My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 181: heaven

"Then, you don't hesitate to involve the forces of the Japanese nation to compete for this piece of cake." Su Jin asked.

"You are wrong, I was never from Huaxia, I just grew up in Huaxia." Then Dai Meiyun said a few more fluent Japanese.

Su Jin suddenly turned out to be like this.

"Since the dark angels can be one of the superpowers, they are naturally very scary. They have no borders and their whereabouts are very hidden. You can meet them anywhere in the world. This is their most terrifying place, and Dragon Tooth is different from ninjas. Longya is an organization with discipline and standards. Of course, it is also very strong. It also has an advantage in China. This is why we all want to draw you into the camp."

"For this reason alone?" Su Jin asked curiously, "Which ranks Longya among the top ten forces?"


"what about you?"


"Where is the dark angel?"


Hearing Dai Meiyun's words, Su Jin frowned, "Then how dare you just face them?"

"Because, this is China's territory! No forces dare to despise this country, even if there is no dragon's teeth, we must be careful, as long as we don't violate the rules, there will be nothing wrong." Dai Meiyun's eyes appeared solemn.

Su Jin immediately became interested, "Why don't you dare to have Longfang?"

Dai Meiyun smiled wryly at the corner of her mouth, "Did you know? The top ten powers, to be precise, they can't be called the top ten powers, but should be called the twelve powers, or the eleven powers now. That is a legend."

"Oh?" Su Jin's face showed a look of shock. When I saw Dai Meiyun today, he really didn't expect to know so much.

"The top ten powers are the ten most active superpowers at present. As early as more than a decade ago, eleven of them reached the standard of superpowers, but one was later destroyed." Dai Meiyun said.

"Exterminate!" Su Jin couldn't help taking a breath.

"Yes, it is to destroy. This is about another mysterious organization in China. They only attacked once, and they destroyed a super power. Because they only attacked once, all countries have no way of grasping its specifics. Things, including personnel distribution, organizational structure, etc., are ignorant, only a code name." Dai Meiyun said with a solemn expression of Ali.

"What code name."



What a name for Niubi!

Su Jin touched his chin.

"Out of the top four superpowers that can be confronted, it is estimated that no one can stop them." Dai Meiyun looked at Su Jin: "Therefore, there are two of the top ten superpowers in China. This is why we are worried."

Su Jin listened to the news that he had never understood before, and wondered whether this "heaven" had anything to do with the old guy. It was impossible for him to think about it. To know that managing a super power requires all the hard work. How much is needed, that kind of task will definitely make a person crash.

To reach the standard of a superpower, one condition must be met.

Global delivery capabilities, overall economic capabilities, overall number of combat power, etc., can not become a superpower if any one of these standards is not met. These are very demanding.

Su Jin touched her chin, looked at Dai Meiyun and said, "I understand, I will consider taking this matter properly in the future."

"You are too young. Now you know why the giant map is so strong. They are not inferior to us. Although we have more financial and material resources than them, we definitely can't compete with them in Qincheng, so use extremes. Means are also normal behavior." Dai Meiyun said.

"Well, you taught me a lot today."

Dai Meiyun smiled, "So, if you can make your master restrain us, it won't be the way it is now."

Su Jin looked at Dai Meiyun's face and felt cold in her heart. He believed what Dai Meiyun said, but she might have more things to say.

The old guy can make fools, but can he deal with you? The old fritters are almost smart enough, so he doesn't have to worry about this!

"I will think about it. I didn't expect Jutu Group to have such a source." Su Jin's heart is also very stressed now. A blood prison, he feels it is very troublesome to manage, let alone like Longya. The super power, he decisively believes that this is not a good job.

Dai Meiyun's eyes flickered, and she seemed satisfied in her heart that Su Jin should make some reaction, and then she laughed and said, "Then it's troublesome."

She stretched out her leg slowly and placed it on Su Jin's, "Xinzi girl, I miss you very much recently."

"Don't mention her..."

Su Jin's mouth showed a bit of a wry smile. I should mention it to discredit her. After all, all kinds of tricks can be used. If you don't leave the Xia Group in the future, let your wife know about it. Come on?

"Why, you don't like her?" Dai Meiyun asked.

"Maybe, I don't know what it feels like."

Su Jin doesn't want to fall into a conspiracy anyway, at least he himself now feels that he knows why they flatter himself like this. To put it nicely, it is to give away beauties to what he likes, and what is not to sound is for profit. That's it.

"Actually, she has changed a lot. How about I call her over now?" Dai Meiyun fiddled with the elegant skirt in her hands, sometimes opening and sometimes putting it down, and the scenery inside was undoubtedly revealed in this action.

If Su Jin hadn't just done it, he would really be fascinated by her actions. Of course, he wasn't totally in the mood. Everyone was willing to do good things, but he was willing or not.

What he thinks now is that he might not be able to take care of himself in Qincheng. These people are rich and powerful. Now he only has one blood prison. Although the Xia Group is rich, it may be worse than them. A lot.

"You are very strong." Dai Meiyun blinked at him, "I will look after you in the future."

"What do you mean?" Su Jin's hand was placed on her lap.

"It's very strong in every aspect." Dai Meiyun swallowed, and the flames in her eyes showed no disguise.

"Meiyun, is it really good for you to do this?" Su Jin sighed intentionally.

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