My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1790: Chopped to feed the dog (2/5)

In China, Su Jin rarely gets angry.

But Su Shao's face is very ugly now. This is the most arrogant group of people he has encountered in China, and none of them.

Reaper is the only supercar in the world. This one alone is worth over 100 million, and there are even hundreds of millions of rich people who just want to buy it!

But now--

But was stepped on by someone standing on it!

Xia Yuyan looked at Su's husband's increasingly unkind expression, and knew that something was going to happen. She became angry, but it was still within her control, but she knew her husband could not bear it!

Fed up!

"Dare to step on the boss's car! Lao Tzu is the first to kill you--" Gu Shan didn't look timid, and he was stunned, grabbing two kitchen knives and rushing up. Fortunately, the brothers from "Hongzhuangzhai" stopped him in time. The reason, of course, is that the brothers have not been there, and the other party is crowded!

At this moment, a car stopped by the cement road.

Hua Qing was wearing a noble patterned long skirt and got out of the car. Her right hand was cut by a wine bottle glass when she opened the scoop a few days ago. She is still not quite complete and is wrapped in snow-white gauze. As soon as I got out of the car, he said faintly: "I didn't expect Shengshi Group to be able to do such a nasty thing."

one person……

Directly let the more than one hundred people of the'Shengshi Group' quietly take a step back!

Shengshi Group, the world's top two hundred! As the thugs raised by their subordinates, how could these people not know who the local Sister Hua is? This sister is really big, and dare to open the door to the young son of Shengshi!

"Hehe, what Sister Hua said is like we're deliberately looking for something in'Sheng Shi'."

Just when Hua Qing got out of the car and walked out, a middle-aged man in a suit walked out. He helped his glasses, and then said: "Business is not righteous and righteous, I am sincere to buy your company, but how do you do it? I hit an employee of the group with a car—"


The gold scum truck hit with a car?

In the temperament of Huaqing's charm, when hearing the other party's words, he couldn't help but feel a sense of coldness. No one can accept this kind of guilt!

"Sister Hua, what do you have to say to them? Do it with them!" Sister Cannon's characteristic rough voice appeared, her mouth full of oil had not yet been wiped off, it turned out that she was eating lunch and chewing pig's feet. Disturbed by these troublemakers, hurried over, really wanting to kill the other side.

"Speaking of a bad thing, you are the "Hongzhuangzhai" people, not enough to see! And we have all taken photos for evidence, it is our side, when the time comes, you aboriginal gangs, it is bound to be swept away After sweeping, I advise you to sit down and let’s talk about cooperation."

When speaking, the middle-aged man with glasses seemed very confident.

Hua Qing frowned slightly. It is true that the opponent has a lot of power, and two fists are hard to beat four hands. Although his own people are not afraid, they are really not opponents.

At the moment of stalemate-

From the corner of Hua Qing's eyes, he saw two figures! Suddenly Sakura opened her mouth and couldn't close it!

"Sit down and talk about it? You are not qualified." Hua Qing felt confident that she was extremely smart and knew that what happened was not a coincidence. It turned out that the boss came today and was seen by someone arranged by the other party.

The purpose is not for disgusting people, but to give Su Jin a good start!

But is Lord Jin the one who can eat Mawei? Huaqing felt that these people would be unlucky, and it was very unlucky——

It's just that Hua Qing is a little strange, the boss and the proprietress are standing there, temporarily not moving. Based on Sister Hua's understanding of Su Jin, Lord Jin is not such a person!

Su Jin is naturally not!

He just paused for a while. At this moment, the soles of his feet were exerting force, and the surroundings suddenly shook, and pieces of stones of various sizes were floating in front of him——

That's a hundred dollars!

Su Jin slowly pointed his hand, the floating stones in front of him seemed to be alive, and began to glow with a faint red light!

The thugs sent by Shengshi Group had no expectation. When the middle-aged man in glasses noticed the bunches of red awns, it was too late! The stones were mixed with strong wind and shot like bullets. Some people only saw a red light, then screamed, and they flew more than ten meters away!

The brothers and sisters of "Red Zhuangzhai" at the scene could lay an egg in their mouths, and they didn't know what happened! Originally, there were many people on the other side, and they were all prepared to die desperately. These are the nine parts of "Hongzhuangzhai". If it weren't for this gold mine, they wouldn't be formed again by Huaqing!

The middle-aged man in glasses was holding his leg, and a group of bright red appeared on his trouser legs. This meteor-like stone shattered his leg bones. He began to howl miserably and found that he could not even climb!

"Papa Papa--"

A burst of unhurried applause appeared, Su Jin and Xia Yuyan appeared, and Young Master Su also clapped while walking, saying: "Sister Hua is right, you really don’t deserve to sit down and talk to me. Even lying on your stomach is not qualified..."

In a blink of an eye, more than a hundred people were all injured. God knows where the stones came from! At this moment, the one standing on the Reaper Super Run, with his hair dyed blond, a thin body, and a man's earring on his ear, is shaking all over.

Gu Shan looked ruthless, and when he saw his appearance, he yelled, "Grab him!"

A few people in Hongzhuangzhai suddenly stepped forward, and after pulling him off, they pressed his belt and pressed his face firmly on the concrete floor——

Su Jin felt that this young man dyed blonde hair was very courageous. He didn't know if he had eaten milk powder since he was a child. One accidentally poured water and milk into his brain. It was obvious that the brain was not enough, and it was full of water——

He carried his pocket and walked over step by step.

Poor people must have something hateful. Have you ever thought about it before doing it, who will God spare!

"Boss, what should I do with this bastard!" The others in Gu Shan didn't care. Stepping on the boss's car would be like slapped Gu Shan here, so this man in the mountain village felt very uncomfortable.

Su Jin smiled, ignoring Gu Shan's words, the scene was watching his further movement.

"Do you know that there is such a car in this has always been hailed as the'first supercar in the world', um, now I tell you, it is the one just under your feet." Su Jin stretched out his foot and kicked. After kicking the youth, he asked.

The youth who was caught and pressed on the ground turned pale in an instant.

"Boss, boss, I was wrong! Please let me go." The youth repeatedly told mercy, where can someone with such a car be so small?

"Leave you..." Su Jin smiled and asked: "Do you have a wife or children?"

"No." The young man chewed his lips on the concrete pavement and spoke honestly, wondering why Su Jin asked.

"Are there any brothers in the family?"

"There is an older brother." The young man felt uneasy.

Sure enough, Su Jin nodded, and calmly motioned to the others: "Chop him off and feed the dog."

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