My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1787: Cut yourself off

"Why not! This king is acting, why do you need to persuade you, a lowly servant."

The ghost king Su Jin's figure swept forward, and nearly five hundred virtual golden dragons in his body were completely turned black. At this moment, under his urging, nearly five hundred small black dragons moved around his limbs, arms, and swimming. Long Xiaosheng bursts.

And those five hundred stone Buddha's imaginary appearances are also transformed into Yin Buddhas. This is the ground around Huoyan Mountain. Black'stone Buddhas' rise from the ground one after another. In the ancient and deep surroundings, there seems to be five hundred'black stones' Buddha's Sanskrit singing--

The ‘Great Curse of Calamity’ and the ‘Tranquility of the Great Dead’ are constantly being chanted by five hundred ‘Black Stone Buddhas’, making people feel as if they are trapped in the criminal prison of a terrible disaster.

Xu Fengxiao tightly covered Ying's mouth.

Originally, the strength of the ghost king had exceeded her expectations too much, but she now found that it was still underestimated. Now the cultivation base of the ghost king Su Jin can be described as'unfathomable'!

If there were some flukes before, and thinking that in the future, she might be able to find the invincible power to break the'Ghost King Curse', then she now has no luck at all, and there is no hope of escape.

"Get out of—"

The ghost king Su Jin jumped up, and the five hundred stone Buddhas began to chant the "Mantra of the Dead", constantly blessing his body, he leaped high, and the spirit of looking over the world was directly released through this punch!

He smashed it at the ‘corpse boat’!


The corpse boat, which is about a thousand miles long, was hit by this terrifying punch, and the void was shattered for thousands of miles. The sky seemed to become a lattice, shattering and shattering, but this ship is not simple, it seems to melt into the avenue. In the middle, the smashing void can't destroy it at all.

Needless to say...

Seeing this scene at this time, Xu Fengxiao's legs and feet are a little weak now.

The ghost king was furious and she could understand that the corpse scavenger dug up the divine coffin was an act of disrespect to the deceased. As the ghost king, it was very normal to find it obstructive.

"I'm waiting for the God's Mansion of ‘Boundless Heaven’, wandering all walks of life to law enforcement and hunting corpses, the monks of the lower realm left quickly—"

The dozen or so gray giant statues on the corpse-fishing boat receded from the body, revealing the different human forms of the old and the young, and the voice was spoken in the middle.

"Blessed heaven! No matter what heaven you are, where this king is, this king is heaven! You twelve, get me down and die!" Ghost King Su Jin shouted at a dozen people.

There was silence on the corpse boat.

But after the silence, the twenty-four arms turned into huge arms, lifted up and grabbed the ghost king Su Jin Xukong!

Ancestral Realm!

Each one is the ancestral realm!

Xu Fengxiao's heart was extremely frustrated, and her heart was complicated to death. She hoped that Su Jin would really die, but this meant that she would also die. If she didn't want this situation, she would be imprisoned for eternity without freedom.

Twenty arms grabbed, and the ghost king Su Jin opened his eyes. He was full of ghost power. Nearly five hundred black dragons began to restlessly. His whole body was floating in the void uncontrollably, and suddenly he showed a black ghost. Big hand, patted it hard!


The twenty ancestral realm arms were all caught by the ghost king Su Jin and turned into fans! The twelve people in the corpse boat were pale, and they were injured in varying degrees. Facing the ghost king, they seemed to be looking up at an impenetrable mountain!

Su Jin boarded the ship in one step, and the ghost king's arm came out again, before the thunder, he directly grabbed one of them, and fell to the ground severely, then he shouted: "Kneel down! Surrender to this king!"

"Don't go too far, we're'Boundless Heaven'..." There was another Ancestral Realm Divine Residence, who hadn't finished speaking, and a **** hand condensed above his head.

The black ghost pressed his hand down--

The Ancestral Realm Divine Residence, who hadn't finished speaking, was shot to pieces like a gray cloth bag, and a mass of lime fell on the deck!

Too, too strong!

Xu Fengxiao was frightened and sat on the ground, dumbfounded. With one palm smashed an ancestral realm, how could Su Jin transform into a ghost queen more than ten times stronger!

"The enemy is too strong, let's leave for the time being and report the situation to it." The Ancestral Realm Divine Residence began to sit and communicate secretly, with a sense of horror in his tone.

"Okay, go quickly."

"Unfortunately under the Flame Mountain..."

"It doesn't matter, I will think of a solution later! We guess it's not enough for him to cut where this person came from!"

"Walk around! Find a place to hide from the edge first."

The corpse-fishing boat began to tremble for a while, and the void automatically opened a route channel, the ghost king Su Jin's eyes widened, and his big hands repeatedly scratched——

The remaining ten Ancestral Realm Divine Residences were all thrown on the deck by him, and they stomped hard. And just when the corpse hunting ship was about to completely submerge into the route channel, the ghost king Su Jin's figure flashed, and his steps fell to the ground.

"In the near future, Your Majesty the Ghost King will surely dominate the world!" Xu Fengxiao woke up from a daze, watching Su Jin with a cold face, walking towards her, she hurriedly bowed her head and bowed down.

no respond.

Xu Feng was very nervous, feeling that his chin was pinched and Su Jin raised her face. She was really afraid that His Majesty the King of Ghosts would give her a palm directly at this time~~~

"Dominate the world? That's not what we are going to do now." Ghost King Su Jin Yinsi said.

"Your Majesty Ghost King, what are you going to do next? No, the slave and maid should die, you shouldn't ask. From now on, the slave and maid will definitely assist your majesty." Xu Fengxiao hurriedly said.

"Next, I'm going to cut off the deity's spiritual wisdom--" Ghost King Su Jin coldly snorted, and withdrew Xu Feng's hand from his small chin.

In an area of ​​the Spirit Sea, the deity's spiritual wisdom is hidden in it, and he is completely cut off before he has the mind to do other things.

Xu Fengxiao's heart was shocked, he actually cut off himself.

is it possible?

Although it is a bit absurd, if you want to walk on the "Invincible Ghost King Road" carefree, of course it is necessary to cut off the deity's spiritual wisdom and completely erase the "Su Tianzi". In the future, he will be the "Ghost King Su Jin" alone!

"The slave servant protects the law for your majesty!" Xu Fengxiao slowly stood up and said.

"Go to the Great Rift Valley." A sneer was drawn from the corner of Ghost King Su Jin's mouth.

In the Great Rift Valley where the bones of thousands of girls were buried, the ghost king Su Jin was going to cut off the deity there, obviously giving no chance.

Xu Fengxiao secretly sighed, and had to follow obediently——

Soon after returning to the Great Rift Valley, Xu Fengxiao’s mood could be described as one sky and one place. She had pitted Su Jin according to the plan before, and when she returned to the Great Rift Valley, she was already under control. 'And also... and double repair with him once a month.

Su Jin, the ghost king, sat down full of maiden bones on the cliff. He immediately cut off the weak deity's spiritual wisdom, and in the future, he will completely achieve the path of the "invincible ghost king".

Xu Feng is on the side, and his heart is very complicated. She understands what the King of Ghosts said very well, if the deity's spiritual wisdom is cut off, then Emperor Su will never exist again.

According to the current situation, Su Tianzi's original spirit and wisdom, there is no chance of escape.

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