My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1788: Horrible scene

Under the dim rift valley.

The ghost king Su Jin sat on the ‘bone road’ paved by the bones of thousands of girls and slowly closed his eyes. A trace of black air faintly separated from him, and every trace of black air was turning into a fierce evil spirit, and the surroundings were quickly enveloped by black mist.

Xu Feng's lips were thin, and he didn't even think of anything in his heart.

At this time, the only piece of pure land in Su Jin's spirit sea was covered by a black umbrella——

"When you cast the Curse of the Ghost King, you remember clearly whether there was any means." Xiao Umbrella was communicating with the real Su Jin Lingzhi.

"Remember it clearly, even I can't get rid of this curse myself, and it can't be described as vicious." Su Jin sighed.

"The king of the dead, only one ghost king will be born in the ancient times, can it not be great? What do you think?" Xiao Umbrella asked.

"I want to kill myself." Su Jin responded.

"Huh? You are crazy—"

"I have an idea, there is a chance that the ghost king body will be removed, but the hope is very small."

"It is impossible to cut it off, you can only suppress it. In the future, try not to contaminate Xiehui's things, otherwise your ghost king body will only become stronger and stronger."

"Try it, if it fails, then completely suppress it!"

Su Jin quickly communicated with her umbrella.

The huge spiritual sea, the black mist rolled in quickly like a living thing. After Xiao Umbrella keenly noticed it, he began to remind Su Jin——

Last stand!

Su Jin knows very well that he can only succeed if he loses a chance and needs to cooperate with the small umbrella. Although his spirit is not big, he knows the idea of ​​the ghost king, and he can control a small part of his ability!


After Su Jin finished speaking, he actually went the other way. When the black mist came in, the small black umbrella was completely stowed and disappeared! At this moment, the scene that caught the ghost king off guard appeared, and the deity's spiritual wisdom directly forcibly opened the "Maha Prison Eye" at the center of his eyebrows!

The hideous vertical eyes opened, and the red light curtain swept across!

Xu Feng was taken aback, and quickly stepped back. She knew that Su Jin's spirit and wisdom was competing with the Ghost King for control of the body!

"Resist, but it's all in vain!"

The ghost king Su Jin had a savage face. When he focused on contention, his arms began to faintly leave two veins like snakes. This is the power of the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana! During the fight, it quietly left, driving Su Jin's hands for the last life--

And forcibly put Su Jin's hands together!


There are Buddhist sayings about ‘Sakyamuni’ here, and there are even Buddha words left on the cliff. Once Su Jin puts his hands together, the Buddha’s way will resonate. After all, he has tried it before. So this is his last chance!

Five hundred black stone Buddhas emerged from the girl's dry bones, and at this moment, the Jixi Dragon Umbrella was controlling Su Shao's hands, and the sky appeared peacefully!

On the cliff in the distance, the Buddha's characters are shining brightly, and the sky is chanting. The five hundred black stone Buddhas begin to fade under the'Sakyamuni Buddha's words', and the black shells are beginning to fade. Come!

"Not enough, not enough!"

Su Jin’s original deity was wise and his thoughts began to blur. At the last moment, he forcibly yelled two words: "Anti-Xu——"

Xu Feng sat on the ground with a scared butt, and in the sky full of golden light, a young monk who couldn't see his face, but could see that he was a simple young monk, was walking into the void with his hands folded. His mouth faintly moved--

In the north, the same young monk sang in Sanskrit, clasped his hands together, and walked slowly!

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand... ten thousand!

In a short period of time, tens of thousands of young monks stood in all directions in the southeast, northwest, and stood in a circle, completely enclosing Su Jin!

Xu Fengxiao could see that these young monks were actually all Buddha images of one person, and she began to have a terrible guess. Could it be that Su Jin’s deity’s spiritual wisdom communicated with the ancient "Sakyamuni" and let him recite the scriptures to forcefully suppress the erupting ghost king body?


Xu Feng's little attention was among the young monks. At this moment, when he bowed his head in amazement, he saw an even more terrifying scene——

In the Great Rift Valley, the corpses of girls who don't know how thick were covered, and every one seemed to have just died!

"Illusion! He used the'Mahe Town Prison Eye' to reflect the scene of'Sakyamuni' coming to save the soul of the dead!" Xu Feng's face turned pale.

Horrible, Su Jin’s IQ is too terrible, even this idea and ability can be realized, and the tragic scenes of the year have been deflated, although he can’t bear it, but now Su Jin is almost like being chanted by Shakyamuni, this can help him suppress Ghost king body!

The space is full of Sanskrit singing, the sound is harmonious and indifferent, and the golden glow of the entire Great Rift Valley reflects at least five thousand miles away! The sound of chanting washes the mortal monks, so that many monks in the big city, whether male or female, can't help but start to put their hands together and say "My Buddha is merciful", willing to turn to the Buddha.

Within five thousand miles of the Buddha's light, it seems to be the pure land of Buddha!

After a quarter of an hour, the time of Sanskrit singing continued for a stick of incense, until the golden light dimmed after the stick of incense. Ten thousand young monks returned to the monk who first stepped on the void. Next, the scene where Shakyamuni left.

Shakyamuni turned around, folded his hands and left, shed two drops of Buddha's tears——

Thousands of corpses of young girls, my Buddha Shakya wept when I saw it, and at that moment people only felt sour in their noses, and felt sad.

"Foguang, the Buddha's light has just flourished. Obviously the Buddha field is in the Great Rift Valley!" Five domain monks who came to bathe in the Buddha's light came.

In groups, at least eight thousand people!

"There are many Taoist monks in the Five Realms, but who can have such a deep Dharma, reflecting thousands of miles of pure land." There are also monks excitedly said.

"The front is the Flame Mountain, everyone, be careful, watch out for the fire demon sneak attack, remember not to go deep into the mountain, otherwise you will encounter the fire demon king... the consequences are disastrous!"

"The Fire Demon King didn't dare to go out of the mountain, he was just a tiger with broken teeth when he came out of the Flame Mountain! So we are absolutely safe on the edge--"

"The corpse boat disappeared, it was still there in the morning." Some monks were puzzled.

At this moment, Xu Fengxiao was at the bottom of the valley, looking at the cross-legged figure in front of her. She didn't know the result. Was he still the ghost king Su Jin, or Su Tianzi suppressed the ghost king body and recovered? She doesn't know--

Xu Fengxiao approached slowly, holding a small sugar man in his hand, and sucking it in his mouth vigorously to hide his nervous expression.


Su Jin closed his eyes tightly, sitting cross-legged without moving, Xu Fengxiao rounded his back and came to him cautiously!

"Ghost, Your Royal Highness Ghost King——" Xu Fengxiao tried, and yelled softly.

Su Jin's tiger eyes opened immediately!

But at the same time, Su Jin stretched out his hand and disappeared! After grabbing Xu Feng's small neck, he rushed her to the cliff...

Xu Fengxiao's back was painful, Su Jin strangled her throat with one hand, and the other's left fist hit her pretty face directly!

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