My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 184: Do it yourself


The more poisonous thing was still behind, Zhou Yao wore the black fabric skirt that I usually dared not wear outside. It was the kind of common short skirt that would take the wind when he bent over.

Su Jin’s eyes were attracted. She didn’t know whether she was wearing safety pants or not, probably because she had dazzling white socks on her two slender legs, but the socks did not cover the whole leg. Enclosed, there is still a lot of blank space in the middle, which is very cute.

Zhou Yao stuck out her tongue at him triumphantly, and put on several cute looks to Su Jin, especially the pouting posture she leaned forward, which made Su Jin dumbfounded.

This girl has practiced-

Su Jin thought in her heart, she definitely knows how to dance, otherwise, how could the flexibility of her body be so exaggerated, well, when she looked at it again, Zhou Yao leaned up and raised one long leg again.'s a pity, I didn't see it.

Zhou Yao turned to the kitchen after demonstrating to Su Jin.


Su Jin was stunned!

At this time, Chen Yu's face turned red when he saw Zhou Yao's clothes. From this perspective, Su Jin couldn't see Zhou Yao's face at this time.

However, Zhou Yao blinked at Chen Yu, then slowly lay down beside Chen Yu and said, "Sister Yu, do you want me to help you?"

Su Jin looked at the completely exposed scene, and roared in his heart... I now want you to help me!

These two beauties are definitely discussed, and they bring such a playful person? Seeing that there is no way to eat his mouth, for a man, this is the most difficult time.

Chen Yu blushed and shook his head, "I can do it myself."

After speaking, she looked at Zhou Yao who was doing a slow shaking motion, with a wry smile at the corner of her mouth, this girl was really crazy, she could do this kind of thing.

Su Jin was very uncomfortable at this time, but his psychological endurance was definitely at the top level. Soon after seeing Zhou Yao's scale became smaller, he used cigarettes to vent.

after an hour.

Su Jin wiped his mouth with a napkin and was filled with emotion. Zhou Yao's words were absolutely correct. Chen Yu's craftsmanship was even better than Zhang Anna's. He was definitely the best choice for a wife. Unfortunately, these things are all Xia Yuyan couldn't do it, think about it carefully, if there is a loss, there will be a gain, and I just laughed it off.

The two women watched Su Jin picking their teeth with toothpicks. Zhou Yao smiled and said, "Is sister Yu making delicious?"

"Very good, whoever married your sister Yu must be his blessing." Su Jin responded.

In fact, he wants to say in his heart now that it's not as delicious as you guys.

"Yes, you don't have this chance anyway." Zhou Yao said with a smile.

"Why?" Su Jin was stunned.

"You have a wife."

"Yes, I'd better give this opportunity to someone else." Su Jin looked at Chen Yu, her face flushed, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

In addition, she may not be the same as Zhou Yao. Zhou Yao is a girl who is bold. She knows that men have poor self-control and wear them like this, but he likes it very much. No matter how much it takes, it takes more or less. Got it!

"Hey, handsome, do you need a nap?" Zhou Yao said.

"Uh-" Su Jin was puzzled, "Do you all need a nap?"

"Of course, I didn't go to work until two o'clock, it's still early." Zhou Yao nodded, "If you need a nap, sister Yu's room can be let to you."

Chen Yu glared at her, "Why?"

"Because it's okay for you to be with me."

"Forget it, I can do it anywhere." Su Jin said deliberately.

In fact, he didn't have the habit of taking a nap at all, but since Zhou Yao mentioned it, he wanted to see what she was going to do. She hadn't felt this girl before, but now she feels like a bad stomach!

"You're welcome, just take a nap. The air conditioner is on. You are the big boss. We don't want you to be wronged." Seeing that Chen Yu had no objections, Zhou Yao took her and quickly returned to her own. In the room.

Su Jin looked at her figure for a long time, that little man skirt was really pretty.

As for Chen Yu's room, Su Jin thought about it, and it's okay to go and see it for himself. After all, he got the permit, absolutely not breaking the law!

Thinking of this, he glanced at a bedroom with the door closed, then got up and walked in.

After opening the door, Su Jin found out that a little woman can also decorate the room so beautifully. Although the room is simply decorated, it is filled with a series of things that girls like, bookshelves, desk lamps, computers, everything. It's all so clean.

In addition to these, Su Jin smelled a faint fragrance in the room. This fragrance does not belong to any perfume, and the feeling is also very wonderful.

He scanned the room and randomly opened a drawer of the dressing table.


Immediately, his eyes left. Although he was not as sloppy as others imagined, he was a little embarrassed when he happened to see the female aunt's cushion.

A small bed in the room is not too big, but it is very warm. The various toys on it make an adult woman seem to have returned to the past.

Su Jin then sat down, the woman's bed was naturally very soft, and soon he fell into meditation.

Another room.

"Zhou Yao, you can wear it like this yourself, why do you want me to wear it! Also, he sleeps in my room...what is your idea?" Chen Yu looked at Zhou Yao and said in confusion.

"Ah? No idea, Sister Yu, didn't you realize that you just don't like to dress up? You are very beautiful. If you dress up again, you will be fascinated." Zhou Yao stretched out her hand with some unkind intentions , Grabbed a handful of Fengman in front of Chen Yu.

Chen Yu immediately took a step back and looked at this girl helplessly. She really had nothing to do with this corrupt girlfriend.

"I really don't know what you want to do, do you want to sleep?" Chen Yu asked curiously.

"Don't sleep, don't sleep if I don't sleep."


"Don't you think he is interesting to us?"

"Ah? How could you think like that... before, you were not such a person, he had a wife."

"What's wrong with a wife? Do you care so much if you like a boy?" Zhou Yao gave her a white look.


"It's nothing, Sister Yu, maybe there will be no chance after today. Don't you also like him a little? After this village, there will be no such shop. I have some clothes you can barely fit. Do you want to try?" Zhou Yao said with a weird smile.


"Really not?"

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