My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1785: Heavenly Ship

"What are you returning—"

Su Jin put his hands together, his heart was pious, he didn't look back, but he asked Xu Fengxiao who was not far behind.

Xu Fengxiao was shocked by Su Jin's abrupt questioning, and responded: "I am born with a'dark phoenix body', and I have never liked bald donkey Buddha singing."

In response to this, Su Jin chose a brief silence.

After a while.

Su Jin's hands loosened, the circle of life and death Buddha light disappeared behind his back, turned around and walked towards Xu Fengxiao, and asked her: "How much do you know about'Sakyamuni'?"

"I only know that he is an extremely powerful Buddha, who can cultivate a golden body with boundless merits and is unstoppable. His Dharma still has a great influence in our world, and it is the orthodox of Buddha." Xu Feng thought for a while.

"He comes from my great Chinese world and was born under the'Bodhi Tree'. That tree is a treasure of the Buddhist family." Su Jin said.

Xu Fengxiao quite agreed, and nodded:

"The Bodhi tree and the'Enlightenment Tree' are both legendary existences. Of course, no matter how powerful Shakyamuni is, no matter how deep the Dharma is, he still can't resist the advancing years. He has already sat down. Although he has passed away, but The Buddhist scriptures that lead people to be good are left behind, but they affect the world all the time."

"You know a lot."

Su Jin smiled lightly, with some admiration, this girl is so smart, suddenly turning an enemy into a friend, and inviting herself here, is there a ghost in her heart? Then he asked again: "Tell all the news about the corpse boat you know."

"Come with me, to see the lineup of the corpse-fishing boat first, and I will tell you in detail--" Xu Fengxiaozhen is not happy here, Sakyamuni's Sanskrit singing is still going on, and she feels uncomfortable. Going further to the top of the Great Rift Valley, he said: "Be careful of the Fire Demon King that may appear at any time."

"Fire Demon King? It's just a Saint Demon King." Su Jin said lightly.

"No, no, in Huoyan Mountain, this Demon King can't even kill the saint ancestor. In other words, it is actually the'mountain god' of Huoyan Mountain. Also, try not to touch the flames here—" Xu Feng reminded.

Su Jin stopped talking. As Xu Fengxiao started to rush towards the "Shen Boat of Scraping Corpse", it was getting hotter and hotter outside. If it were the previous cultivation base, he might find it difficult to move forward, but at the moment he is'against the sky. Holy King'! A little bit of force can be isolated from the heat.

The temperature is getting higher and higher.

Xu Fengxiao, who has a ‘dark phoenix body’, has a graceful black dress with a black dress, his clothes are beginning to be soaked with sweat, two strands of long hair are beginning to drip with sweat, and he still chooses to cross the ‘flaming mountain’!

Su Jin Qilin's arm shook, and the "Kirin Shield" around him opened, only to see a circle of arcs condensed by power, and the color began to glow red. It can be seen how high the surrounding temperature is——

In about a quarter of an hour, Su and Jin had crossed most of the Flame Mountain, but during this period, the two always felt that they had eyes in secret, seeming to be watching them.

"Be careful, the Fire Demon King is nearby." Xu Fengxiao increased his vigilance and had prepared for the worst. If a fight with the Fire Demon King in this central mountain range, the two need to get out of the fight as soon as possible.

"I'll dare to kill if I dare to come out." Su Jin's calm voice came out.

Xu Feng was cautious.

The fire demon king in the dark was retreating rapidly. Xu Feng looked back and took a deep look at Su Jin. It would be impossible if he was not shocked. He could scare the Fire Demon King back with a word. He was in China City for the past two days. Haven't heard of anyone who can do it!

It didn’t take long for me to cross the Flame Mountain smoothly——

Come to the other side of the highest point of the mountain!

An ancient ship with a length of hundreds of miles and a width of about ten miles appeared in Su Jin's eyes!

This ship has a weird shape, made of unknown wood material, and it looks a bit broken, but there are two black bone wings on both sides of the center of the ship! The gray-black vigor, lingering around the ancient ship, looked a little unpredictable from a distance.

