My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1801: Ancient gods

Xu Fengxiao bathing in the sea——

Just like a mermaid, people stare at them and don’t want to move them away. Her beautiful face, soaked hair, water drops on her face, snow-colored lotus arms raised, and her hands wiped her face. Slightly asthmatic~~~

"Is the master recovered?" Xu Fengxiao naturally found that the dim Buddha light had disappeared, and he had already landed on the shore when he was speaking, with his little feet on the beach.

"Where can anyone take a bath in clothes?" Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry.

"Some monks just passed by. There are too many people here. I will be seen after I take off my clothes and wash them. I am also called'Master Mingfeng' anyway. I can't let those people take advantage of it for nothing." Xu Fengxiao dispelled his whole body. Of moisture.

The two-piece blue dress, with her beautiful shoulders exposed, she has a strong body that makes people feel very flavorful. Moreover, her legs are close together, and her smooth feet are stepping on the gray-white sandy beach. The beautiful scene of life and beauty is completely exhausted by Su Jin. A glance.

"Don't let others see, can you show me this master?" Su Jin joked when he saw Xu Fengxiao walking in front of him.

It was a joke, but who knew that Xu Feng's face was blushing——

Immediately... the expression on his face turned out to be very serious, and he nodded slowly.

In the world of monks, the strong deserve to have everything! Just like the money society in the Huaxia domain, money can make ghosts go ahead! Here, Fist can claim everything!

When I came to ‘Wang Gu Hai’.

Su Jin personally said that she would help Xu Feng Xiao Cheng Zu, Cheng Di, there was a trace of suspicion in her heart, but when she just saw Su Jin's unparalleled combat power, Xu Feng Xiao's heart was no less shocked than others. Cheng'Di' is something she can't even dream of.

Such a master--

Regardless of asking her for everything, now she is willing! In addition, she has been under the ‘Ghost King’s Curse’, and there is no magic in the world. She originally belonged to Su Jin forever! It's his man!

"Then take a look?" Su Jin was about to walk closer.

"Haha." Xu Fengxiao avoided, knowing that the master was joking with her now.

"Go, go to the ancient temple and the bird's nest to have a look."

"Oh, I just swam for an hour, and I don't know how far I have swam, and I haven't recovered my physical strength yet--" Xu Feng showed his innocent eyes.


A master of the dignified Saint King realm, I am afraid that I will not feel tired after swimming for ten days. God knows why Xu Fengxiao has changed his mind in just half a day, and dare to ask himself to hug her so boldly.

But it's okay! Su Jin has returned to his peak state!

Immediately he reached out his hand and fished the thin willow waist in his arms. On the beach, the gray-white sand suddenly splashed, and Su Jin's bullet flew away, turning into an arc-shaped streamer over this uninhabited island.

Snatching away in the void, Xu Feng’s small face was pressed against Su Jin’s shoulders, and her upper body felt Su Tianzi’s steady and powerful heartbeat. She was in a very good mood. Even if she had shameful thoughts, she couldn’t show Su Shao on her face. Find.


Soon, Wangguhai was nine hundred miles away from the beach of the Fourteen Saint Kings!

Only a hundred miles away from the destination, the towering seamount stands in the blue sea, and there is an indescribable ancient temple on it!

Although it was only a hundred miles away, from Su Jin's position, the towering seamount stood up like a giant sea beast, vague and awe-inspiring.

Because of the reasons before the goddess of Yin and Yang, Su Jin deliberately chose the small island from the side, so it is different from the direction of the Chinese monks!

"what's the situation?"

Xu Fengxiao broke away from Su Jin's embrace, opened his eyes wide, and looked at the seamount a hundred miles away, around the edge of the seamount, and it was especially true from their position, with circles of black light spreading out.

"The prohibition barrier of the ancient temple was triggered--" Su Jin opened his eyebrows, "Mohe Town Prison Eye", and said lightly.

"Prohibition? Ancient god's prohibition?" Xu Feng was stunned. She once fell into a terrible divine prohibition during her practice. It took 85 days to break free. It was actually quite annoying for this kind of prohibition enchantment.

"The prohibition was triggered, and hundreds of'sea tornadoes' appeared around."

Su Jin informed Xu Fengxiao of what he saw.

In Su Jin’s eyes, around the seamount, hundreds of water columns were rolled up to a height of thousands of meters. Each water column was tens of meters in thickness, and the sea surface was ups and downs, with terrible vortices appearing. The young monk was caught in.

"This prohibition is not trivial, do we still go there?" Xu Fengxiao asked.

"Go, Sea Dragon Roll is terrible, but those monks with weak cultivation bases will definitely choose to leave. This is our opportunity."

After Su Jin's words were finished, they turned into a stream of light and hurried on the road extremely fast.

The horrible ancient god's prohibition was touched, not only the existence of the horrible existence of sea tornadoes, this prohibition also caused thunderstorms, and under the black clouds, around hundreds of sea tornadoes, blue and faint thunder and lightning continued to split--

A masterpiece of wild wolves on the sea!

The insignificance of the monks was revealed in the ancient gods' restraint, and most of the monks instantly turned into rays of light, communicated with their Taixu God Realm stone tablets, and left here.

When the wind and rain were swaying and thunder rumbling, when Su and Jin arrived, they saw a few monks with their own eyes, who were sucked away by the sea dragon, and then torn into this area!

"This kind of sea tornado, if I come across it, I'm afraid I will be swept away!" Xu Feng was scared, but there were still many people who chose to venture through this area after watching.

Because the ancient temple is not far away!


A blue thunder and lightning struck a monk clearly and clearly, directly beating him into nothingness, without even screaming.

"Flying by the water surface!" Although some monks feel that the vortex on the sea is also very dangerous, the more people are in the void, the greater the suction power of the sea tornado, and they will be swept away if they don't pay attention.

"Master, many monks from outside the world are also vying for the ancient temple--" Xu Fengxiao secretly transmitted a voice to Su Jin as he walked through.

Su Jin smiled coldly and ignored it. Seeing Xu Fengxiao's figure slowly descending, he couldn't help but say, "Don't touch the water."

"Why?" Xu Feng was taken aback, and quickly grabbed Su Jin's arm.

As soon as the words fell, a head of black strange fish, turned into black shadows, jumped out of the sea, and opened a big mouth at a lot of monks. Every tooth in the fish’s mouth looked like a fang. Horrible!

Su Jin's face was calm.

With one hand fishing behind Xu Feng's waist, the speed of the whole person more than doubled. He quickly avoided the "Sea Tornado" and wandered around. In a blink of an eye, he was close to the seamount by more than half of the distance!

But in the scene that followed, Xu Feng's underestimated beauty became stupid——

Su Jin stunned~~~

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