person could be so domineering. Normally, two holy kings would have to weigh each other when fighting each other, fearing the possibility of falling, but Su Jin meant that the five holy kings of the heavenly dragon world were not enough to see!

"Emperor Su is mighty!" a monk who watched the battle, could not hide his excitement, roared.

"Mighty, domineering and handsome! I will have a few more Su Tianzi in my five domains! It is a pity that my five-domain cultivators only like infighting and cannot condense into a rope! Those young and powerful men who are famous all over the world cannot stand up like Su Tianzi. !"

"Tianzi Su, I love you, and I am your little fan!" I don't know which female nun, and the public confessed to Tianzi Su.

"Only serve one person in this life, and that is our Emperor Su of the Five Domains! Too much relief!"

The monks are very excited. Everyone does what they can. They don’t have the ability to wave the flag and cheer, right! Just believe blindly!

The cyan shadow fox female saint king, with a few willow leaves on her pretty face, heard the cheering on the other side of the river, there was a crash in her mind, Su Jin hadn’t heard of it, but she seemed to have heard of Su Jin’s nickname somewhere— —

"He is the son of Emperor Su!" The Fox Girl Saint King exclaimed.

"Who is Su Tianzi?" The other four saint kings were startled, and all cast doubtful glances at the fox saint king.

"Not long ago, I heard a friend who had participated in the feast of the Yaochi come back and talked about the person Su Tianzi, but not long ago, he was only in the holy realm, and now the holy king has become!" The fox-girl holy king was surprised.

"It's just a junior who has just stepped into the Saint King Realm, and I still think that why is it a terrific person——" The middle-aged Saint King coldly snorted.

"No, no, no, when he heard that he feasted in the Jade Lake, others called him a monk of the Heaven-defying Holy Realm, he could already kill the Holy King with the Holy Realm alone!" The Fox Girl Saint King's face turned pale.


The other four people are all in a daze, the Holy Realm Slaying the Holy King, even though the big world is different, in the Heavenly Dragon Realm, the Holy Realm wants to kill a holy king, unless the enchanting generation who masters the great path inheritance can do it a little bit. To! The words of the Saint King Fox suppressed the four of them.

How many people can practice to this level, naturally they can be converted. Heaven-defying Saint Realm can fight the Saint King, and now he is in the Saint King Realm, is the Heaven-defying Saint King, is it possible to fight the ancestor?

The middle-aged Saint King did not believe that he was killed. He slowly shook his head, stared at Su Jin, and said, "I don't believe he can have the ability to fight the ancestors——"

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