My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1771: High specifications!

That's right, Su Jin completely said his true thoughts, but not in the bathroom——

"And then~~~"

Xia Yuyan flattened her knees, and covered her knees with a thin chiffon fabric. She looked at Su Jin unblinkingly. She seemed to notice the subtle atmosphere, her cheeks became more and more rosy. When Su Jin spoke, she snorted softly, "Do you want to make things worse?"

"You have said everything, I have nothing to say." Su Jin sat down by the bed.

"Then it's serious. You have made trouble outside the territory in the past few days, right? How come it takes so long to go home."

"The conscience of heaven and earth, do those people know if they die?"

"Outside the territories is a place of right and wrong, I will go less in the future." Xia Yuyan knew that Su Jin was originally a restless master. He was too sharp and would definitely be prone to conflict with others, and he had many enemies.

"When I think about it, I will give you a surprise--" Su Jin thought for a long time, but still didn't plan to say it now.

"I'm waiting, isn't our little Jinjin going to sleep? Go and close the curtains." Xia Yuyan Queen Faner showed it again, with some weird meaning in her smile.

Su Jin felt hot.

With a strong desire in her eyes, she stared closely at Xia Yuyan’s face. Yuyan’s wife, who was already a bit weird, couldn’t even look at each other at this moment. She hurriedly turned off the light and didn’t dare to look at Su Shao. .

"Hao Le!" Su Jin excitedly got up from the side of the bed, walked to the curtain, and gently pulled--

Ding Ding~~~

A pack of cigarettes and Liying's dagger fell on the ground, and the fiery and charming atmosphere seemed to be extinguished at the moment of the tinkling sound.

Su Jin's face became ugly and ugly, he couldn't forgive his previous things, at least for the time being, he couldn't let go of it, how could he have the idea of ​​killing his emotions!

There was a dead silence in the room, and the temperature seemed to drop, Su Jin clenched his fists unconsciously and squeaked.

"what happened?"

Xia Yuyan asked nervously when Su Jin hadn't moved.

"It's nothing, remembering that there are still things that have not been done, so go to sleep first." Su Jin said in his heart,'I'm sorry', but he couldn't tell the truth at all, and picked up'Li' after he finished speaking. Ying' and the pack of cigarettes walked out of the bedroom silently.

Cool into the water at night.

The living room was very quiet. Even the lights in Xia Yunxi’s room were off. Su Jin sat on the sofa and quietly lit a cigarette. He came back in a daze. His wife must have been very scared when he saw him for a short period of time. ——

After sitting on the sofa for ten minutes, and ten minutes of silence, Su Jin took a deep breath and grabbed the "phantom" stone sign, which is the medium for communicating the "Tai Xu Divine Realm", but I don’t know that Luo Lingyi is still there. Is it in Taixu?


Soon, Su Jin’s soul body was condensed on the stone bridge beside the lake—

Unlike before, there are many monks on this stone bridge, including men and women. After all, this stone bridge across the lake can see the entire lake view!

In the middle of the day, the sky in the far northwest is full of thunder and thunder, and purple-red thunder and lightning fall from time to time. Although they are far apart, they still look terrifying from a distance.

"The nineteenth brother of the Luo family, today he crossed the saint ancestral tribulation. It is rumored that this person has not cultivated for a thousand years. Now he is hard to defend the ancestral tribulation, and he is bound to succeed." A female cultivator with a fan looked at it with admiration in her tone With emotion.

"To be honest, if I were not for the support of the seniors of the Luo family, I am afraid that I would not be able to cultivate to the ancestral realm so early and sit on the realm master. And this Luo family's nineteenth king brother has extraordinary talents. , With the blood of the dragon and beast, the vision is rarely an enemy." A male repairer lowered his voice.

"The ups and downs of the vision behind him is not the rumored vision of the'Taigu God City'?"

"Yes! But this ancestral robbery has passed four hours, so it must be over?"

"Horrible, really terrible!"


There were at least hundreds of thousands of monks in all directions watching this ancestral robbery, and they were all amazed, and there were many powerful guardians around the robbery field of the nineteenth brother of the Luo family, and no one was allowed to disturb them.

Su Jin looked at it for a while. He was famous in the Five Realms, but in Zhenluo Realm, he definitely belonged to the kind that couldn't be found in the crowd.

Suddenly, there was a hustle and bustle in the direction of Shiqiao going east, temporarily pulling people's gaze back from the Holy Ancestor Jiejing of the nineteenth brother of the Luo family.

I saw a hundred beautiful women in brocade from the east, each of which was a distance apart, and a golden chariot rolled from the center of the stone bridge. This golden chariot was unbelievable. It was drawn by an eight-headed blood-red sky like a horse. The bustling palaces are generally noble.

"The palace of the Luo Family Shenju Temple, who is this going to pick up?" Some people talked about it, but the atmosphere didn't dare to take a mouthful. Obviously, it was rare.

"The word'yi' is engraved on the palace palace...this, this is the palace palace of the Seventh Princess!" Obviously someone was surprised when he saw Mingtang.

"The seventh princess who can carry out the vision of "Paradise Lost", who will she send to the palace to pick him up? This kind of specification is beyond imagination—"

"Stop, stop!"

Many monks saw that it was from the Luo family, and instinctively retreated a certain distance. On the blank stone bridge, a young man stood with his hand holding his hand. It seemed that there was not much accident. Since Luo Lingyi sent a vehicle to pick her up, the only thing he could do was let him I know that Luo Lingyi is still there.

The eight-headed blood-red pegasus is not messy, and Shenjun’s hair is majestic. He slowly walked down from the imperial palace. Two young female cultivators with red moles on the center of their eyebrows walked to Su Jin and stopped three meters away. Danfeng had big eyes and a graceful figure. After seeing Su Jin, he said: "I have seen Su Tianzi~~~ Seven princesses, please."

Su Jin actually wanted to keep a low profile, but at this time there was nothing to do. There was an extra ‘Mountain God and Dachuan Picture’ in his hand. He gently shook the fan, and the person disappeared instantly. When he appeared again, he was already above the palace!

In this scene, the two girls who were shocked were in a daze. Scared the watching monks!

Pretending to be handsome, that is Su Shao's strength. Since the domineering can't be concealed, he must implement it thoroughly——

The two girls with red moles on the eyebrows peeked at each other, resisting the shock, and after turning around the palace, they started to drive the eight horses, and the convoy slowly disappeared.

"Who is Su Tianzi? Why did Princess Seven invite him..."

"I haven't heard of it, is there such a person in my real world?"

"The seventh princess's palace never allowed the opposite **** to come, why is this happening now?"

"It seems that I have heard this name vaguely before. Do you know that the'Shenwu City' of the Heavenly Dragon Realm was captured by one person, and that person fought the'Five Sage Kings of the Heavenly Dragon Realm' with one person, and that person seems to be called' Emperor Su' is a great enchanting genius."

"Oh~~~" everyone exclaimed.

Outsiders didn’t know. Soon after, Su Jin thought of meeting Luo Lingyi, but he didn’t expect to see Luo Lingyi in this situation.

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