My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1768: Cut love within the domain!

The ancestor of the dead yin door——

He was completely beheaded to death. Once he died, the corpse **** was completely wiped out. The little shrimp and fish who escaped would not have the ability to rebuild the ‘corpse vulva’ without this ancestor.

It is rumored that Emperor Su can beat the ancestors, and now that he is seen by all the onlookers, he has this ability and no one doubts it!

"The old ancestor's tricks before his death were completely resolved by Emperor Su, and the ancestors defeated by Emperor Su did not resist, this...Is this still a human!" A monk was silent and communicated privately with the brothers who had escaped from the corpse.

"The corpse is over! Let's vote for another place!"

"Well, the same as I thought. But I always feel that Su Tianzi is weird, how could it be so powerful all at once, what happened to him?"

"Go, go, Su Tianzi has left--"


Sure enough, the watching cultivator saw Su Jin beheading the dead corpse, Ancestor Hou, he pondered for a while in the void, and disappeared.

Baiyun Canggu, by the creek, the group of reeds stretches far, half-person tall withered grass and mustard bushes, Su Jin in the gold-patterned robe walks here, the only thing that has not changed, his face is still cold.

In his mind, there were bursts of anxious voices, making him annoyed by listening--

"Because you have refined hundreds of thousands of ghosts, you have become the way you are now. In your flesh and blood, muscles, and veins, there is always a yin air flowing, affecting your mind and turning into a ghost king. You need Calm down, think of a way to get rid of it, you can try it with your life and death Dharma!"

Xiao Umbrella was persuading, even though he knew that it might be useless, this time it was really troublesome, but the situation at that time was really unable to escape the'ghost ship', which means that there is only one word of death, and now the spirit of the sea is covered. Blinded by ghosts, memories are covered in dust...

"It's a joke! You shut up, say one more thing, I trained you!" Su Jin said with a calm face.

"The original itinerary was to return to the domain to see your wife after you completed the'Nine-Dragon Fort' tour--" Xiao Umbrella is not angry. If you don't know what happened to him, you might be very surprised if you hear this. Annoyed, but now he only understands.

"Wife? Dao couple? The strong are destined to be alone for a lifetime. Any personal love between children and daughters is bullshit." Su Jin responded forcefully.

"You forgot all--" Xiao Umbrella became discouraged. He persuaded me how many words, but it was useless.

"It's not just forgetting, since you reminded me, then I have to thank you too much, now I will set off to the so-called ‘inside’!" Su Jin snorted coldly.

"You, what are you going to do?" Xiao Umbrella had a bad feeling.

"Zhanqing, proving!"


Xiao Umbrella panicked, but he knows best what it is to cut love. To cut love is to indulge in freedom of mind and body, which is more conducive to future practice. Before the geniuses prove the way, there are some geniuses who will "severe justice" with their lovers, of course. This is the lightest price.

The most serious price is beheaded--

Completely beheaded to death, completely cut off the heart of Hong Chen, so Xiao Umbrella will panic. With the current situation of Su Jin's "Ghost King Realm", I am afraid that Mortal Chen will be regarded as a vulgar child, and he does not care about a girl's appearance or past feelings. It really made him return to the domain...

The consequences will be disastrous!

"Huh!" Su Jin ignored the small umbrella, directly raised his hands, and gently touched the void to open a space channel.

The Umbrella Spirit of the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana was completely stunned. He only dialed out the channel and connected to the nearest formation gate. Su Jin had already achieved the ability to cross the void. Only the ancestral realm could do this ability, and he was only a holy King! Terrifying

Su Jin’s figure was immersed in it, and the eyes of Maha Town’s prison seemed even more incredible. The small umbrella looked in his eyes, and his heart was anxious. Under the influence of hundreds of thousands of ghosts and ghosts, the ancient magic of Su Tianzi turned black as ink. When the black light shone... Xiao Umbrella guessed that Su Tianzi didn't pretend to go back.

Xiao Umbrella saw that Su Jin was actually using the "Maha Town Prison Eye" to deduct the home in the domain and returned accurately along the original road!

"You still have an old girl, waiting for you to take her back in Jiujiang Water Mansion. Fairy Bicheng, the eldest lady of Jiujiang Water Mansion, lost the Yaoqin because of your chance, the'Jinse' in your bone ring , Is what you are going to give her." Xiao Umbrella wanted to drag some time.

If Su Jin can wake up in the delayed time, it is not too late, because he is afraid that he will be destroyed when he meets everyone, then it is not only Nie Qianfei and Fairy Bicheng who have sacrificed!

"Cut the love first, and then think of a way to get you out of my mind--" Su Jin replied coldly.

"You, you are so mad at me, you will regret it!" Then, Xiao Umbrella yelled.

You don't know how many miles.

After an hour passed, a circle of mist appeared in the void ahead, and Xiao Umbrella knew that this was a sign of the end of crossing the void!

Rush out...

China Qincheng.

Su Jin stepped out of it, and the dim sunset was hanging down. In the entire steel city, those Beetle-like vehicles were everywhere, but when he saw it, he felt very strange. Compared with the customs outside the region, it was completely different. A world.

When he fell off the roadside, the characters "Xia Group" in front of him were written on the high-rise building. Before entering, Su Jin glanced around.

On the sidewalk, green trees line up and there are many pedestrians. In the park not far away, there are children riding a spinning pegasus. When the young mother pays attention to the children, her face can't help showing a touch of care.

"Xiao Ai, I'm going home." A mother called out while looking at her daughter who was playing happily.

"Your husband said, I will take Xiao Ai to Langshan to play in the evening to see the big water tower--" the smart little girl said to her mother with arms akimbo.

"What is my husband, Xiao Ai, you can't be naughty, you should be called Dad." The mother was a little helpless with her daughter.


Su Jin retracted his gaze, and Sen walked into the'Xia Group' with a cold face. The guards in front of the door also smiled at him and greeted him, but seeing that his face was not good, he dared not say anything.

In less than five minutes, at the door!

A few newly planted old trees are almost on par with the villa, but when Su Jin arrives here, there is only a bit of familiarity in his heart, and his vague memories are covered in dust. He even feels that it is a good thing. It's the right way.

Stand for more than ten minutes.


Su Jin raised his head, there seemed to be the sound of walking that was aware of his steps, and when he saw his back with that familiar gaze, his steps became more rapid.

Before the person arrived, the fragrant wind hit first, Su Jin's face was startled, he was very familiar with the smell!

Su Jin slowly turned his head and looked at that beautiful dreamlike face indifferently——

The girl seemed to be very angry. She cocked her mouth and hurriedly said: "Bad husband! Come in for me!"

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