My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1775: Shocking Brother Jinlu

"When I first met Su Tianzi, I was just like you thought."

Luo Lingyi seemed to fall into the memory, and continued: "Even at the time, I thought it was easy to kill him, but until I started fighting, I didn't know how terrifying his strength was. Moreover, his vision was called'Badihuasan City', although people in the real world of Zhenlu don’t know about this technique, I have checked that when the Great China World was in its heyday, this technique was among the top three in the vision list."

Puff through, puff through.

The cousin's face seemed a bit wonderful, Luo Lingyi's eyes were sly, but she sneered in her heart, because her words seemed to scare her cousin!

"I don't believe it anyway. I don't believe that this vision can contend with the 19th King's "Prince God City"." The cousin knew that she was a little gaffe, so she turned to arrogant words.

"This man, you never know how deep his potential is--" Luo Lingyi chuckled his mouth and said, "A month ago, he was only in the Holy Realm, able to fight the Holy King. But a month later, It broke through the holy realm and reached the ancestor's ability."

"What!" the cousin exclaimed.

Not to blame for her surprise, even though the five domains are small domains, where can they fight the ancestors with the power of the holy king, how talented is it? Among the monks in Zhenluo Realm, it is simply impossible for the holy king to fight the ancestor, unless a very few great evildoers can achieve the ancestor fight.

"My younger brother, who was pushed by your ancestors to the top position of the realm master, today, in the deduction, said that there are ancestral realm powerhouses in the five realms, and the strong ones who can kill the ancestral realm are not many in the five realms. See, after my brother used a million ancestral realm imaginary deduction, it was found that it was Su Tianzi who killed the ancestral realm...

Luo Lingyi said with pride.


I thought that the nineteenth king's brother was sure of winning, but at this moment, my cousin had some uncertainty in her heart. If Su Jin could really fight the ancestral realm, I am afraid that the battle between the two will be very hard.

At this moment, when all the three cities were condensed, the nineteenth king's brother also woke up from his shocked expression. He really felt threatened now. A small domain sage actually had the vision of'three kinds'. Let him become an ancestor and an emperor, and he will be brilliant in the future.

Not allowed! The nineteenth king's thoughts flashed, and immediately raised his hands, bursts of mighty force exerted the vision of God City, and the whole "Prime God City" trembled again and again.

The various immortal birds and beasts in the carved beams and painted buildings were inspired by the power, and began to rush out of the **** city. The ancient **** city suddenly seemed to be transformed into an ancient demon land!

The ancient city of God, rises quickly!

Soon, all kinds of immortal birds and fierce beasts from ‘prime ancient’ rushed into the void, evil pythons with rhino horns, black dragons with delta wings, green phoenix encased in a cloud of blue poisonous fire, etc.—

"Die to me!" After the Nineteenth King's brother finished speaking, his whole body appeared in the city of God, and he began to show many mysteries.

When the evil beasts and birds pounced over the sky.

Su Jin's face was calm, and such a magnificent scene was very rare in the eyes of the spectators around. Many people thought about how this saint king from Xiaoyu should respond.

Calm, Su Jin was so calm as to be terribly calm. He stood in place, standing tall and motionless when the beasts and birds pounced! There is no meaning to retreat at eight!

Slowly, Su Jin put his hands together——

First, forty-five phantoms were pulled out, doing the same actions as Su Jin, and then there were a thousand white-clothed Su Jin phantoms, scattered all around in an instant, with their hands folded!

It seemed that one thousand and forty-six Su Jins were clasping their hands together, and the magnificent golden Buddha light was flourishing, and the scene once reached the point where people screamed!

Puff puff--

The evil beasts and birds rushed forward, and when they encountered the circles of golden light, they were as if they collided on steel, and they were scattered by the light of life and death, and the Sanskrit singing from the depths of the void made people feel peaceful. In addition, under the peaceful Buddha light, the countless "primordial fierce birds" can't get close to the slightest!

"He, he, Buddha and Sage double cultivation!" There were onlookers watching monks, feeling Ning He mood in their hearts, and for the first time felt that people could still be so terrible.

"His realm of Buddhism and Taoism... turned out to be the Holy King Buddha." The monk grumbled, swallowed his saliva, and his heart could not stop beating wildly.

"More than a thousand imaginary phases bless the holy king's Buddha light, and disperse all the fierce birds condensed from the ancient city!"

"Small domain, how can a small domain have such a terrifying existence!"

"So handsome~~~" Only among them was the female cultivator. Seeing more than a thousand false appearances, neatly and uniformly, the indifferent appearance of the hands clasped together gave the female cultivators a heart.

After dispersing all the ferocious animals and beasts, Su Jin did not take back the imaginary appearance, a red whirlwind seemed to blow around him, and gradually began to solidify——

Boom, boom, boom!

Unconsciously, as if the void had a heartbeat, the hearts of the cultivators who watched the battle were also beating, and not far away, a red violent ape with a cloud on his shoulders opened his mouth and yelled at the sky. The violent ape was too terrifying, slapped his chest, and the void flowing between his fingers was being cracked and healed.


Qi Yungao’s huge violent ape stared at the vision of the'Taigu God City’ not far away with his blood basin and big eyes. He roared and cracked the void, and his hair began to stand upside down. With a bounce of his foot, the whole violent ape jumped up and raised his fist.

At this moment, the vision of the Primordial God City was completely activated, and the void was shattered with a slight tremor. In a black space storm, the nineteenth king’s bloodline was blessed by the city, and the power was urged to reach even more. time.

The "Ape Strike Technique" turned into a violent ape punch, like a mountain, and slammed over, but the nineteenth king's brother did not move.


Su Jin frowned, how powerful is the punch of the violent ape, this fist hit the ancient **** city for a long time, as if hitting a steel plate, it did not break the vision of the ‘primordial **** city’.

Su Jin’s thoughts immediately moved, and there were a thousand white clothes behind him, straight up to the clouds neatly, and then wrapped his deity, directly using the'great ascension technique' plus his own creation technique'the beginning of heaven and earth'. It instantly turns into a streamer that can penetrate the void...

So strong!

The Nineteenth King raised his head in the "Prince Ancient God City", and finally did not dare to look down at Su Jin anymore. He planned to face it up with this blow.

With the blessing of the three cities, Su Jin's magical skills can support for such a long time. When the nineteenth brother reacted, Su Jin had already rushed!


Thousands of imaginary appearances in white clothes, together with the creative art of "Heaven and Earth Begins", were directly connected by Su Jin, and he slammed this punch at the vision of "Prime God City"!


The shrill sound appeared in everyone's ears after a crash, all spectators, including the Realm Lord not far away!

All were stunned after Su Jin's punch!

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