"This ship is unknown. Be careful." Xu Fengxiao struck a hundred thousand points and wiped the sweat from his head.

"The deck is full of divine coffins."

Su Jin looked from a distance through the'Mahe Town Prison Eye' and found the neatly arranged divine coffin on the deck. He took a deep breath, and he was very shocked! With the black light flowing bone wings on both sides of the ancient ship, he felt that it was not impossible for the ship to cross the galaxy!

"Ancient records say that this ship has a very vivid name, called the corpse-searching boat, but the real name is ‘Heaven’s Ship’. A ship that wanders in accordance with the principles of heaven, the ghost ship’s grade is much lower than it. ."

Xu Fengxiao continued: "Which divine coffin Su Tianzi fancyed later, I will work together, but first help you take out the divine coffin you need."

"Are you sure?"

Su Jin glanced at Xu Fengxiao, he always felt that this beauty was going to cheat him, but he couldn't guess her plan.

"Naturally, there is no problem. Although this ship has autonomous intelligence, it is far from reaching our level of wisdom. If I don't believe it, I can prove it in a while." Xu Fengxiao said solemnly.

Su Jin hesitated, staring at Xu Fengxiao for a long time, without nodding or speaking.

Take away the coffin. This idea is crazy enough.

Su Jin once saw someone want to take the "Weak Water God Coffin" on the wandering ancient continent, but he failed to do so, and I don't know the weight. This ship can find the "God Coffin", which is obviously more difficult than anything else. It's even more difficult in dangerous situations.

Xu Fengxiao landed on the ground, Su Jin's expression calmly followed. He had already made plans. If this girl changes, he will kill her as soon as possible and walk away into the void.

The dim scene became more and more depressing. The ‘corpse boat’ did not know what it was looking for, and stopped there quietly, like a dead thing.

Getting closer--

One thousand meters.

Five hundred meters!

One hundred meters!

The surroundings were quiet, but Su Jin's expression became increasingly ugly.

He didn't pay attention just now. Under the mast behind the deck, there were more than a dozen gray giant stone statues with expressions of disgust. At the position of 100 meters, Su Jin stopped moving forward, and Xu Feng frowned in front of him— —

Did Emperor Su see through his plan?

Xu Fengxiao was abrupt in her heart.

"The coffin can't be taken away, you are lying to me..." Su Jin's voice was very cold.

"Why do you think so?" Xu Fengxiao turned around and asked in confusion.

"There are more than a dozen stone statues of gods on it. If you approach it rashly and want to take it, you will definitely get out of the petrified state and show up and kill me—"

"Stone statues?" Xu Fengxiao pretended to be stunned. He turned to look. There was a twitch in his heart. There were more than a dozen gray giant stone statues. All his eyes were looking in the direction of the two. Locked, no wonder Su Tianzi didn't leave again!

"I didn't lie to you. It's true that I can take away the coffin, but you are right. If there is a big movement here, you will definitely die." Xu Feng smiled.

"This kind of pediatric conspiracy, when I wore open crotch pants when I was a child, I didn't know how many people I played with. So, are you ready to die?" Su Jin looked at Xu Fengxiao and his voice became cold.

Turn an enemy into a friend? All shit!

It's true to lead yourself to a dangerous place, wanting to kill him.

"Tianzi Su, you have to figure out the situation. I really want to cooperate with you, so... You help me take away the "Dark Phoenix Coffin" from the previous generation. I won't kill you, can I?"

When Xu Feng wrote the novel, she was depressed in her heart. She wanted to take away the ancestral coffin and knew the location of the ancestral coffin on the deck. She wanted to kill two birds with one stone and eat two chickens with one chicken.

"It's a big breath!" Su Jin yelled softly.

Immediately, three black round beads were suddenly thrown by Xu Fengxiao. Su Jin saw the thrown black beads and was about to break it, but stopped in time.


The three black beads burst open. These three beads without any attack made Su Jin's complexion greatly changed, and he whispered:

"not good!"

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