My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1752: Fighting the Five Saints

"Holy King Bozu, it is idiotic to talk about dreams, even if he is against the sky, I don't believe it. Therefore, it is easy for the five of me to kill him!"

Among the five, a saint king dressed in a pale blue robe spoke resolutely and shook his head. This is simply impossible!

"The other party is just a holy king. The five of me are still afraid that he will not succeed? I really don't know what you are worried about!" Another holy king said.

"Well, then kill him quickly, the five-domain ants are so annoying--"

Five Saint Kings vs Su Tianzi! The smell of gunpowder in the air was very full. Although there were monks watching the battle from the Five Realms, they cursed the opponent shamelessly and asked five holy kings to fight a Su Tianzi, but there were too many powerful people, so they couldn't complain like that.

The world where the weak eats the strong, does not value the process but only the result. No matter how strong you are, no matter how strong you are... you can only be a loser if you are besieged and killed. After all, you will turn into a cup of loess.

"Su Jin, my God Martial City is destroyed in your hands today. You can only kill you, take your Yuan Ling around the'burning flame wick', and bring it back for business!"

The middle-aged holy king said, as soon as he raised his arm, a hundred-meter purple bright sword was raised, he actually reached the realm of'turning arms into blades' in swordsmanship, and his strength should not be underestimated!

The second young saint king, the tiger's body was shocked, a black demon shadow turned out behind him, and his strength was very strong!

The third saint king, holding a weird weapon in his hand, is more than two meters long and has a peculiar shape, but the powerful saint king is magnificent, and a circle of light red ripples spread.

The fourth female saint king, the jade finger gently circled the soft finger in the void, and a green vine walked out and turned into a circle. Nine spiritual flowers appeared on the vine, and she closed her hands. A brown-black egg-shaped nine-hole'Tao Xun' appeared.


Tao Xun's voice turned into sound waves, and the air filled the air. Even though they were separated by a certain distance, the monks who watched the battle in the Five Realms felt their heads dizzy, and the unhelpful were shocked and fainted!

At this moment, although the cyan shadow fox female saint Wang felt uncomfortable, but seeing her companions began to launch an offensive, she could only swing the giant tail behind her, transforming into a cyan fox shadow, and disappear into the void!

Su Jin's eyes were cold, and he walked out of the red Ancestral Dragon's head, his body straight like a sword.

Three cities, the first city and the stone city of thousands of miles!

The second city, ancient heaven! Nantian Gate opens!

The third city! Magic Domain——

In a flash, the three big cities are like a three-way world. When combined, the stone city of thousands of miles is filled with all the stone colors, sweeping the surrounding underground spiritual energy, and absorbing it in the body of Su Jin. The ancient heavenly court, the real Jade Lake, the immortal aura becomes more and more dense and infused. His body!

In the Demon Realm of Vision, withered bones stand up, and millions of corpses! Scarlet Devil Qi, dye the void red!

Mohe Town Prison Eye, open it!


The three characters ‘Ghost Gate’ dominate one side. The Yin Jiang, Yin Shuai, and Spirit God on it have reached the level of tens of thousands, leading the coveting evil spirits and beasts, and the scene is so big that people cannot understand!

The five holy kings, either hidden in the void, or about to attack, saw this scene of Taotao, and were directly frightened--

Five people have a terrible conjecture in their hearts.

If Su Jin, the Heaven-defying Saint King, could fight the ancestors, it would definitely be them who fell down today, and there is no possibility of survival!

I can only get lucky that the other party can't!


The middle-aged saint king uses his arm as a sword, and the world moves with one sword!

Su Jin smiled disdainfully, nearly a thousand points in his body, among which the golden dragon shadow hummed, and the rest of the Buddha shadows began to chant sutras, constantly maintaining the best condition for Su Tianzi.

The sword of the middle-aged Saint King stood in the void created by Su Jin with great precision, fast enough, but it didn't hit it!

Forty-five phantoms of Happy Streaming Light, spread out directly, and rushed towards the visible four holy kings, the postures may be different, it is difficult to distinguish true from false!

Among the five holy kings, the young holy king with a black demon shadow above his head, took a few steps forward, and blasted out a punch very simply and neatly—

Destroy a phantom!

But in an instant, the eyes of the black demon shadow turned red, and Su Jin and the Phantoms raised their hands sharply and slapped him hard!

The monstrous fierce power was revealed in this shot!

The young saint king originally wanted to force this blow, but the power was not yet enough, he was already horrified, but he couldn't stop it, and the black demon shadow was full of black light!


The black demon shadow was smashed into pieces! As a result, the young saint king spit his mouth up to the sky, and he was seriously injured just before the war! This person Su Tianzi is terrible!

Su Jin will condense the phantom that was destroyed, forty-five phantoms, the number of ninety-fives, and the number of ninety-five phantoms!

The art of creation, the first opening of heaven and earth, is exhibited by forty-five phantoms. At this moment, every phantom is a pose. There is a piano, a sword dance, or a scroll study, all postures finally converge. As a technique of insight.

"Not good!" The middle-aged saint king hurriedly swung his sword to cut off those phantoms. At this time, he was able to distinguish it, because the real deity Su Jin had his hands folded, and the Buddha's light was shining all over the world behind him.

The Holy King, the Buddha!

The strands of scriptures seem to say that life is full of pains and sufferings. To live is to live for oneself, and to die is a kind of Buddhist insight. The human heart is good, and it is a wonderful gesture to live.

Su Jin's strongest creation technique, forty-five phantoms spread all over the surrounding area, when the combined technique was cut out, it directly cut the holy king with the strange weapon into ashes!

And the beautiful saint king who played Tao Xun had a trembling body, shuddering back several tens of feet, bleeding from his mouth, as if he was affected by the wounding technique, and his injuries were not small.

So far, the five holy kings had one dead and two severely wounded. The middle-aged holy king looked ugly. His blow seemed to be slashed on the cotton. The bold light of Buddha seemed to move the road, and the principles of life and death stretched in his sword. They were almost transformed by the Buddha of life and death.

This person can fight ancestors!

The four remaining holy kings had very ugly faces. Shenwu City suffered such a catastrophe, and the opponent did not come rashly!

However, at this moment, it was even more shocking in the eyes of the cultivators of the Five Territories. The five holy kings, one died, two were seriously injured, and two were at a loss now!


The squeaky voice appeared in the mouth of the cyan shadow fox saint king. She disappeared into the void, using the talented shadow escape method, able to fuse the road, Su Jin could not know where she was, at this moment she quietly sneaked to Su Jin's side , The huge foxtail swept towards Su Tianzi, every piece of her hair was her strongest weapon!

The middle-aged Saint King obviously knew this, and the cooperation was not once or twice. At the moment when the Blue Shadow Fox Saint King started his hands, he could only do a desperate fight! Infused with lifelong holy king power, the sword pointed at the divine eye on Su Li's head!

If successful, this sword will penetrate Su Jin's head!

Su Jin had long been secretly paying attention to the cyan Shadow Fox Saint King, that is, once the opponent appeared, the huge original suppression in his hand appeared, accurately and directly strangled the female Saint King's throat!

But the middle-aged Saint King’s sword came so quickly that he hardly gave him any chance to dodge——

The tip of the sword is pierced!

The middle-aged Saint King's face was overjoyed. In his eyes, Su Jin was already dead.

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