My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 183: I am not a big boss

"It's not that you are bad, but that you are curious about how you caught up with the president. There is no other meaning. Many colleagues are very puzzled." Zhou Yao said.

For Zhou Yao, Su Jin is mysterious——

Su Jin was silent for a while, then raised his head and said seriously: "Do you know that the chairman has two daughters?"

"I know." Zhou Yao said.

"Then do you know that of the two daughters, I picked Xia Yuyan?"

"Damn--you're a bit cruel, let's blow it!" Zhou Yao naturally didn't believe it, it would be impossible to frighten people like this! Two daughters choose arbitrarily? Who believes it.

"If you don't believe me, I don't expect you to believe it." Su Jin spread his hands, took a drink from the water glass, lit a cigarette, and squinted at Zhou Yao.

"Then what you told me is true?"

"Of course it's true, what lie to you."

"I believe it, then tell me, OK, who are you?" Zhou Yao sat beside Su Jin with a little excitement.

Su Jin was a little bit dumbfounded. This change was too great. He shook his head and said, "I am who I am."

"No, I just wanted to ask, why did such a handsome plane pick you up that day?" Zhou Yao asked.

In fact, she really believed what Su Jin said before. After all, no matter how much money the chairman had, she couldn't buy the armed helicopter with ammunition. So she felt that Su Jin's identity should be very big. Since he is a person with identity, There is no suspense when the chairman does that.

Su Jin: "..."

I have to say that gossip is almost in the genes of most women. Seeing her excited, Su Jin couldn't bear to hit her, and said: "That was an accident."

"Accidents, there are so many accidents in the world, but you don't want to say it." Zhou Yao didn't mean to force it afterwards, watching Su Jin said lazily: "Big boss, the little girl goes to take a bath and change clothes. , You are here to drink tea by yourself, okay you."

Su Jin had taken a sip of tea, but almost squirted it out.

"This, I'm not the big boss, you made a mistake." Su Jin emphasized.

"Still pretending. Don't say anything." Zhou Yao said with a smile.

"Go." Su Jin nodded.

"Big boss, you should be very good?" Zhou Yao hesitated after she got up, turned her head and looked at him and asked.

"of course."

"Then what kind of clothes do you like women to wear?" Zhou Yao planned. If Su Jin likes skirts, she will wear skirts. Although she is not as good as Chen Yu, it is not much worse, at least not bad in appearance.

Su Jin smiled and shook his head.

"Why don't you speak?" Zhou Yao asked curiously.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Of course there is my reason for asking this. Actually, I am a clothes-controller. I have a lot of strange alternative clothes. I am afraid that you will not be able to stand it and you will not eat." Zhou Yao nodded seriously and said.


When Su Jin could not bear the word, he thought Zhou Yao wanted to wear **** clothes. The last one who couldn't eat was shocked him. How disgusting is that?

"Actually, I like women without clothes the most." Su Jin looked at Zhou Yao seriously.

"Rely... slut!" Zhou Yao blushed. She originally wanted to make fun of Su Jin, but she didn't expect that he would be sent to the army.

Seeing the appearance of Zhou Yao running away, Su Jin was secretly funny, he liked the character of this girl.

However, her face is so red, she shouldn't really follow her own statement later, after all, Chen Yu, who is buying vegetables, will be back soon.

He didn't know that Zhou Yao was depressed now. After finding the clothes in the room, he vowed to find the place back.

When Zhou Yao walked out again, Su Jin was stunned with his cigarette **** in his mouth.

She has long black soft hair resting on her shoulders. Although her figure is not tall, she is still relatively well-proportioned, especially the artifact in front of her.

Su Jin secretly called God in his heart, is this girl really going to retaliate against him?

At this time, Zhou Yao blushed, and only the inner garment was left on her body. Two pink bands appeared on the snow-white shoulders. The color on the bottom and top was obviously a set of inner/clothing, but she looked bulging. It is probably very rare there.

Su Jin is a bit hot now, he thinks Zhou Yao absolutely deliberately, at least in his view now!

The good times didn’t last long, Zhou Yao walked into the bathroom with her clothes in her arms. It was a small high-rise after all. The layout of the room was relatively simple, but after a sound of dripping water appeared in Su Jin’s ears, she felt a strange feeling in her heart. Feel it special.

Grandma's, what should I do now?

Su Jin knew that Zhou Yao wanted to deliberately fix him, even the door of the bathroom was gently closed, but deliberately left a finger-wide gap, the people watching were full of emotions, a negative emotion in a man's heart It is quite normal to appear.

So, after thinking about it, Su Jin walked over with an evil smile on his mouth.

Isn't this to make it clear that you want to see it for yourself, if you know him Su Jin, you will definitely understand that such a good opportunity will not be let go, not to mention that she deliberately left flaws, so I can't blame him!

Soon, Su Jin's mental power was concentrated, looking at the perfect figure inside, but unfortunately, the door gap was too small, and he couldn't push it bigger.

The key... This girl didn't show the point!


Su Jin saw it once, followed by a positive second... and the most thorough one.

After that, Su Jin immediately returned to the sofa, trying to restore his surging mood and body, because at this time Chen Yu's figure has appeared outside the door, that is to say, all her footsteps just got in. In his ears.

Nima, it's so beautiful. After Su Jin secretly cried out that it was a pity, he had to complain in his heart that Chen Yu came too early.

"Where is Zhou Yao?" Chen Yu walked in and looked at Su Jin, carrying the dishes to be made later.

"Let's take a bath." Su Jin concealed with tea.

Chen Yu didn't think too much. There is still enough time, but she can't afford to waste time, so she went to the small kitchen and started cooking, but the situation that made Su Jin feel very uncomfortable appeared again, because The small kitchen was opposite him, and Chen Yu did not close the door. When she squatted down, part of the back waist appeared in his pupils again.

This is nothing, Su Jin's eyesight is indeed very good, from this angle, it happens to be true.


He knew that it would be uncomfortable to stay with these two girls, and now it really happened!

Su Jinqiang endured the exploding physical state, took a deep breath, lit a cigarette again, and had to use this to divert attention.

After a while, Chen Yu cleaned up the dishes, got up to cut, and then bent over again, showing the perfect posture, all the sights were seen in Su Jin's eyes.

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