My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1789: Eat the bear heart and leopard gall (1/5)

This woman--


Su Jin completely suppressed the ghost king body, and now he has completely recovered. He hates and hates himself in that state, no matter how strong he is, after all, he is a murderous machine with no emotion! However, this woman is as vicious as she is.

Use three million evil spirits to induce the ghost king to come to life! He cannot forgive this sin!

The fierce style of fist made Xu Feng Xiaoqiao's face pale, and she was about to hit her face with this fist. How could she calm down? She could accept any kind of death, but who doesn't care about her face? This punch can blast her to death, make her disfigured and die!

"You also know that you are afraid!" Su Jin was angry now, and wanted to stun her to death.


Xu Fengxiao did not adapt to the state of being caught by his throat. He squinted at Su Jin, did not dare to move at all, remained rigid and said: "You have recovered..."

"It's not as you wanted! What else do you want to say before you die?" Su Jin relaxed a little bit, and now he thinks about it and feels extremely dangerous, almost a little bit! He was completely killed by her.

"I'm Xu Fengxiao... I have nothing to say!" Xu Fengxiao turned her head, her mouth slumped, and she started sobbing.

"Crying, Dignified Master Mingfeng, Saint King Strong, you still cry?" Su Jin asked with a sneer without the slightest feeling of pity in his heart.

"I'm not afraid of death! But I want to die with dignity! My noble line of Mingfeng cannot be a slave, you can kill me, but before I die, I will get rid of the'Ghost King Curse'." Xu Feng was angry. Said rushingly.

Ghost King Curse?

Su Jin was stunned, and immediately said coldly: "There is no solution to this curse."

"You dignified Su Tianzi, the curse you personally cast, you said that there is no solution!" Xu Feng was a little angry, and it was okay to let a dignified death—

"On the contrary, you reminded me that after the Ghost King Curse, you are my person." Su Jin looked at Xu Fengxiao.

Although the process was very dangerous, in fact, he did not lose anything. On the contrary, Xu Fengxiao would never be an enemy of himself. In other words, he was also a powerful Saint King. It would be a waste to kill him!

"You don't want me." Xu Fengxiao knew that Su Jin wanted to kill her, so he just decided on the matter and changed himself to Su Jin, so it was impossible to forgive this crime.

Su Jin looked at each other coldly, slowly letting go of the hand on her jade neck.

"You already recognize me as the master, I don't need to kill you, but in the future you must do things for me wholeheartedly! Use your gong to make up for your faults!" Su Jin said coldly.

Xu Feng was slightly surprised.

Two pink clouds appeared on her cheek.

The ‘Ghost King’s Curse’ cannot be lifted, it can only be relieved... This means that I must have a double practice with Tianzi Su every month, otherwise I will endure unpredictable pain, but can this guy see myself as a servant? Although she has great confidence in her beauty.

Under the cliff, the atmosphere is a little weird——

Su Jin looked at Xu Fengxiao, she was fair-skinned and beautiful, and her long legs under the skirt were so white that she was close together. If it is said that there is only a sense of disobedience, I am afraid that she still has a little sugar man in her hand, and I don't know how this hobby came about.

"I'll show up at night, it's better not to let me wait for you." Su Jin finished looking at it and said lightly.

"The slave servant knows." Xu Feng lowered her head and turned her face down. She was actually very ashamed in her heart. Is it possible that her double road construction is about to begin?

But this is the price! The price of being a slave!

Su Jin took a deep breath. At this moment, he communicated with the ‘fantasy’ shipai, from the ‘Taixu Divine Realm’, he finally returned to the body of China in the domain——

The familiar environment appeared. After Su Jin opened his eyes, he found that his clothes were soaked behind him. Obviously, the original spirit body's encounter in the Taixu Divine Realm, the deity can experience it, if he is transformed into the Flame Mountain of the Taixu Divine Realm. Ghost King, when he returns, the people here...

I am afraid after thinking about it!

Su Jin's main concern is that his wife is still here, and Huishan Town may suffer a disaster because of himself.

As in Xu Feng's previous novels, the'Ghost King Body' cannot be cut off, it can only be suppressed, and it is best not to let it turn over, but it is very difficult to achieve this. Su Jin can only take one step and count one step. .

At this moment, Su Jin was staying in the tin hut of the mine. There was no one in the house, and his wife did not know where to go.

But Su Jin was not allowed to wait.

The door was quickly opened!

Long-legged cigarette comes in——

"Wake up!" Xia Yuyan looked at Su Jin's state with something wrong, and her tone was a little worried.

"Well, how about Gu Shan and the others? Let's have lunch, I'm a little hungry." Su Jin didn't want Xia Yuyan to worry about him, so he just covered up the past at will.

"Wait another half an hour." Xia Yuyan seemed a little unspeakable.

Have to wait?

Su Jin tilted his head, looked at the pointer on the wall clock pointing to the ‘1’ point, and asked, "What happened?"

"It's okay--" Xia Yuyan shook his head.


Say nothing.

Su Jin put away the ‘fantasy’ stone sign and was about to go around Xia Yuyan and walk out the door, but his wife reached out an abnormal hand to stop it...

"Don't go out, something happened outside the mine."

Xia Yuyan knew right away that Su Jin could not be stopped, and then said: "Someone hit one of our muck trucks and was lying on the ground unable to get up. I heard that Huaqing's restaurant was also smashed--"

"When did it happen?" Su Jin was very calm inside.

"Ten minutes ago."

"It's such a coincidence? Let's not come to the mine for a long time. Why did something happen? Obviously someone saw the "Reaper Super Run" and guessed that the mine owner arrived, so they sent someone to do something."

Su Jin said with a cold face, "Someone wants to die, I don't mind giving him a ride!"

Xia Yuyan looked at Su Jin, feeling that his way of handling things was a bit extreme, there was no way... her husband broke his studies outside! Although she used to be arrogant, she was not so overbearing. The more she did this, the more she found that she couldn't persuade him, and in the end she could only make way.

Followed one piece out of the tin room-

Xia Yuyan said as he walked: "When I just went out, I saw Gu Shan carrying two kitchen knives from the kitchen. He walked out directly and asked sister Miao Ke to find out that something was wrong. Also, I heard that Sister Pao also brought it. People are coming..."

Sister Cannon?

Su Jin has seen her the second in command of Hongzhuang Village, except for Hua Qing!

Before leaving the gate of the mine, I heard a loud noise outside from a distance!

When he walked out, Su Jin saw a muck truck parked on the spot, and a young man with blood on his face was lying on the ground.

At this moment, the two parties were confronting each other, and the other party brought at least a hundred people. Because in a short time, our side had not prepared properly, and only less than thirty people came in a short time. Although weak, but a large number The fat girl, one horse is now!

Xia Yuyan took a peek at her husband, and suddenly noticed that his complexion had changed. When she followed his gaze, her long-legged Yan'er and her beautiful face froze——

On the hood of the "Reaper Supercar", there was a person opposite!

So angry! Xia Yuyan was very angry, the other party was so daring to step on Su Tianzi's baby carriage!

She couldn't think of what would happen to the opposite person!

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