My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1772: Head high

Eight horses of the sky pulled the palace nun and landed on a high cliff with white snow.

This lake and stone bridge is already eight hundred miles away. The snow on the top of the high cliff has not melted. A green-purple bamboo forest half-hidden a pavilion. There are more than ten graceful figures on it, or there are flutes, pianos, zithers, etc. The ensemble resonated far with the sound of the instruments.

Luo Lingyi leaned on the railing and sat beside him, accompanied by a beauty in the real world of Zhenluo who matched her age——

"Seven sister, please think about it. Sister, I didn’t expect that you have cut love for so long, and the vision of paradise lost is rare in the world. Why did you want to move that love thread, even if you ruin your life, you have to be with the emperor Su Together." The companion beauty said with a serious face.

"Cousin, don't worry, Lingyi has her own plan." Luo Lingyi was obviously absent-minded. He looked at the scenery elsewhere, but was also listening.

"I'm really moved by the roots of love. Isn't it possible that I can't find a Taoist companion in my real world? The son of the Nantian King, who has the magical skill of'incarnation outside the body', has integrity, and pursued you hard back then, why didn't you Promise?" The cousin said what she thought.

Then, when she saw Luo Lingyi's silence, she said: "Well, you look down on the son of the Southern Heavenly King. The Chen family is the fifth largest family in the real Luo realm. The genius doctor can live and die, so her daughter's family will marry him. You can keep your youthful appearance for the rest of your life, and you will not worry about wealth, so why don't you be moved by it.

"Cousin, I know." Luo Lingyi finally recovered, frowning slightly.

"Okay, you don't look down on everyone, your vision is high!"

The cousin seemed to see that Luo Lingyi was impatient, and said: "How did your brother become the master of the realm, you know it well, if it were not for my ancestors' full support, it would be difficult to become a king! Also, the nineteen kings Brother, if it's not from the Luo family, can your brother be the realm master?"

"Cousin, what do you mean--" Luo Lingyi stood up, a little angry on his face.

"What do you mean? Haha, the nineteenth king's genius is much higher than your brother. I just want to say that the Luo family's blood is the same as outsiders in the world, and they don't follow the rules. And that person is in my real world, not even a cat or a dog!"


Luo Lingyi was about to have a seizure, but then a sound of applause rang in his ears, only to see Su Jin walking from the footpath below the peak, step by step, clapping his hands while walking.

"Who are you." The cousin looked at Su Jin who came by. If the temperament displayed by the other party was not simple, she might not have been able to look up at him.

"This king is what you just said... even your'Zhen Luojie' cat or dog is inferior to you." Su Jin said indifferently.

Luo Lingyi's cousin suddenly felt shocked, but with a sneer on her face, she said, "You are the emperor Su outside the world? That genius who is assigned to nine thousand miles and five domains?"

Chi Guoguo's insult——

"Cousin, don't go too far!" Luo Lingyi understood Su Jin's explosive temper and annoyed him. There was absolutely no benefit. The key, the key, Su Jin heard what the cousin had just said to himself, and felt that something was going to happen.

"Excessive? Isn't it the truth? Nine thousand miles... not even half of my ancestral land, so laughing~~~" The cousin leaned forward and backwards, covering her mouth and laughing.

Su Jin was silent.

It's a fact that there are few points. After all, it is something that cannot be rebutted, and it is weak, backward, will be beaten, and will suffer that kind of unfair treatment! But what this woman said is that she is inferior to his real master in the real world. This is not a fact!

Seeing Su Jin's silence, Luo Lingyi's cousin laughed more and more. She enjoyed the feeling of being above the top and looking down on the inferior, and the other party was Su Tianzi from the Five Domains, the so-called master from the backward human race.

a long time--

Su Jin looked at the laughing cousin Luo Lingyi, and suddenly asked: "Just now, who did you say I am inferior to?"

Luo Lingyi twitched in her heart and thought to herself'broken'.

"Not far at this time, the nineteenth king brother of the Luo family, who has just passed the saint ancestor's calamity, are you better than others?" Luo Lingyi's cousin covered her mouth and smiled.

"Meaning maid! Mother Wang, shut your mouth for Lao Tzu later." Su Jin directly raised his hand, raised a finger from the sky, and drew it directly--

Outside the pavilion, following Su Jin's finger painting, a bright imperial decree appeared, on which a domineering and unspeakable word "War" appeared!


The imperial decree written by Su Tianzi directly seemed to be transformed into a divine gate, trembling from the place of the nineteenth king's tribulation, the dragon soul was dazzling, and the emperor’s imperial decree was unparalleled and completely manifested in the sky!

"Su Jin, don't you!" Luo Lingyi showed anxious expression. Although she was complaining about her cousin, but at this moment she really knew that Su Tianzi was on fire, otherwise she would not curse.

Su Jin turned a blind eye, instead laughed wildly, and said to Luo Lingyi: "There are a few poems in my ancestral land, you can listen to it! It is like this, "Jing Kang shame, You Weixue, the courtier hates, when will it die!" "There is another saying, "Forty million people shed tears, where is the end of the world?", although my country is broken, the mountains and rivers are still there! Who insults me, my face is swollen!"

After speaking, Su Jin's feet shook slightly, and the whole snow-capped mountain trembled. After that, he turned into an arc streamer and rushed to the ancestral place of the 19th king of the Luo family——

Swipe a ‘war’, raise your head and shout into the sky!

Luo Lingyi stamped her foot in the pavilion and hurriedly slapped a magic talisman to inform the realm master of Zhenluo. Now she was upset and didn't know what to do.

"That's good, the nineteenth king's brother beheaded him, just cut off the seventh sister's thoughts." The cousin sneered.


Soon, a stream of light pierced the sky, and was seen by many monks. The ‘War’ copybook that radiated lofty fluctuations was still unabated and made people feel awe.

Stone bridge——

"For the latest news ahead, Su Tianzi has written a war letter to the nineteenth king brother, and that streamer is from the Five Domains Su Tianzi!" On the stone bridge, a monk hurried to inform.

"This person is not bad, he didn't do it just now. After all, the nineteenth brother was still crossing the catastrophe just now. At this time, the catastrophe is complete and the two can fight."

"The Nineteenth King Brother has the vision of the'Prince Ancient God City', and can crush everything. How sacred is Su Tianzi, dare to challenge him!"

"Not only the vision of the Primordial God City, there are also quite pure blood of dragons and beasts. It is said that the blood of the nineteenth king's brother is golden in color and possesses incomparable several magic arts. If the Lord of Zhenluo hadn't helped the ancestors behind, I am afraid that he will not be able to reach the ancestral realm first." There is a monk.

"Go and see—"

Then the monks on the stone bridge began a rush.

At this moment, the realm master of Zhenluo had also received news. He rushed to the Xueshan Pavilion. He was confused. He didn't know how Su Tianzi and the nineteenth kings got on the bar. They came to the pavilion and asked his elder sister. All.

After listening to her sister's words, the realm master of Jinra looked quite ugly. He glanced at his cousin coldly and said lightly: "I'll save my brother-in-law..."

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