My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1770: It's so bad

The door did not open--

Su Jin's hand seemed to have been shocked, and he withdrew back. He suddenly raised his head as if he was not looking at the ceiling. What he was looking at was the not-distant void--

"Who, who is it!"

Su Jin's figure disappeared in the bedroom, and the'Great Ascension Technique' directly soared him into the sky.

On the cloud, Su Jin's eyes hurt, and he instinctively covered his eyes with his hands. When he looked again, the golden cloud gradually condensed into a big Buddha body!


The golden cloud Buddha's body and shoulders are high with the cloud, his mouth is smiling, his hands are folded, the whole piece of auspicious clouds in the sky, a stone lotus platform that does not know how many miles, seems to be rooted in the distant depths of the void, the sound of the sutra!

The Buddha's lips trembled unhurriedly. Upon closer inspection, there was a broken old stone man on the Shilian platform, holding a brown'patchwork' in his hand. The broken old stone man's complexion was not pretty, but he held it in his hand. The'Bai Nin Yi', also called'Gong De Yi', is a monk's garment that has been repaired many times.

There was a sound of Sanskrit chants all around, and the broken old stone man saw Su Jin. Although his face was not very beautiful, he still lifted the "monk's clothes" in his hands!

The golden light shone, and the unfolded monk's clothes rose with the storm——

"It's the powerful Buddha, come to save you!" Xiao Umbrella said in excitement.

"Shut up! I don't need someone to cross me!" Su Jin exclaimed angrily.

Su Jingang was about to attack the broken old stone man, but on the unfolded "Baina Yi" after his words, bright scriptures began to rush out!

A buddha garment, just a buddha garment, directly let Su Jin put his hands together at this moment, as if someone firmly tied his hands together in the dark, there was no way to separate his hands together .

The origin of the Buddhist scriptures of life and death seemed to be reflected, and a faint golden light appeared behind Su Jin, the light became stronger and stronger, and the light from the Buddhist clothing was homologous and reflected each other!

A trace of a ghostly ghost spread out from Su Jin's body, and his'Mahe Town Prison Eyes' couldn't help but opened, and the red light curtain hits the Buddha's clothing. The Buddha's clothing does not seem to exist. !

As time passed, Su Jin's originally hideous face gradually turned into calmness. He closed his eyes and resonated with Dadao Sanskrit.

The tea time passed--

When Su Jin opened his eyes, two drops of clear tears rolled down, and the gloom in them was no longer at all. The spiritual sea that was affected by the huge number of ghosts and ghosts was as clear as ice that never melted forever.

"I, I turned out to be so terrible before." Su Jin trembled, regretful emotions filled his heart.

In order to survive in the ghost ship, he underestimated the abilities of the ghosts and ghosts. Even if Su Jin died, how could he have the slightest idea of ​​hurting Yuyan's wife, cut love, cut love! I got the world without her, what's the use of cutting it off——

After all Li ghost ghosts were completely purified into mist by the Buddha light and faded away, Su Jin's memory was completely retrieved, and he immediately thanked him: "Thank you, Buddha, for your help. The kid is grateful."

The golden cloud Buddha smiled and said slowly: "The spiritual light shines alone, free from the roots and dust. The mind is untainted, and the original is self-contained. However, if you are free from the illusion, you are like a Buddha. I will cross the buddhist catastrophe. Buddhist friends need to take care."

"Boy understands."

Su Jin put his hands together and bowed slightly to the body of the Jin Yun Buddha. Then he took a deep breath and looked at the broken old stone man. He immediately looked solemn and greeted him: "Master, you have worked so hard to go to my domain, thank you. The grievances between you and me have since been written off."

"Huh?" The broken old stone man's face became more ugly, and he turned angrily: "What does it mean to write off grievances? Haven't you, the little **** hurt me?"

After all, it was the old man. When he heard the four words "write off", the broken old stone man was going to blow his lungs. As soon as he heard it, he heard the meaning outside of Su Jin's words.

The co-author will not be cancelled this time. If we meet again next time, Su Jin will cheat him again!

You must know what miserable life Master Jue has been living recently. He is still in the land of the 987 Buddhas standing up to the sky, wiping it day and night, a handful of bitter tears!

Who can bear that kind of inhuman suffering!

"The ancients said that if you want to achieve something with a great responsibility, you must first suffer from your mind, your muscles and bones, your body and your skin, and your body. The master is dedicated to the Buddha and will live his life again. When he succeeds, he will find these sufferings. Don't cry." Su Jin said with a serious expression.

"piss off!"

The broken old stone man screamed at Su Jin with three words, this Su Tianzi could hardly speak while standing!

"Master Lijue take care, next time I see you, I may pick a few yellow and white flowers to visit you. I hope you will be alive by then—"

"Shut up! I swallowed you!"

Master Lujue went crazy on the stone lotus platform. Just when he wanted to fly out of the stone lotus platform, he found a few vines swimming around. The crackling was a fluttering, and he was wailing in pain, and shouted, "Monk Shi! You let me go--"

The body of the Buddha transformed by the golden cloud gradually dissipated, and the Shilian Terrace was also wrapped in Master Jue, retracting into the distant void.

Su Jin watched in the void for a while, and to be honest, he didn't have any good feelings for the old stone man who wanted to take his body, but he had respect for the Buddha.

As if thinking about it, Su Jin finally got ashamed on his face and flew down.

Qin City, the bustling city that never sleeps.

Su Jin felt more and more worried, but still reentered the door and opened the bedroom door. Go inside...


Wearing a chiffon pajama, Xia Yuyan sat on the head of the bed, bent her knees and hugged her legs with both hands, with a magazine in her eyes, and she was looking very interesting.

The little feet that are not much bigger than the palm of his hand were snowy and dazzling. Su Jin took a deep breath, walked over, and asked, "What are you looking at—"

"Where did you go?" Xia Yuyan put the book aside, two red patches on his face.

"Go out."

"Huh." Xia Yuyan wrinkled her nose slightly, staring at Su Jin, and staring at him: "I originally felt that something was wrong after you came back, but it turned out... it was all a lie."

In the end, ‘all lie’ is almost used word by word.

"Why do you say that?" Su Jin felt that he had been greatly affected. If it was wrong, it must be wrong, but fortunately, it didn't make a big mistake.

"I was in the bathroom just now, and you... secretly opened the door. You want to go in, right?" Xia Yuyan had a little smirk on her face, a somewhat unstoppable smile.

Because Xia Yuyan also knows Su Jin’s temperament very well, it is clearly what she guessed, which is simply horrible——

Su Jin was taken aback.

Then the obsessive eyes kept looking, the atmosphere seemed to be ignited at this moment, and it became very subtle!

Then Su Jin was startled and said:

"Yes, I want to go in."

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