My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1776: Ashamed

The sixth-ranked vision in the real world, Taikoo God City... was smashed by a punch!

Like broken ice floes, the huge "Prime God City" kept cracking. With Su Jin as the center point, the fist wind swept across, all crunching began to collapse one by one!

The nineteenth king's face was pale, and his face turned bloody, with disbelief in his eyes, wow, opened his mouth and sprayed blood.

Su Jin had the blessing of the Three Cities Vision, constantly instilling strength, and the combination of the'Great Ascension Technique' and the Chuangdao Divine Art. This blow shattered the'Prime God City' vision and caused serious injuries to the brothers of the nineteenth kings. !

"How can you, the saint king of the small domain, hurt the ancestor——"

The Nineteenth Brother still couldn't accept it, wiped his mouth on his cuffs, and looked at the red blood on it, there was a heinous expression on his face.

Su Jin frowned.

He is not satisfied.

With these methods, I almost tried my best, but only defeated the opponent's vision of the "Prince Ancient God City", causing the opponent to be injured. Seeing that the opponent can still speak, he obviously has combat power!

Originally, according to Su Jin's estimation, this blow could directly obliterate the nineteenth king's brother. The opponent's strength exceeded his previous expectations and was much stronger than he originally estimated!

"Keep talking about the Saint King of Xiaoyu! You dog sees low-level things, this king is bound to kill you today—"

After Su Jin finished speaking, he slowed down his breathing and put his right hand in the sleeve of his robe. Uncontrollable shaking appeared on it. The sequelae of the punch just started to appear. The tiger's mouth was cracked between his fingers, but he did not feel the slightest pain. What strength did he use for a hit.


The Nineteen King's brother shouted angrily, and then his robe and sleeves bulged up, and the majestic ancestral world was directly stretched out, and endless imaginary phases lined up, followed by millions of imaginary phases facing him, even directly It's just a bow to him--

This worship...

The entire sky above my head was shattered, and the space storm was like an ancient Qiang flute. The whine sounded through, and time seemed to stop at this moment. The entire sunny day turned into scary black, and from time to time there were space fragments like The shining treasure.


The nineteenth king's brother was in the void, and he kicked his foot fiercely. The whole person was like a cannonball, and Su Jin's body was hit in the blink of an eye, raising his fist and hitting him.

Su Jin is confident that he will not lose anyone. The nineteenth king's punch is fast enough, but with his own thoughts, he moved a few steps directly, and forty-five phantoms of ‘Happy Streaming Light’ came out!

This punch, the nineteenth king's brother, hit the air! ~

However, it seemed that he knew this situation, and the Nineteen King Brother quickly made a convergent attack, and he was full of ancestral realm power, rolling the waves, and he did not give Su Jin any time to react.

Su Jin is a little depressed. It is reasonable to fight between the ancestral realm and the holy king, which is simply a bully. The spread of the ancestral realm can draw infinite power into the ancestral body. If he is not an ordinary holy king, I am afraid that it will be there. Beheaded to death by this person.

Seeing that it could not be dragged on, Su Jin's heart bounced, no longer dodge, and rushed sideways towards the Nineteenth Brother——

Bang bang bang~~

The dazzling figure appeared in that small square world, and the speed of the attack and the speed of the flash movement of the two people was astounding.

Ten strikes, fifty strikes, and when it reached 80 strokes, Su Jin jumped and slammed with a magnificent punch~~~

The Nineteenth King didn’t retreat, and he also punched in the past——

The two different powers seem to appear in the form of two poles. Su Jin’s power is black and red. At this moment, he is using his fist wind to contend with each other’s yellow and blue fist strength. Although the two are relatively close, they have two circles of different colors. The arc of power appeared in the eyes of spectators very eye-catchingly.

"Both of them are too strong." A cultivator from the real world took a deep breath.

"That's right, Su Tianzi's robe was stained with blood. Obviously, he suffered a serious injury during the confrontation." A monk said.

"It's not just Su Tianzi, but the nineteenth king's brother was blasted with a wound on his back, obviously hurting his muscles and bones. The strength of the two is equal."

"I feel that the Nineteen Kings are better."

"It's miserable, if you continue to fight like this, both of them will die of exhaustion, and no one will persuade anyone!"

The spectators sighed, but Su Jin was really fortunate to be said to be equal, and now he is obviously unable to hold on, and the other party has the blessings of the ancestral realm heaven and earth——

Can't consume!

With a thought, Su Jin gritted his teeth secretly, and a circle of Buddha light shone out behind him. With the blessing of his own life and death Buddha light, his injury can be observed with the naked eye, and he is recovering rapidly at a rate of ten times or a hundred times!

At the same time, Su Jin was fierce and planned to give it a go, success or failure in this hit!

"Drink!" Su Jin roared fiercely. At the center of his eyebrows, the hideous "Maha Town Prison Eye" opened when the Nineteenth Brother was caught off guard—

A red curtain of fire spouted from the "Eyes of Mohe Town Prison", and the divine eye fire that could melt the void directly reached the nineteenth king's brother!

The nineteenth king's brother never expected that Su Jin had a back move. This attack directly caught him off guard, and he almost didn't hesitate in his heart. He just wanted to hide, but Su Tianzi's punch was not cleared, and he was instantly cruel. He smashed a punch that gathered all his strength!

In the void, the nineteenth king’s brother was directly smashed and flew dozens of miles away~~~

This scene surprised many people, because although the Zhenluo realm monks were partial, it was obvious that the nineteenth king brother was stronger, but the person who lost now was not Su Tianzi, which made people dumbfounded.

"Tianzi Su, I remember you. If I hadn't just broken through the ancestral realm and my realm hadn't been stable, how could I be defeated by your hand--" The nineteenth king's brother covered his pierced abdomen with one hand, his face flushed, and the other hand It is to push away the void, open a passage, step into it and escape.

The words of the Nineteen King's brother immediately made the tens of thousands of Zhenluo monks who were watching the battle dull, and even the realm master of Zhenluo was thundered and retreated several steps.


The words of the Nineteen Kings are too embarrassing! You are an ancestral realm, even if the realm is not stable, it is also the power of the ancestral realm. The emperor Su is a holy king. He hasn't spoken yet after winning. The nineteenth kings actually escaped under the pretext of unstable realm.

"Nineteenth king brother, I am ashamed to be with him." Many Zhenluo realm cultivators swept their faces and left after seeing the results of the battle.

At the moment, at the peak pavilion of Xueya.

Luo Lingyi was beautiful and graceful, with pride on her beautiful face, and she stood up in front of her cousin. Obviously, the scene of Su Tianzi's victory over the nineteenth princes was learned by both of her because the words of the 19th princes were passed on. Far far away

Looking at her cousin silently, Luo Lingyi felt a very relaxed feeling in her heart. This is the emperor Su who is not as good as a cat and a dog in the real world in her cousin's mouth?

The cousin's face was still dull, and she muttered to herself:

"Lost, the Nineteen Kings actually lost--"

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