My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1777: The beauty nanny who believes in science

The result of the battle made it difficult for this big cousin to understand.

Little Domain Saint King, if he were placed in the "Zhen Luo Realm", I am afraid that a slightly more powerful Saint Realm could defeat him. But the Su Tianzi from this small domain seems to be very different. With the strength of the small domain holy king realm, he defeated the nineteenth king brother who had the cultivation base of the ancestor realm!

Once and again, the gap directly subverted the cognition of the big cousin.

"Cousin, I just forgot to tell you, Emperor Su has another name in the Five Domains." Luo Lingyi said with confidence.

"What--" The cousin reacted a little, her attitude was so different from before.

"Fight against the sky monk!"

Luo Lingyi proudly said: "When he was Half-Holy, he was against the Heaven and Half-Holy, when he was in the Holy Realm, he was against the Heaven and the Holy Realm, and now...he is the Heaven-defying Saint King!"

The eldest cousin took a step back in shock by Luo Lingyi's words. She did not realize that her lips were trembling, and she swallowed alive.

Embarrassed, at this moment the big cousin is no better than the nineteenth king's brother, and in front of the cousin, there seems to be a feeling of self-confidence.

In the battlefield, Su Jin's strength was recovering little by little. After he recovered 10% of his strength, he was relieved, and he was a little lingering. If he hadn't just made an emergency, he would be the loser! The strength of the Nineteen Kings is indeed terrifying.

"Brother-in-law, I am impressed by your recent strength growth." The Realm Master Jin Luo also breathed a sigh of relief, stepped through the void, and walked over, with a strange look in his eyes.

"Fortunately, it's just a small win." Su Jin nodded gently.

Realm Lord Zhenluo shook his head and said: "The winner is the king. No matter how he wins, of course the nineteenth king brother is still a little too careless. From his heart to defeat, he will look down on you. After all, he is the saint ancestor, you It’s the Holy King—"

"Perhaps, I am going to China City now and tell your sister to see you again if I have time." Su Jin said lightly.

"I see you off."

The realm master of Zhenluo waved his hand, forming a circle pattern under Su Jin's feet, and Su Jin disappeared in place.


Taixu God Realm, in front of China City.

When the city gate appeared in Su Jin’s eyes, he directly communicated with the "phantom character" jade card. His figure did not enter the city, so he chose to return to his body——


Qincheng, at home.

On the sofa, Su Jin opened his eyes, opened his mouth and squirted blood out. There was a cup of cold tea on the coffee table. At this moment, he was stained with a few drops of blood.

Sure enough, in the Taixu Divine Realm, if the soul is injured, its own body will also have a lot of damage. If the original spirit is destroyed in the'Taixu Divine Realm', I am afraid that the body of the deity will really become a foolish person. No kidding!

Su Jin got up to find a tissue, wiped the blood off the coffee table indifferently, and threw away the trash can without looking, then he stepped out of the living room and walked outside the door.

It was late at night, and the neon lights in Qincheng seemed quiet. At the dim street lamp in front of the tree, Su Jin walked under the street lamp.

On the road not far away, the sound of tire friction appeared faintly, adding a little movement to the quiet city that never sleeps.

Next door to home——

After Su Jin didn't walk for a long time, he saw that the light in Lin Yueru's room, the nanny next door, was still on. It was so late now, and the beauty was still up.

Just when Su Jin wanted to step on the door home and go back to the bedroom to sleep.

He raised his head again, and a beautiful figure clearly appeared on the curtains. From the shadow of the curtains, it can be seen that Lin Yueru's perfect body proportions, including the distribution of body types, are hot for those who can see.

Su Jin smiled evilly at the corner of his mouth, grabbed a small stone from the flower stand behind his hand, and threw it directly on the window——

"Ah! Who, who?" A panicked scream came from it.

No one responded!

After a while, Lin Yueru carefully opened the curtains, moved the window a gap, and looked out beautifully.

Immediately, I saw Su Jinzheng with a pocket in his pocket, looking at her innocently, and Master Su said, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

"Boss, you scared me."

Lin Yueru hurriedly opened the window and bulged her cheeks to help: "Xiaomei took a nap and fell asleep just now. Anything?"

It seemed that I felt this ‘is there something?’ I was a little redundant to ask. After all, Su Jin was her boss, so Lin Yueru hurriedly remedied it and said to open the door for Su Jin.

Actually, it’s not that Lin Yueru is scared. Some time ago, there was a haunted house around the house. Although she, a scientific nanny, thought it was nonsense, she took care of a little girl alone and was spoofed by her boss in the middle of the night, and she was really scared. It's not light.

Without letting Su Jin wait in front of the door, Lin Yueru opened the door——


After opening the door, Su Jin saw Lin Yueru and was amazed by her!

Opening the door for the boss in the middle of the night, she was wearing a white knee-length nightdress made of silk and satin. Although she was a babysitter, if ordinary people saw her, they would think it was a white and rich lady.

Her delicate and beautiful face had a half-baked temperament. After all, she was only twenty-seven years old. At this moment, her nightdress completely wrapped her in the place where she should be wrapped, but she could see her fine white knees and calves, with bare feet.

"Boss?" Lin Yueru felt a little hot on her face, because after the boss saw him, he was stuck for at least one minute! And this was the third time I called him, but I didn't seem to hear it.

After calling for the third time, Lin Yueru followed Su Jinfa's stunned gaze and looked down. She found that there was nothing inappropriate, what the boss's expression was like!

Su Jin reacted and walked into the living room.

"Xiaomei has no problem with education, right?" Su Jin asked after sitting down.

"She is very smart and hard working, and she will ask if she doesn't understand. She knows that if she doesn't study well, her elder brother will not love her." Lin Yueru said, standing by the sofa.

"Your salary, I will give you tomorrow." Su Jin has always forgotten this.

"No, the lady boss has ordered the finance department to call me salary regularly every month." Lin Yueru shook her head quickly.

"So, sit down." Su Jin patted his side.

"The boss would like to drink something, can I have coffee?" Lin Yueru panicked, and when she was about to turn around to make coffee, Su Jin grabbed her hand.

The long night is quiet--

At the moment, the nanny's living room was also very quiet, and the atmosphere seemed to be subtle for a while. Lin Yueru's body trembled slightly, standing still at a loss, while the boss's hand was still on her wrist.

I still remember the scene when the boss bought a car for her, Lin Yueru's heart became complicated. In fact, it has been a long time since I saw the boss. I really miss it, but...but...

There is a feeling of inexplicability in my heart.

Su Jin used a little bit of force, and Lin Yueru was pulled onto the sofa to sit down, and in a panic, she slowly raised her head...

Four eyes face each other.

Then, Lin Yueru found out that the boss--

He actually~~~

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