My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1783: Mimei Concentration Camp

Hear this.

The guests in the "Yunfangzhai" teahouse all had expressions of horror on their faces, and they all fell into deathly silence.

Because on that ancient wandering continent, I don’t know how many corpses there are. If they are caught by the mysterious ‘corpse boat’, they will be taken away, but what is this place? It's ‘Tai Xu Divine Realm’!

The five realms are at least tens of thousands of miles away from the'Taixu Divine Realm'. Is there really a corpse boat that crosses the galaxy in the world? Where did the corpse boat come from?

"I went to Huoyan Mountain yesterday. It's 1200 miles away, which is not too far. But it's too hot to bear, and fire demon sneak attacks from time to time. It's not easy to cross the mountain." A monk who has not spoken, said After the silence passed.

"Brothers, I still hope to conceal this news. The corpse ship is probably far away from the'flaming mountain', and it will be useless to find it." A monk arched his hands worriedly and said to other monks.

"Regardless of whether the corpse-fishing boat leaves or leaves, I have to go to the Flame Mountain--"

"Hehe, if you are not afraid of death, no one will stop you."

Someone started thinking about those divine coffins, but there were also some who poured cold water. The corpse boat was still an unknown existence. Even the coffins of divine corpses could be retrieved. The ordinary monks were close to being beaten to ashes.

Su Jin was silent.

This is indeed weird. It is unknown who is secretly manipulating the divine ship that collects the corpse, or who was born in the heavens and the earth, and was ordered by the heavens and the earth, like the ‘ghost ship’.

Just when Su Jin was silent, the tea maid serving tea served a pot of fragrant tea.

"The guest officer, the boss has ordered that, in the future, the guest officer can come to drink tea at any time, and all tea orders are free." The tea waiter's voice was crisp, and she kept looking at Su Jin curiously when she said, she didn't know what the young man in front of her was. How can you eat and drink Yunfangzhai for free.

Will it be a relative of the boss? It doesn't look like--

Xia Yuyan looked at Su Jin's calm face, this guy changed a little when he entered the city, and others shouldn't recognize it.

"Your boss is smart." Su Jin waved his hand and motioned the tea waiter to retreat.

Other people who pay attention to Su Jin's side appear to be a little bit more, "Yunfangzhai", a millennium old brand, never gives people free tea, no matter it is in the "Taixu God Realm" or outside the Huaxia Territory, there has never been an exception. Over. Today there is a young man who can be treated like this...

Why not make people feel strange?


When a monk saw Su Jin raising his hand, he was wearing a handsome snow-white ‘bone ring’ on his right finger, which shocked people.

"The monk of Chengjia Town, Baishi County, East Region, I have seen Su Tianzi!" A monk who recognized Su Jin directly stood up and arched his hands.


The tea waitress who didn't know why she was completely blank in her mind, staying where she was.

Others have also figured it out. When Su Jin went to seize Shenwu City alone, he had such a bone ring on his finger. Although his appearance has changed a little, he made an exception for Su Jin to waive the order in conjunction with the boss of'Yunfangzhai'. The identity of this young man can basically be determined!

"I have seen Su Tianzi!" All the monks on the entire floor of the tea house held their fists at Su Jin. This is a legendary celebrity. Being able to sit on the same floor of the tea house and drink tea with him is definitely the luck of his last life. !

Su Jin and Xia Yuyan looked at each other, shrugged slightly, and said to their wife in a condensed voice: "No way, it can be recognized by others."

"Then, what should I do?" Xia Yuyan asked in a low voice.

"You first communicate with the word'land' and the stone tablet, and the soul body returns to Huishan Town——" Su Jin said lightly.

"it is good."

Xia Yuyan nodded, anyway, she already knew the surprise of the "Tai Xu Divine Realm", and it would be nice to come to China City after the limelight passed.

Immediately Xia Yuyan closed his eyes and began to communicate with Taixu Shipai, and smoothly disappeared in the "Yunfangzhai", Yuanling returned to the body of Huishan Town in the domain.

Su Jin squeezed the tea cup, the smell of tea was pungent, but the tea waitress next to him was still staring at him in a daze. It was indeed strange--

It takes less than five minutes.

There seemed to be several clamors in Huaxia City, Su Jin's expression remained unchanged, but he cried out of trouble in his heart. He wanted to drink tea purely, but no one saw it through. He turned into phantoms on the spot, and finally turned into a stream of light in the eyes of other teahouse monks, and disappeared.

On the void, condescending!

Su Li was sweating, and there seemed to be female cultivators running across several main roads of China City, and soon the "Yunfangzhai" was surrounded by groups.

I also held up banners~~~

‘Emperor’s Support Group’!

"Mimei Concentration Camp"!

‘Su Fen Women’s Army’!

Su Jin was speechless when he saw the words on the banner, and then there were slogans, which made people feel crazy.

A uniform voice: "Take me a little bit of light to protect you from the glory! Su Tianzi, I love you——"

"Tianzi Su, I love you!"

"Tianzi Su, I love you..."


Su Jin was guilty of all the embarrassment he heard, and he was speechless for a while. Fortunately, he flashed quickly. If he is surrounded by me in Yunfangzhai, even if he doesn't care, he will eventually delay some time. The power of fans It's crazy, he definitely doesn't want to be such a showy.

When thinking of this, Su Jin's eyes gradually narrowed, and there was a special voice floating behind his ears:

"Oh, envious--I'm afraid only Emperor Su has the capability of the whole city."

Su Jin was calm, turned around in the void and looked at the woman who made the noise. The coming... surprised him!

Xu Fengxiao!

Xu Fengxiao, known as "Master Mingfeng," unexpectedly caught him and chased him to the point.

At this moment, Xu Fengxiao was dressed in a black dress, dressed in a cute kawaii style. She held a little sugar man in her hands. After speaking, she put the little sugar man in the mouth of the cherry blossoms. I started to **** in, making people look warm~~~

The corner of Su Jin's eyes flashed, and his expression was indifferent: "It's you, where is your puppet?"

"That fool can't bring Taixu Divine Realm. Hey! I was not looking for you to fight with you. I couldn't beat you last time, and now I can't beat you even more." Xu Fengxiao repeatedly stated that he was not. When she came to fight Su Jin, she thought that Su Jin asked the puppet of the male servant to get them together again.

"Why are you looking for me if you don't fight?" Su Jin had doubts in his eyes.

"I don't know you if you don't fight. On the contrary, I want to make friends with you and invite you to do a good thing together--" Xu Feng smiled very confidently.

"Will you tell me something good?" Su Jin didn't believe it.

You must know that the two were enemies before, and they were rivals. When he attacked the barbarian palace, he decapitated two-thirds of Xu Fengxiao's Dao Guo! But now he feels that this woman is really extraordinary, and she has completed her cultivation within this period of time.

The injury is not visible at all.

Xu Feng hummed: "Don't you want to know about the dead ship?"

Divine corpse ship! Take away the ship of the'weak water goddess coffin'!

Su Jin felt a little heavier in his heart, because some people said that this ship must have natural disasters——

Xu Fengxiao seemed not afraid that Su Jin would not agree, and slowly twisted his waist in the void, the sugar man in his mouth was sucked faster and faster by her, and the obvious sweet taste made her feel satisfied.

Su Jin smiled suddenly, walked to Xu Fengxiao's body, the corner of his mouth slowly pulled out a curve, and then he raised his hand...

The big hand stretched towards Xu Fengxiao——

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