My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1778: A confession

The boss's expression is so sharp--

With an unquestionable fortitude in the sharpness, Lin Yueru's heart seemed to hang in her throat, in this silent confrontation, it was not long, but it made people feel like spending a long time.

"Be with me~~~"

Su Jin stared at Lin Yueru's eyes and said indifferently.

Accompany him?

Could it be...

Lin Yueru felt abruptly in her heart. She licked her lips, nodded and asked, " accompany the boss?"

"Come here with two bowls." Su Jin let go of her wrist, laughing and laughing. Although it is not suitable for a late-night visit, is he so scary? It scared her like this.


The boss’s command is as big as the sky, Lin Yueru also has her own bottom line, unless the boss has a non-discriminatory request, as for other things, she is obedient. As a top beauty nanny with good qualities, she did not ask the boss what to look for two bowls.

Because Lin Yueru understands that she just needs to do it.

Lin Yueru walked away step by step. Su Jin looked at her back, and the heat in her eyes became more intense. When she first held her hand, the fabric of the nightdress, which was as delicate as baby skin, was cool and beautiful, especially the dangling ribbon. Looking from behind, I felt more and more in the eyes of Qincheng No.1 Wolf.

The fragrance gradually faded away, the golden ratio figure disappeared, and Su Jin came over in a daze.

It's not unattractive, Lin Yueru has such an irresistible charm, even Su Jin himself did not expect that he could be shocked for so long—

After a while, Lin Yueru walked up front and she took two small water bowls. When she approached the sofa, she clearly saw two jars of good wine on the coffee table!

Although the altar has not yet opened, the aroma of wine has begun to diffuse in the living room, and the aroma is refreshing!

It turned out that the boss asked herself to take the bowl, so that she would drink with him, so Lin Yueru settled down!

"The'Xian Niang' I came back from outside, you are the first person in the domain to taste this wine."

Su Jin said, opened a jar of wine, the two set water bowls were filled, and then smiled again and said, "Come on, try it—"

Immortal brew?

Lin Yueru didn't believe it, but the aroma of this wine is indeed very unique. She has also drunk a lot of Chinese wine. It may smell very good, but her mouth is dry and spicy. I don't know how this wine is.

After hesitation, Lin Yueru held up her wine bowl with both hands, her charming red lips touched the mouth of the bowl, she only took a sip, and her eyes widened suddenly!

The entrance is sweet and slightly spicy, but the spicy is not strong, there is a slight sensation on the tip of the tongue, similar to the taste of fruit wine, but when she swallows it, the spicy taste increases too much. Many, as if a fire was swallowed by her.

The whole body is warm, the wine smells around the tip of the nose, the small mouth is all occupied by sweet and spicy, and the aftertaste is endless!

"What kind of wine is this?" Lin Yueru asked in surprise.

"Drinking--" Su Jin grabbed his wine bowl with one hand, then raised his head and drank it, full of free and easy comfort.

"It's delicious." Lin Yueru didn't single out the slightest fault with this wine, not a single bit.

"You just have to drink a little bit, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you when you are drunk." Su Jin said with a smile.

"Although you are the boss, I am also a drinker, not necessarily worse than you."

Lin Yueru held her mouth, raised her head slightly, and protested at Su Jin. Because the wine is good, she took a small sip, and she didn't feel anything. She estimated that the beer she usually drank was about the same.


Su Jin squinted slightly, poured a bowl again, picked it up and touched it with the bowl, and said, "Xiaomei, you need a lot of snacks. If you have any difficulties, please mention them. There is no trouble that I can't solve!"

"No, no, Xiaomei is too obedient, I feel sorry for the salary—" Lin Yueru was ashamed. She was telling the truth. Xiaomei is good, plus she lives in a luxury house and is paid high wages. I don't know how many people envy her. , She immediately took a sip of wine.

"That girl has a hard life."

Su Jin remembered the past. Master Yi's two old **** sticks said that Xiaomei may not live to be eighteen years old. He will pay attention to this matter. If he meets Meng Meng again, ask the people in the underworld to check it out. The situation--


After opening the chat box, Lin Yueru talked more. For example, some troubles in her hometown, a father who loves gambling, etc., the two of them are like beings who talk about everything.

In this way, a jar of wine was poured out by bowls--

Before Lin Yueru knew it, she was a little unconscious when she drank, so she poured about ten bowls of wine in the whole jar. She only drank four bowls, and then she, who claimed to be no worse than Su Jin's wine, was begging for mercy in the end. .

I drank a jar of wine for four hours and talked for so long.

Su Jin hugged Lin Yueru who was lying on the sofa. According to ordinary people's feelings, she was a little heavy, but it was easy for Young Master Su, found her bedroom and hugged it in.


"Boss, do you, do you like me." Lin Yueru was put on the bed, staring quizzically, thinking beyond the brain, stretched out her hands and hugged Su Shao's arm in front of her, asking in a drunken tone.

Su Jin dumbfounded.

Heart of beauty in everyone. When I helped Xiaomei find a nanny, in the intermediary company, I really saw her at a glance. She is a beautiful person and a very high-end nanny. He doesn't care if the salary is high or not, the key is to look good.

Now Lin Yueru asked like this.

"Why ask?" Su Jin said softly.

"Is it right? Isn't it —" Lin Yueru hugged Su Jin's arm tightly in front of her, not letting him take it away, a little bit of drunkenness.

"Go to sleep." Su Jin looked out the window and withdrew his hand, the sky was vaguely bright.

After Lin Yueru was settled, Su Jin turned around and was about to leave her room. Sister Yueru on the bed behind her was silent...

Su Jin held the door handle and was about to close the door.

"I like the boss!" Lin Yueru's lips curled slightly, and there seemed to be a touch of sobriety in her drunk eyes, making it difficult to tell whether she was really drunk or fake.

She is really drunk.

What you say is also the truth!

Just the five words "I like the boss" made Su Jin hoarsely raise his head, staring at Lin Yueru, who was already lying on the pillow, adjusting her posture slightly...

In a daze.

Su Jin is really in a daze, Lin Yueru's delicate features, Qiong nose is slightly erect, and the white satin nightdress stretches on her knees, she gently bends with her drunken legs, overlapping her legs~~~

It seemed that it was not right, Lin Yueru was a little bit sensible, hugged the pillow and buried her head in the pillow, and soon some Yingying was crying.

Don't ask Su Jin why he is so embarrassed, who would have thought of drinking a second drink and having a confession?

Although Lin Yueru was crying, she heard Su Jin's footsteps in her ears. The boss...he turned back and was walking towards her!

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