My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1779: Mad wife

So nervous!

Lin Yueru's face was flushed with wine, and there was a strong blurry color in her beautiful eyes. Her vision was blurred, and she faintly saw Su Jin turning back to the bed, and then—


Sister Yueru couldn't speak, Yingkou was kissed, and one long leg was completely bent, and the whole person instinctively moved to one side.

After kissing for two full minutes, Su Jin moved away from her back to her cheek with one hand. After feeling the hot temperature, Master Su smiled and said, "Sleep well..."

When Lin Yueru heard Su Jin's words, an empty feeling of disappointment rose from her heart, and the sound of the door closing soon appeared in her ears. After Su Jin left, sister Yueru turned from disappointment to embarrassment. At first, she made it clear to the boss--

It is very complicated. You must know that many bosses who wanted to miss her in the past were fired by her, but now she uttered the truth like this, which is a slap in the face.


Su Jin came back from next door without any sleepiness. The sky was getting brighter and brighter. He saw that it was only a few minutes before five o'clock, and his wife and sister-in-law had obviously not gotten up yet.

Thinking of this, Young Master Su rolled up his sleeves and walked into the kitchen to start tossing.

It’s the first time that Su Jin has cooked breakfast for the sisters for so long in the Xia family. He used to be very skilled in cooking, but he hasn’t done it for so long.

The first dish is very homely, cooked preserved egg and lean meat porridge!

For the second course, sweet-scented osmanthus lotus root yam, first cut the yam into a dozen even sections, each section is not bad, and finally set the plate, together with the sweet-scented osmanthus, pour it on top with honey

The third way...

After a while of busy work, more than an hour later, nine dishes have been added to the table, and the porridge with preserved eggs and lean meat was also placed in the middle of the table. The entire table exuded a charming fragrance, and even drifted into the living room.

First of all, I was attracted by the fragrance and didn't make Su Jin guess wrong. Xia Yunxi bit her toothbrush in her mouth and her cheeks were bulging. She was walking along wearing a very homely floral dress.

"Brother-in-law, you did it--" Xia Yunxi knew that Su Jin had craftsmanship and had eaten it before, but she had never eaten Su Jin's breakfast. After a night of sleep, she was scented by her breath. My stomach growled suddenly.

"Hurry up and wash, it's time for dinner." Su Jin shrugged.

"Oh oh."

Xia Yunxi disappeared from the door.

Soon Su Jin heard the whispers outside.

"Sister, are you sure that brother-in-law is not sick?" Sister Yunxi's voice, Xia Yuyan had obviously gotten out of bed, and the two sisters were whispering.

"What's wrong with your brother-in-law--" Xia Yuyan's tone was a little surprised.

"Breakfast, I saw a table full of exquisite meals early in the morning, all made by him, so I seriously suspect that my brother-in-law has a problem!"

"Uh... what was the phone number of the psychiatrist you mentioned yesterday?" Xia Yuyan asked her sister.

"Let’s take a look at the situation later, it’s still hard to tell whether brother-in-law can be tricked into the hospital by you, he is thief~~"


Su Jin was completely speechless. Before he was rescued by the Buddha yesterday, he had some problems. Didn’t he repent in time? In order to show that he is a good wife who loves his wife, he just made a big table of breakfast without sleeping. They thought that there was something wrong with their head!

It's funny thinking about it--

Su Jin's face was stern, watching Xia Yuyan and sister Yunxi walk in, and suddenly felt a little weird.

Xia Yuyan originally said that she really felt that her husband was fine, so she immediately sat down, but looking at the delicate display on the table, she looked up at Su Shao. At this time, silence is better than sound!

"Say whatever you want, what are you doing?" Su Jin left looked at Xia Yunxi and his wife, and couldn't help but smile.

"It's nothing, it's too sudden,'s too sudden!" Xia Yunxi began to pick up the chopsticks and ate it, especially the "Osmanthus fragrans lotus root yam". The slightly sweet honey seemed to sublimate the whole dish. It melts in the mouth, lifting up people's appetite in an instant.

Xia Yuyan filled a small bowl of porridge, and said unhurriedly: "It just so happens that you are going home this time, and you will go to Ningjiang Huishan with me later, so that I can keep up with the schedule here. Besides... why don't you care about your own industry at all?"


Su Jin smiled, Huishan has sister Hua sitting in town, and Gu Shan is helping him, so I need to worry about myself.

However, since Xia Yuyan proposed it, Su Jin nodded after thinking about it a little bit: "No problem, it's just a group business, aren't you busy?"

"You have to take time out when you are busy. You can rest assured for such a major project." Xia Yuyan spooned the porridge without looking at Su Jin, his tone was very natural.

Xia Yunxi started to attack the other dishes on the table. She found that she liked each dish very much. If she eats this way every day, she must gain weight. But for the current food, eating first is a respect. One meal--


after an hour.

In the garage, Su Jin drove the "Death Super Run" out, and Xia Yuyan went back to the room to change clothes after eating. He was waiting for her.

Waiting for the wife's process was not in a hurry, when Xia Yuyan's beautiful figure came out, Su Jin's calm heart began to pound.

Xia Yuyan changed his upper body into a light blue shirt. The snow-white arms were clearly visible in the thin and transparent blue sleeves. The shirt style was extremely homely. On the jacket, a short black skirt was very eye-catching. On her body, the two long white legs were completely set off.

Perhaps I was afraid that Su Jin would wait for a long time. Xia Yuyan's hairstyle simply combed her ‘ball head’, but this made Su Jin’s eye touch beautiful.

Yuyan's wife stood up slightly, her temperament was breathtaking, and Su Shao couldn't turn her eyes away.


Xia Yuyan sat in.

Su Jin picked up the cool'blue-ray glasses' that he hadn't been wearing for a long time, and his whole personality instantly improved. I don't know how many grades. He committed the embarrassment of Xia Yuyan. His small mouth couldn't help but laugh. Dare to laugh.

"By the way, didn't you say you want to give me a surprise?" Xia Yuyan suddenly thought of this, and asked Master Su.

"I haven't figured out whether to tell you--"

Su Jin didn't drive the autopilot of the "Death Supercar", this kind of car, driving autopilot is violent, and never do that unless it is necessary. When he said, the car had already left the house and was on the road.

"What can't you tell me?" Xia Yuyan cocked the corners of her mouth, and her flexible eyes formed a natural goddess.

Go crazy at every turn!

Su Jin thought for a while, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and reaching out to Xia Yuyan's legs with the other hand, covering the warm skin, before squinting his eyes slightly: "You really want to know?"

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