My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1782: Corpse boat

Bright day and white day.

Su Jin's actions made Xia Yuyan feel puzzled, but when the words fell, her cheeks quietly heated up, and Xia Fei's cheeks were closed.

Husband is the kind of person who can do anything--

Xia Yuyan knows this very well, but in broad daylight, people come and go in the mine, and they have to eat for a while, even if I don’t mind, let Gu Shan and Tong Miao think about it later. Close the door. , Seems to be doing shameful things!


Su Jin said two words, with a burning expression on his face, rubbed his hands and walked to Xia Yuyan's side, and continued to smile: "I want to tell something."

"I have something to talk about, don't you see anyone?" Xia Yuyan glanced at the tightly closed door again, thinking that the bad guy had locked the door.

"Yes, it's just shameful." Su Jin hugged her from behind Xia Yuyan, his breath was full of the sweet fragrance from her body.

Su Jin embraced Yuyan’s wife’s waist with both hands. The flat abdomen that couldn’t be flatter was obvious to the touch on the thin fabric, and the beautiful side face seemed a little panicked. He bowed his head and his mouth was delicate and beautiful. Her skin followed Sakura's mouth and kissed her.

Three minutes, maybe longer.

Xia Yuyan's eyes were a bit blurred, her face was already full of red clouds, weak and weak, she looked down at the big hands that embrace the slender waist, and then whispered: "Say ah--"

"I thought about it carefully, and I decided to tell you the surprise." Su Jin was satisfied, with a beautiful wife like this, what else would he ask for.

"What kind of surprise." Xia Yuyan's eyes lit up. Su Jin said before that he had to think about it for a long time before telling himself. Have you figured it out?

"Surprise is too virtual realm!"

Su Jin let go of Xia Yuyan's waist and sat down on a chair by the side, pulling her to sit on her lap, turning over her hands revealed a stone sign with the word ‘Di’.

He took a total of ten stone tablets with the word'land' from the imperial palace of the barbaric kingdom. It was planned to give one to his wife, but it was indeed extremely dangerous there. If he could not always be at her side, Yuyan Yuanling would be destroyed by Xia Yuyan. , I'm afraid I will end up with a silly wife in the end.

Su Jin was sitting with Xia Yuyan in her arms. She picked up the stone sign with the word ‘Di’ and asked in confusion: "How to use it?"

Immediately Su Jin took out his own "phantom" stone tablet and explained the method to Xia Yuyan. Now she is in the "Ask for Time". Among the cultivators of the Five Regions, she can barely be regarded as a master, but the world is so big that the strong do not count. Count, I'm really afraid of her accident.


Xia Yuyan's body trembled lightly.

She felt as if a window had been opened on top of her head, and her thoughts and mental powers were directly absorbed by the word "earth", and then her eyes went dark, as if being swept away by a vortex, and she entered a brief period of blindness and deafness. 'time.

In Huishan Town, Ningjiang City, within the region, it is also easy to enter the ‘Tai Xu Divine Realm’ with the ‘Essential Spirit Body’!

Xia Yuyan looked at it in disbelief. She looked at the three big characters'Hua Xia City' not far away. She touched her face. Everything was as real as it was. He could hear, see, and feel pain. Everything is real.

You know, her body is in the iron house of the mine! This shocked her too much, as beautiful as in a dream.

"No wonder you said that you can't see anyone, I thought..." Xia Yuyan reacted, and when she was excited, she hugged Su Jin's arm.

"Why?" Su Jin raised her chin with his hand, and their eyes were only ten centimeters apart.

"Hmph, I won't tell you." Xia Yuyan turned her head and raised the corners of her mouth.

"Go in and take a look."

Su Jin gently climbed on Xia Yuyan's shoulders and walked towards the "China City" step by step. They didn't have much time, and the time of the Taixu Divine Realm was the same as that of the domain, so they only had one hour.

Huaxia City.

After two or three days of accumulation, the Chinese monks simply used a surge to describe them.

This is when the monks in the city were chatting and laughing, or in twos and threes, or carrying a hip flask by the river to chant poems, and Su and Jin in the middle passed a small bridge, a green branch fell into the clear water, and the old man was fishing. ——

"It's miserable, it's really miserable." Someone came from the west gate of the city and slowly shook his head and moaned.

"He was still hanging on the west wall of the city yesterday, and he is still there now."

"Who? I'm a newcomer, who just came to Chinatown, Xiongtai, who are you talking about?"

"Little King Jinpeng!"

"Huh? What happened to him—"

"I waited for Su Tianzi's battle at Xichengmen two days ago, but the emperor did not wait, but was severely injured by the Niu family of the'Tianlong Realm'. The pipa bones were all hung up. You said he was not stupid. Waiting."

"Oh? Then take a look!"

Some people gathered together, which attracted many people to listen.

Xia Yuyan was stunned. She glanced at Dad Su's husband and found that he was also stunned. What was going on?

"What little King Jinpeng, did you offend others?" Xia Yuyan asked in a low voice.

"Remember, I didn't offend him, am I the kind of person who likes to make trouble, but counting the days, it is almost time for his Jinpeng clan to not be exterminated." Su Jin touched his chin and fell into consideration.

Xia Yuyan:...

She was completely speechless, and God knew how miserable that person was, and instead of waiting for Su Tianzi, she was hanged and beaten.

"Should we go take a look?" Xia Yuyan asked.

"Don't look, find a place to sit for a while."

Su Jin looked around and saw a teahouse called'Yunfangzhai', and walked in with Xia Yuyan——

There are a lot of people in the teahouse, but I guess it’s just a taste of tea. The two found a good place to sit down. Outside the teahouse, there are gurgling small rivers and the scenery of the stone bridge. Su Jin feels pretty good. , And here is a good place to discover secrets.

Not far from the table, there were five people in a party. One of them looked at Su Jin's side while tasting the tea. Of course, Young Master Su's face was directly ignored by him, but Xia Yuyan's appearance shocked his heart.

"Have you heard about the ancient corpse boat?" Another person asked in a low voice.

"On that wandering ancient continent, some people saw the Weak Water Goddess Coffin being taken away with their own eyes. The coffin was taken away by an unknown ‘corpse-fishing ship’. Several holy kings saw it with their own eyes."

"Ah? The corpse boat that roams the void? I have read it in a book of "The Great Wilderness". If the corpse boat appears, there will definitely be a natural disaster soon—"

"Brother, are you sure you learned the news from my five domains?" Immediately, a cultivator at the other table could not sit still, and asked the person who looked at this table and said Missin.

"Of course it is in my five domains!"

"My brother and I were on the edge of the'Flame Mountain' in the extreme south of the'China City' and saw an ancient ship across the galaxy appear. There were many coffins on it. One of them was lit with four star lights. Is it the one that brother heard about—"

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