My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 182: White collar treat

"Of course it's okay. Women are also human. Who doesn't want to relax." Dai Meiyun said with a ruddy face.

Su Jin stared blankly, and immediately received the signal, that moment he was like a tiger wolf!

Suddenly Dai Meiyun exclaimed from the room: "Ah... stinky boy, what do you want to do..."


for a long time.

Su Jin looked at Dai Meiyun who had fainted, and suddenly the corners of his mouth were slightly proud, letting you calculate me! When I just came out of jail and was ignorant?

His face was a little chilly, Dai Meiyun really underestimated him, he had long known that neither of them were good birds, no matter when he really got the benefits, he really belonged to him. The funny thing is that she is a businessman. Being in it, I don't know the current situation.

He was not at all polite just now, even if she begged for mercy, he would treat her as a Japanese, anyway, just don't kill her.

Su Jin put on his coat, then walked out of the room coldly.

The sun was about to hover over his head at this time. Su Jin looked at the time, and it was already time to get off work. He did spend a little more time with Mo Xuejiao and Dai Meiyun. Of course, the process was very memorable. child.

This is the Xia family group. Su Jin threw the cigarette **** into the trash can beside him, and then exhaled the last puff of smoke in his trouser pocket and walked towards the residence.

"Hey! Brother Su!"

Su Jin paused, and saw two girls walking side by side.

Seeing the visitor, Su Jin was stunned for a while, then smiled and said, "Is it off work?"

The two girls are Chen Yu and Zhou Yao.

"Yeah." Zhou Yao nodded and said, "Are you free? Sister Yu would like to invite you to dinner!"

Chen Yu's face flushed, and she pinched Zhou Yao's arm. How could this dead girl say that she wanted to invite him to dinner!

Su Jin laughed blankly, hesitated and said, "This, don't use it."

"You have to do it! You have never had time before, so we are all embarrassed. You can't let us always think about it, right?" Zhou Yao said.

"All right." Su Jin actually felt nothing, but they had said it more than once, and it would be unkind to refuse, so it's good to agree to them.

"Yeah." Zhou Yao gave Chen Yu a triumphant look.

"You are waiting for me at the intersection on the west side. I'll drive over." Su Jin felt that it was a little inconvenient. After all, he was a person of identity here. If you let two beauties get in your car like this, In that case, people talk too much, and it's not good to spread it to the wife.

Chen Yu and the two daughters suddenly understood what he meant.

Seeing the two women twisting their hips and wearing professional white-collar costumes, Su Jin sighed in his heart that it's so good to be young, and young beauties are so good!

Then seeing two white-collar beauties out of the gate, Su Jin sat back in the car again and drove out.


Su Jin let the two girls sit in and said with a smile, "Where are we going?"

"Go home, Sister Yu's craftsmanship is very good." Zhou Yao said.

"Oh? It's a matter of insight." Su Jin was a little surprised.

Chen Yu was said by Zhou Yao. Although she was a little nervous, out of self-confidence in herself, she nodded and didn't mind showing her hand.

"The vegetable market is right next to it, so it's very convenient." Zhou Yao said with a smile.


Su Jin's face was plain, and he had a very special feeling in his heart. He went to the place where the two girls rented, but these two beauties were not generally beautiful. I am afraid it will be a little harder later, he thought to himself.

At this time, it was the hottest time at noon, and the big sun was shining on people like fire, and people couldn't help but want to go to any place where they could see the shade of trees.

Afterwards, Su Jin went to their rented house under Zhou Yao's leadership, while Chen Yu started buying vegetables for lunch.

The house rented by the two women is above a small high-rise, on the fifth floor, with two bedrooms and one living room. It looks very good and is very clean.

"Sit down." Zhou Yao said invitingly with a smile.

Su Jin retracted his gaze, nodded, and after watching Zhou Yao pour another cup of tea for himself, he smiled and said, "You know each other before?"

"Yeah, that's right." Zhou Yao thought for a while and said: "Sister Yu used to be my senior sister. After the collapse of the Xia Group, I also entered through her introduction."

Su Jin secretly praised Zhou Yao. Zhou Yao did not show any uncomfortable feeling at this time. Many people like her character. After all, she is careless and has a straightforward character. Chen Yu is too honest. If there are strangers to follow She probably didn't dare to say anything when she spoke, which is also a common female mentality.

"It's nice to live here." Su Jin said again.

Indeed, it is quite close to the Xia Group. Although the location is a little bit off, it is undoubtedly the most cost-effective in terms of cost performance. Women will still plan carefully!

Zhou Yao gave him a white look, "We are all poor, alas, we only hope to find a good husband to marry in the future, so we don't have to suffer like this."

"I have quite a few friends and I will introduce them to you later." Su Jin said with a smile.

"Don't... the twisted melon is not sweet, what we need is the potential stock, the honest kind, understand? Like the kind of tall, rich and handsome guy who throws away after use, it is a fire pit for us, this point Yu sister It's consistent with my thoughts. As expected, it's better to find a dwarf and live a lifetime." Zhou Yao said.

Su Jin definitely disagrees with her mentality. He wants to make people feel safe in having a car and a house. He is not allowed to pick up girls and be a good husband. Although he is not considered to be tall, rich and handsome now, he still has a high, rich and handsome mentality. He has already figured it out very clearly that it is absolutely impossible to live a good life without harming many women. Of course, is there anyone who is rich and handsome who does not mess around after marrying his wife?

Even if a man is unwilling to mess around, but when a person has money, all around you are for your money, especially a pretty woman, it is a test of a man’s determination. In this regard, most All men can't stand the charm.

Su Jin's mouth was filled with helplessness, "Then what do you think of me?"

"You?" Zhou Yao looked at Su Jin.

Seeing her looking at herself like this, Su Jin deliberately stood up and coughed, "Yes, it's me."

"You, it's a bit mysterious. Of course, apart from a bit of male chauvinism, you can't see how good you are. By the way, how did you get involved with our president?" Zhou Yao seemed to have thought of something, and she suddenly became interested. .

Su Jin:...

Here comes this kind of thing again, am I not handsome enough, brother? Not strong enough? Or is there no capital to pursue beautiful women?

His face was strange, and Zhou Yao was quite speechless. Finally, under her bold gaze, Su Jin wondered and asked: "Do you think I am so bad?"

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