My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1791: Into the mountain (3/5)


Many people in Hongzhuangzhai exclaimed that the situation turned a little bit quickly. Many of them were also very strange at first. Why did Su Jin get along with someone who stepped on his car?

There is a touch of worship in Hua Qing's eyes.

It turned out that Su Jin asked if he had a wife, children, brothers, and he really wanted to kill him! This kind of person is a scum in the world, and the handling of scum is also dealt with. At least he still has an older brother, who may be a good person!

"Don't kill me, I, I have parents!" The young man cried miserably. He knew that if he stepped on the'No. 1 Super Race in the World' with his own foot, it would be impossible to be good even if he devoted all his efforts to it. I can't afford it, and now I have to take my parents as an issue.


Su Jin said coldly: "When you were in a society, when you bullied others, did you think that you still have parents? Does anyone else have parents? You are so hanging now, I'm afraid your parents will only be your son..."

The youth was silent.

All the facts were said by Su Jin, and he was speechless!

Seeing that he didn't answer, Su Jin turned his head to look at the crowds of Hongzhuangzhai Village and his wife, and suddenly chuckled: "What? Just frighten him, break his leg and throw it away—"

Gu Shan's tight face relaxed and walked out, "I'm coming!"

Then a terrifying scream resounded throughout the mine!

After finishing the matter, Huaqing glanced at the others and said: "Today, the Shengshi Group brought people to the Jinye mine to make trouble. This is not over. I will go back and tell you the young son of Shengshi, I will not forgive him. !"

Su Jinduo glanced at Hua Qing. He felt that Sister Hua was not only beautiful in her long life, but also a kind of feminine spirit. This kind of woman is very rare.

"You tidy up the place, so as to calm the workers' emotions, it won't affect production." Su Jin watched Gu Shan come and ordered.

"This kind of thing happened when the boss arrived--" Gu Shan blamed himself.

"It's okay, the other party obviously came at me."

Su Jin’s eyesight is okay, but fortunately, there are no traces on the hood of the'Death Supercar', otherwise, how could he easily spare the other party, and then he looked at Sister Hua and said, "Sister Hua has lunch, do you want to? Go in and have a bite?"

"Recently, because of these gangsters, the whole person is upset. Let's eat together."

Sister Hua smiled as she spoke, and after instructing the other brothers in Hongzhuangzhai to clean up the mess, she entered the mine with a few people.

After eating lunch for nearly two hours, it was already more than three in the afternoon——

Satiated with wine and food, even Xia Yuyan was in a good mood. He drank more red wine that Sister Hua ordered from the restaurant. At this moment, two groups of crimson rose on his cheeks, which was extremely charming. And in a mine that was not too quiet, Su Jin looked at the gradual sunset...

"I have something to do when I enter the mountain, and I may come back later." Su Jin stood up and looked at everyone, including Tong Miaoke who was clearing the table. He was in full view.

"The boss is going into the mountain?" Gu Shan hesitated, and said: "The old man be careful, come back as soon as possible, there will be wild wolves in the Beishan forest at night—"

Wild wolf? Su Jin hasn't been afraid of this stuff for a long time!

"I'll go with you." Xia Yuyan got up and said with a puff of wine-red face, with a unique sense of beauty.

"You are here to chat with Sister Hua." Su Jin shook his head and refused.

"Together." Xia Yu's mouth turned lightly and stared.

Su Jin:...

Under normal circumstances, the wife belongs to the frosty female tyrannosaurus with an explosive mentality. After drinking, she knows that she will not agree and will have terrible consequences.

"Okay!" Su Jin nodded.

"Be careful." Hua Qing had an injury on her hand, and Gushan had a mine and couldn't walk away, so she could only ask.

After receiving Su Jin’s response, Hua Qing looked at Su Jin and Xia Yuyan and walked out of the mine gate——

Xia Yuyan was not drunk, her head was only slightly dizzy, and walking was the same as usual. As soon as she walked out of the gate, she said'take the bag' with Su Jin, and walked towards Reaper Super Run and took it from inside. Grab a bag out.

"Aren't we going shopping, what are we doing with the bag?"

Su Jin didn't understand the woman's heart, so he asked casually.

Xia Yuyan felt a sudden heart, turned her head and said perfunctorily: "I want you to take care of..."

No matter what!

Su Shao held his pocket, looked to the northwest, and then took his wife and set off together! Because when he injured more than a hundred people before, he urged his strength, and the golden dragon phantom in the acupuncture hole buzzed again, and a call faintly appeared from the forest in the northwest, just like when he first arrived.

Here Jinlong looked up.

In that year, the emperor carried the golden dragon corpse and killed the Dragon Umbrella town here. What was the secret that made Emperor Huangquan so aggressive?

Su Jin felt that he was getting closer and closer to the answer, and the unknown expectation made him want to understand more and more.

When the gold mine goes northwest, there is a road into the mountain. Although the road conditions on the mountain road are not good, some people have walked by it. It is even more difficult not to defeat the heavenly King Su Jin!

After walking through a rugged down road, a stream began to appear in front of you, with trees on both sides, and rocks of different sizes in the stream, and mountain spring water gurgled down from it——

Xia Yuyan completely regarded this as a mountain climbing journey. Before Su Jin could stop her, she had already taken off her shoes and carried her, her white feet walking cautiously in the crystal clear water.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

Su Jin finally couldn't help saying: "My wife, it's important to do business."

"Business? What business?" Xia Yuyan asked.

"Into the mountain!"

"I have already entered the mountain—"

"You." Su Jin scratched the back of his head with his fingertips, and then said: "If you want to play again, it will be dark, and then you can only live in the mountains."

"Just live here?"

Xia Yuyanjiu blushed, raised her fingers around her, and said, "Don't you think the scenery here is beautiful?"

Just after speaking, Xia Yuyan's expression changed strangely.

"What's the matter?" Su Jin asked keenly.

"I need someone to go there." Xia Yuyan smiled shyly, covering the embarrassment on his face with his hands.

"No, it's not safe to be alone, what the **** do you want to do?" Su Jin shook his head.

"I want to be convenient--"

Xia Yuyan stomped her feet in the water, drank some wine, and came to Huishan for several hours all the way, so...

Su Jin suddenly nodded decisively, "One piece."

"You, you want to be shameless." Xia Yuyan took her hand off her face, and her serious attitude finally gained a bit more presidential temperament. Just now, in the eyes of Master Su, his wife is almost a girl!

"This face-I don't want it!" Su Jin nodded his head.

"You can follow, but stay away from me." Xia Yuyan carried his shoes and clutch bag, and went ashore, saying that if you don't rest assured, you can protect, but you can't see people.

Step by step, Xia Yuyan walked into the shade of trees——

It's about thirty or forty meters away. She hides in a good place.

But soon...

"Ah!" Xia Yu screamed with a pale look.

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