My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1800: Shocking Son

how is this possible?

Why can't even the very ordinary giant hand of the ancestral realm be unable to hold the unworldly powerhouse who can kill 14 Saint Kings in one strike? Many people are caught in doubt.

Totally impossible!

"Ah! That's just Su Tianzi's fake body--" someone exclaimed.


Sure enough, Su Jin's figure appeared on the other side, and he grabbed out the "Juque Saint Soldier" and snorted coldly, "Looking for death!"

After a sentence of death, he ran through the void, dragging the'Giant Que Saint Soldier', and when he approached the giant black ancestor realm at a very fast speed, his body rose and soared!

Juque slashed hard--

The huge hand of Ancestral Realm seems to be far away from the deity.

It was like a hand sticking out of the sky, with a posture of fishing for the moon in the sea, but when Su Jin lifted the sword to cut it down, the sword seemed to split the road of life and death, and the sword light of thousands of feet was like a large giant. Cut out!


The black ancestral giant hand was smashed by one blow!

As if an electric shock, the **** hand was quickly retracting.

"Want to leave? Leave a memorial for Lao Tzu!" Su Jin shook his whole body, and a thousand white phantoms appeared in all directions, neatly and uniformly. With a thousand imaginary aspects blessing the deity, he just ascended as if he had become a feather. Thousands of white light beams flashed away from the place.

Big Ascension! Su Jin directly soared back to where the giant hand retracted...

Millions of cultivators, all stunned, Su Tianzi disappeared?

Not counting the beheading of fourteen holy kings, but also beheading an outside ancestor?


The color changed high in the sky, and it seemed that someone was fighting, but after a few breaths, a sleeve wrapped around his arm and fell off!

Su Jin swayed, with a bloodshot from the corner of his mouth, walking down from above the void.

Even though he was injured, this shocking emperor still cut off an arm of an unknown ancestor! Obviously the other party has escaped here, otherwise how could Su Jin appear alone?

Xu Fengxiao touched his heartstrings inexplicably, it was too difficult, and the owner was hurt! She walked away from the void step by step and held Su Jin on her.

At the same time, the graceful yin and yang goddess Tai Yuer, dressed in black, also walked towards Master Su and said softly: "I have something to ask you."

Su Jin motioned that Xu Fengxiao didn't need to support herself, nodded to Tai Yu'er, and then led the two girls into the'Wang Gu Sea' and disappeared in place.

The sky is clear.

The blue beauty of "Wang Gu Hai" reappeared.

It seems that it has not been affected by the previous Kunpeng occlusion, and the waves are layered and pushed to the beach.

Now many people just seem to be living in a dream, and now they wake up from the dream, but the shock on each face has not completely subsided.

"First strike and fight the 14 Saint Kings, and then take a few breaths to cut off an arm of a strong person in the outer group! He is much stronger than when he feasted in the Jade Lake!" A five-domain monk said excitedly.

"Yeah, his future achievements are beyond our daring. In ancient times, in the'China Great World', Huang Quan was the only one who became emperor. I would also like to see a great emperor born in the Five Realms——"

"Emperor realm is too difficult, let's become an ancestor! He can fight ancestors with a holy king. If he becomes an ancestor realm power by then, he will definitely shine in the ancestral realm. Our five realms are a small realm. After Emperor Su became an ancestor Some big worlds still have to weigh and weigh if they want to bully."

It can be said!

Su Jin evildoer has reached this point, and the final achievement in the eyes of the five-domain cultivators, at least can become an ‘ancestor’, and may even touch the threshold of the ‘Emperor Realm’ in the end.

We must know that ordinary monks dream of becoming holy realms, or holy kings.

As for the highest level, who dares to say that he can definitely reach it? Even so, many geniuses have fallen, exhausted their potential, and the mediocrity disappeared in the years.


Fifty miles away, an uninhabited island.

The green trees on this island are about a thousand meters in radius. Su Jin took the two girls up and stepped on the gray sand. The delicate gray fools combined with the blue water made people feel a unique style. Enclose it.

A few crabs wielding big claws walked across the beach. Each of these crabs has the size of a grinding plate. It is not too scared when you see people. They are far away and stupid, and they start to wave the first pair of big claws. Cheat.

"How is your injury?" The goddess of Yin and Yang was a little nervous. She didn't feel that way before, but recently she has more thoughts.

"Tai Yu'er, you have a big nerve, what are you doing?" Su Jin sat down and started to heal his injuries, not forgetting Tai Yu'er.

"I want to ask you one thing—"

"Say it."

"Why do you want to kill the son of my sect? You know, if nothing happens, he will definitely be my Taoist companion in the future, but you killed him—"

Although the yin and yang goddess is covered with a black veil, there is no anger in her tone. If you want to come to the huge "yin and yang house", the relationship between the goddess and goddess is not good.

And no blame for her asking.

As we all know, most of the cultivators who can be given the status of **** son and goddess are talented monks and must be cultivated from an early age. When they become Taoists in the future, they will be of great help to the sect, and even the pillars of existence.

"After asking so much, you just want to ask...Do I like you..."

"Ah? Are you so direct?" Tai Yuer's face flushed, and then said: "Yes, what do you say..."

"It must be direct! Then listen up now. I don't like you."

Su Jin looked at Tai Yuer with abusive eyes, and said, "In some places, wearing a black veil is like proof that my husband-in-law has died. Do you think I will like you?"

"But other people don't do it... Why do you only cut off the **** son of Yin and Yang?" Tai Yuer was disappointed through the black gauze face.

"Because he wants to kill me and is my enemy, why is it strange that I kill him?" Su Jin asked back.

Tai Yuer:...


Her face under the black gauze was very sad. It turned out that she was sentimental. Heavenly Su went to her Yin and Yang home to kill God Son not to get rid of his love rival.

She thinks too much.

"I hate you."

The goddess of Yin and Yang felt a bit wronged when she thought about it. After thinking about these days, she exchanged this answer. After saying the three words ‘I hate you’, she turned around and flew into the void, disappearing into the vision of the two. From this day on, she covered her face and never wore black gauze again——

Su Jin was silent, retracted his gaze, and sighed secretly.

"The goddess of yin and yang, majoring in the magic of the undead, will definitely achieve something in the future. It is rumored that she is beautiful, why the master doesn't like it—" Xu Feng asked softly.

"Why don't you like it? I've seen her appearance, and she has a very good personality. But I can't carry it anymore, especially after Bicheng's body was captured and destroyed by someone in the Yaochi Holy Land, I already wanted to understand too much. "Su Jin shook his head lightly.

Just now Su Jinda was able to bring "Kou Niang" and other women here. They had already been spotted, but Su Jin did not do that.

"It's okay for the master to watch, but the goddess of Yin and Yang seems to be crying--" Xu Feng said strangely.

"Follow her."

Su Jin closed his eyes as he sat cross-legged. A circle of Buddha light appeared behind him, and his lost cultivation base and injuries are also recovering quickly!

An hour passed.

Su Jin slowly opened his eyes and stood up.


Where is Xu Fengxiao?

It turned out to be in the sea--

Su Jin looked startled when she saw it, she was taking a bath in "Wang Gu Hai"~~~

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