My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1774: Vision vs Taikoo God City

Really strong!

Su Jin's expression sank, and he saw the vision of the "Prince Ancient God City" unfolding behind the nineteenth king brother.

The vision of this sacred city is so big that you can't see the side at a glance, and it is even clear that you can see the carved beams and paintings above. There are gods and dragons guarding the pillars, the red phoenix around the beams and other fairy birds and beasts, which are vividly manifested on it.

"My heart seems to be pressed by a huge rock, even though it is so far away, it can still be affected!" The cultivator who was on the sidelines clutched his chest, resisting discomfort, and said with a look of horror.

"The sage monks of Xiaoyu, some of them can't even beat my ‘Zhen Luojie’ sacred realm cultivators, and even dare to challenge the nineteenth king brothers of the Luo family.

"Once the vision of the Primordial God City came out, it was invincible and unstoppable. No matter how strong you are, even in the ancestral realm, I am afraid that the 19th king brother can be cut to death now."

"Now that the Primordial God City has appeared, how should this Saint King from Xiaoyu respond? I look forward to his performance!"

"How can I behave? In my opinion, there will be no power to fight back, and the flesh will be crushed to ashes by the vision of the Divine City of the Nineteen Kings——"


Some are looking forward to it, some are sighing. Most of them are not optimistic about this genius from a small domain.

They were right, Su Jin was a little stressed, but the pressure was not as great as they thought——

How can the people of Zhenluo know how powerful his ancient vision of the China Great World is!


All the positive film void earth began to shake, and the stone color began to fill the surroundings!

At the same time, Su Jin sneered at the corner of his mouth. You must know that although his pure power of the Holy King is not comparable to the nineteenth king brothers, his most powerful thing is not brute force, but vision pupil technique!

Three cities!

The first city, Wanli Stone City!

"The monks from this small domain also have visions!!!"

I don't know which onlooker screamed in surprise, causing the hearts of others to twitch.

"What can I do if I have a vision? The'Prime God City' is well-known and ranks sixth in my "Zhenluo Realm" vision art. With this vision, the next nineteen king brothers are destined to surpass the imperial realm and reach This person is completely out of reach."

"I have a bad feeling. This stone city can't see the edge at a glance. Even the "Prince Ancient God City" has been included in it, and there is that strange tree—"

Someone pointed at the old pear tree that appeared not far away, and his face became quite ugly.

That old pear tree was very desolate, with only a dozen leaves, and a blue light passed from time to time on each leaf. What was even more frightening was that there were many human head urns hanging on its branches!

"I, I saw the heads of my grandmother, brothers and sisters, they are calling me, begging to give them a relief."

There was a monk who was watching the battle, his face flushed, his eyes were lost when he spoke, and he was about to move forward.

"The most beautiful senior sister in my heart, whose whereabouts were unknown two hundred years ago, turned out to have fallen here--" There was also a monk from the True Luo world, muttering blankly. In his eyes, the beautiful and beautiful senior sister in his heart was crying in Yingying, her head locked in that divine urn, her true spirit could not be beyond birth.

"The teacher once left alone. I have visited countless borders, but I have never found any news about him. I am sorry for the rest of my life! His head was locked and hung on a tree!"

"Not good! Get back quickly, don't be affected by the vision of the little domain Saint King!"

Finally, some monks felt the fear, and there were at least a hundred thousand monks around, and at least several thousand of them were affected by Su Tianzi's vision!

This is terrible. Most of these affected monks have regrets in their hearts. Monks who are looking for missing deceased persons will be affected by the strange old pear tree and manifest the people they miss. In the head **** urn!

At this moment, the brother of the nineteenth king was slightly stunned, but he was not too surprised. There are many powerful people in the real Luo world. I don’t know how many people have visions. That is the seventh princess Luo Lingyi. Isn’t there also a vision of "Paradise Lost" that has attracted worldwide attention!

"What's the name of this vision——" The Nineteenth King hesitated, and still asked.

"Put the land into three cities." Su Jin said lightly.

"Even though I haven't heard of it, I still admire your courage. This vision is still a bit weak. I still admire you and dare to use this vision to fight against my'Prince Ancient God City'." The nineteenth king's brother was calm.

"Don't worry, and..." The corner of Su Jin's mouth rose, and his indifferent smile gradually became apparent.

The nineteenth king was startled.

and also? What do you mean?


In the Wanli Stone City, two crystal clear snow pillars appeared, and the three big characters'South Heaven Gate' gradually appeared among the clouds and mist above! The second city, ancient heaven! The shock was born in everyone's eyes!

The snow-white fairy qi was blessed on Su Jin, and Su Jin's strength was rising——

"The saint king of this small domain is a bit capable, and there are actually two visions! But there are too many, not necessarily powerful, the ancient **** city will crush all of them!" There is a long-term onlooker, moving at the moment.

"Yes, the two visions need to be distracted to practice. In the end, neither vision can be practiced well." The monk echoed.

"But there are two visions that can be used, both of them are super strong. Do you think the nineteenth king is strong enough? He didn't have two visions, and the seventh princess's "paradise lost" vision, the same It is a well-known existence on the list, but she has only one kind!"

Someone put forward different opinions.

I am partial to my own people, not to mention that this is a contest between the realm and the realm. The monks will be more partial to the nineteenth king's brother if they are sentimental and rational. Doesn't it make people laugh out loud.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and a faint blue thunder and lightning descended, and only a piece of magic soil appeared. Among them, the evil corpses were constantly rising and falling, with fangs everywhere, and every corpse that manifested in that piece of magic soil, unexpectedly The cultivation base is not low, and it is slowly drifting with thunder and lightning.

The Third City Demon!

As soon as the three cities came out, among the monks who were onlookers from all directions, there was a cry of air-conditioning directly. This little domain holy king actually had a ‘three’ vision, which was beyond the scope of people’s understanding!

At this moment, in the pavilion on the top of the snow cliff, the girl's music is still continuing. Luo Lingyi and his cousin are watching attentively. Although they can't be seen at this time, the nineteenth king's brother's "Taigu Shencheng" He and Su Jin's vision of "changing the three cities", but it is in full view.

"Huh—" The cousin's voice was sour and sour, "The three phenomena of fellow practitioners, in the end, they can only be all dross and become mediocre."

Luo Lingyi had a little confidence in Su Jin born in her heart. He glanced at his bitter cousin and asked unceremoniously: "Cousin felt that my'paradise lost' vision was compared with that of Su Tianzi. , Who is better?"

"Sister Qi, of course." The cousin sighed in her heart.

However, Luo Lingyi's next words suddenly made her cousin look dull--

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