My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1786: Ghost King Curse

The other party is here prepared.

Three beads, each containing one million ghasts, a full three million ghasts directly form a ball, completely enveloping Master Su!

Before Su Jin turned into a ghost king, he was just healed by the stone monk Buddha. At this moment, three million ghasts seem to have found an organization, frantically rushing into Su Jin’s pores, occupying various holes around him——

This Xu Fengxiao is really vicious!

How did she know that she had become a "Ghost King"!

Su Jin didn't have time to think about it, sitting on the ground for the first time, a circle of Buddha light appeared behind him, wanting to make the evil spirits, but the number of them can only be described by a drop in the bucket. I couldn't help but started to communicate with a small umbrella.

"You were too careless." Xiao Umbrella was shocked. Although there were only three million ghasts this time, it was like a fuse, and it was obviously easier to wake up his ghost king!

"Don't talk about some of these, hurry up and find a way!" Su Jin felt his spiritual sea, and began to turn black a little bit.

His pupils--

The dark color is beginning to take up!

"Hold up your'Gu Tianting' vision, and we will fight the battle, although he is also you, but your spiritual wisdom is the real deity!" The small umbrella slowly walked out of the sea of ​​Su Jin spirit, after a wave of ripples flashed. A small black umbrella floated out.

The small black umbrella covers a small area of ​​the spirit sea, directly confining it!

Su Jin stabilized his state of mind. He didn't panic. Two snow-colored crystal pillars appeared! From the vision of "Ancient Heavenly Court", immortal energy began to infuse!

At this moment, a white fairy dragon rose into the sky from the fairy pond, and a little girl sat on the white dragon's spine, yelling: "The bad woman who killed Dad! I want to kill you! Good fortune fairy pupil, exterminate the world's fairy light— —"


As Sakura’s voice fell, the void trembled. A huge eyeball occupies a thousand miles of the void. There is only a tiny bit of black in the middle of this eyeball, and the rest are all white. At this moment, it is in the "Huaxia City" of the Taixu God Realm. I can see the terrifying pupils that look like God's eyes are open!


The white pupils really resembled God's eyes. They moved up and down flexibly, and beams of fairy lights went straight to Xu Fengxiao and hit them!

"Good luck fairy pupil!" Xu Feng was taken aback. She had no chance to dodge the beams of fairy light. She had no choice but to pinch the holy seal. There was a holy king bracelet on her wrist with a blue orb inlaid on it. At this moment, after being urged, she was wrapped in Jingguang.

"Master, master gave me fairy fate, with the help of the **** tree, I have broken the first three of the nine bans, I will help you!" Yan'er stood up from the enlightenment tree by the Xianchi. People rushed out of Nantian Gate——

Flame Mountain!

At this moment, there is the Fire Demon King as the Zhenshan God. It has no face. It even looks like a cloud of red magma, but it can change into any appearance. It was calm before, who knew that a terrifying eyeball appeared in the sky and it was startled.

But scared to scared, it has never been afraid of anyone.


Until Yan'er appeared, the Fire Demon King stared blankly, then let out a strange cry, and escaped into the depths of Huoyan Mountain!

Yan'er was born in the "Undead Bird's Nest"! The red bird's nest is still hanging on the "Enlightenment Tree". After Yan'er rushed out of the Nantian Gate, the entire Huoyan Mountain was full of fire waves. Her girl's body shook slightly, and the ultimate flame began to condense from the Huoyan Mountain!

Behind Yan'er, a terrifying "phoenix" form composed of flames began to show its might!

Xu Feng was dumbfounded.

It is also called the Immortal Phoenix. The reason it is called Immortal is actually because of her longevity, but the red'phoenix' that walked out not far away is almost truly immortal, even if it falls, If a feather falls to the ground, it will live again.

It's just that after the fall, there is no longer the memory of the previous generation, but no one can shake the origin of the phoenix!

"What Buddha, what great emperor, will be beheaded by this king in the future! Also trying to cross me, this king has not returned!"

Su Jin's face was savage, and three million ghasts were collected in an instant. His body shook, and the black energy swept the audience, even the good fortune pupil above his head was blocked! Without the power of fairy light——

Yan'er and Xiaoying were both stunned, they felt that Su Tianzi was very wrong at the moment.

"Ghost King is reborn again, gratifying and congratulating! Subordinate'Mingfeng' Xu Fengxiao, wish that His Royal Highness the ghost king will unify all worlds for generations to come!" Xu Fengxiao's eyes were jealous. She wanted to trap Su Jin in the corpse boat. 'In, let him help him seize the coffin by the way.

That is the perfect plan. But the matter has come to this, Xu Fengxiao had to show his favor first, after all, the power of Mingfeng and the power of the ghost king are the same!

The ghost king Su Jin got up and glanced at Xu Fengxiao, with a cold expression on his face, and said: "You are barely strong. There are no generals available under this throne. Just follow me——"


Xu Feng was dumbfounded.

Why is there a tendency to pit yourself?

At the moment Xu Feng was dumbfounded, she suddenly felt her neck tighten. It turned out that a big hand made of black energy strangled her jade neck, even if it was pulled by the ghost king Su Jin!

This is a bit out of control of the plan. Xu Feng has a little bit of suffering, and there is no place to cry. How can this ghost king come so powerful, he is a holy king, or is different from ordinary holy kings, being caught by him, Can't move!

"What? You don't want to—" Su Jin stared at Xu Fengxiao and asked in a gloomy tone.

"Slaves, slaves are willing!" At this moment, Xu Feng really felt that the ghost king Su Jin could pinch her to death, and directly responded with fear.

"Hand over your soul."


A group of black spirits suddenly appeared in Xu Feng's small eyebrows, and she kept flapping her wings. This was her natural destiny!

The ghost king Su Jinyin laughed, and with one hand on his side, a scarlet spell began to form, and immediately, he injected Xu Feng's small black spirit into it, and completely integrated it with this spell!

After finishing, he re-pushed the'Black Essence' into Xu Feng's heart and threw her aside.

"This king's'Ghost King Curse', no one in the world can break it. If you don't double repair with this king once a month, you will suffer the pain of ghost flames. If there is any idea of ​​betraying me, this curse will directly swallow you. The true spirit is reduced to a member of the king's evil ghost army." Ghost King Su Jinyin said.

Xu Fengxiao:...

It was planted, and the rice was completely planted into his own hands. This is a perfect plan for her, who knows that she guessed the beginning, but didn't guess the result.

Ghost King Curse, there is no need for Ghost King Su Jin to explain, Xu Fengxiao himself knows exactly what it is. In this life, she will never escape!

"The slave servant will always serve His Royal Highness the Ghost King with all my heart, and it will never be possible to give birth to a heart of betrayal." Xu Fengxiao's face was gloomy, and the matter was over, she could only show loyalty.

Yan'er and Xiaoying saw that Su Jin was okay, and they each returned to the vision of Gu Tianting——

"This ship's king looked extremely eye-catching, watch this king hit it with a punch!" The ghost king Su Jin was so energetic, seeing the'Heavenly Way Ship' in his eyes, he was about to walk away.

Xu Feng was anxious, and immediately said, "No, your Royal Highness Ghost King!"

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