My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1813: Reversal

you guys--

Go together!

Where does the confidence come from? Where does the courage come from! Not only the strong ancestors found it ridiculous here, but even all the cultivators who watched the battle felt that Su Tianzi's courage was commendable.

Some monks believe that there is no enmity that cannot be resolved.

Now you Su Tianzi is being bullied and weak, no wonder who. There is a realm of Zhenluo who pleads, has a better attitude, apologizes and confesses, maybe he can save a small life. If you are not angry, you will be stronger in the future and you can fight back! Now that he is seriously injured, he still insists on being hostile to the Ancestral Realm?

Want to die faster?

Su Jin's words fell, and she looked at a girl with a tight mouth, she finally reappeared here!

Xu Fengxiao, appeared!

"Help this king——"

Su Jin stared at Xu Fengxiao, condensed into a line, only said three words!

Xu Feng's petite body began to tremble. Perhaps the word'this king' didn't have much meaning to others, but when Su Jin said these two words to her, she knew exactly what it meant!

The heart is actually quite complicated.

Xu Fengxiao hopes that the master who stays with herself is Su Tianzi who can hug her around the sky and talk and laugh, not the ghost king Su Jin who is cold everywhere and orders her to do this and that, and must not violate the order!

However, Xu Fengxiao couldn't refuse. The expression in Tianzi Su's eyes was ‘unyielding’, ‘resolute’, and even ‘hatred’.

Because that Yuanshi female world lord mocked him, because that Yan Feiyang mocked him! Because of Long Yingru's death--

But even if everyone laughs at him, what can he do!

Can the Dragon Princess survive?

Silently grabbed five black soul beads, these were the only soul beads she had left, each containing a million evil ghosts, enough to induce Su Jin's ghost king body to be born!

The situation waits for no one!

Xu Fengxiao directly shot five soul beads at Su Jin. With the sound of five bangs, she clearly saw Su Jin's firm face, and she herself was sad in her heart, it is very likely that the ghost king is dead. Later, the real Su Tianzi was gone.

"It's not good—" Yuanshi's female realm master regretted so much, she just backed away after a soft drink.

The movement of the five soul beads was not small, and I saw a horrible black mist covering all of Su Jin's body!

Suddenly, it seemed that there was an invincible and terrifying existence. He woke up and opened his eyes. The shocking glance was enough to make the world tremble and chill under his mighty power!

The ghost hissed in the black mist, the unjust soul weeped, and finally turned into a mist, and all of them were accommodated by Su Jin. The black mist was no longer, and the closed eyes suddenly opened!

Pitch black

The dark eyes seem to make people fall into an ice cellar that will last forever, making people look at it, and the whole body seems to be frozen!

Yan Feiyang's face changed suddenly, and he was also regretting, regretting why he didn't just take the opportunity to kill Emperor Su when the **** cauldron flew away!

"This, this is a bit like a physique in the legend!" The leader of the star picker changed a few frantically, and his calm heart was no longer calm, but he became nervous under the pressure of the ghost king Su Jin.

"Ghost King Body!" Xuan Yue's grandfather said in surprise.

"Brother-in-law, how could he be the King of Ghosts——" Zhenluo's realm master was a little confused, and there was a little bit of trouble in his head.

And Mo Zu's old face is even more ugly. His cleverness can't hide from Su Jin. What he said just now means that he will be accounted for later by the Mo family! He didn't know that it was because he contacted the Yuanshi Realm Master in private that caused Long Yingru to die here.

"The ghost king is intolerable in the world, and I will wait for the ancestors to work together to kill this dragon!" Yuanshi female realm master screamed with a cold face.

When the words fell, the Yuanshi female realm master took the lead to attack the ghost king Su Jinfa, raising her hand to condense an ancestral realm big hand, covering Su Jin's head!

"Kill!" An organ ancestor appeared in Mo Zu's hand, and under closer inspection it was a colorful butterfly.

The mechanism ancestor "Colorful Butterfly" fluttered its wings, and the whole one became half-human height. With a light flap of the butterfly wing on one side, a piece of five-color thunder was blown out.

Yan Feiyang felt that the trouble was big, but there was still some fluke in his heart. If this ghost king is not powerful, they can definitely suppress and destroy the strong ancestors!

The snake-shaped demon soldier was cut several times by him in the void, and then a series of sword marks cut the void, forming a circle of sword formations, and slashed towards the ghost king Su Jin!


When the ghost king Su Jin saw the thunder fanned by the colorful butterfly, he took a breath, and the black air was condensed out of thin air into a hideous giant ghost. The giant ghost had no head, his mouth filled his abdomen, and he opened it wide. Mouth, swallow that piece of colorful thunder!

Mo Zu... dumbfounded!

The big hand of the ancestral realm condensed by the female realm master of Yuanshi, was raised by the ghost king Su Jin, touched it lightly, and flicked...

The condensed ancestral hands... broken! The Yuanshi female realm master screamed, her body was entangled with a trace of black energy, and she was shocked for dozens of miles away!

Gui Wang Su Jin dealt with the two ancestors almost instantly!

When Yan Feiyang cut out of the sword formation, he happened to see this scene. Liushen Wuzhu suddenly frightened him and turned around to open a void passage. But before he walked in, he felt a chill on his back and a circle of blue sword nets. Drive out in the whole body!

Yan Feiyang saw the ghost king Su Jin's figure, flashing two meters away in front of him, suddenly disappeared, and appeared in another position. In the end, it was getting faster and faster, and the sky seemed to be the ghost king's figure!

"I'm fighting with you!"

Yan Feiyang punched it out without even touching the corner of his clothes! On the contrary, the ghost king Su Jin suddenly condensed out, put his hand out, and caught him directly!


A paw print came out of Yan Feiyang out of thin air!

Yan Feiyang kept screaming, even rolling in the void! In the penetrating paw prints, there was a hint of black air permeating out, and now his whole body was hurting, especially his heart, which seemed to be bitten by countless evil spirits! Unbearable bitterness!

The realm master of Zhenluo, like Xuanyue's ancestors, was far away from here, but for that, their non-interfering ancestral realm powers were still shocked by Su Jin's intrepidity——

The ghost king Su Jinsen is striding forward to the "Lord of Yuanshi Realm" dozens of miles away, confident that he no longer cares about Yan Feiyang, this person is already mortal!

Sure enough, ten people couldn't breathe, Yan Feiyang's ancestor body began to collapse! His ancestral body was like a piece of black feathers, scattered by a sea breeze~~~

Mo Zu's face was pale.

Yan Feiyang has such a strong ancestral realm, his soul flies away by the ghost king Su Jin's claw mark, and his soul body collapses like a feather. If it is his Mo School's turn--

Regret, the ancestors of the Mo family knew that things were irreversible.

In the eyes of the monks who watched the battle, this shock was indescribable. I thought that Su Jin was uttering wild words and tried desperately, but I didn't expect the situation to reverse so quickly!

On the other side, the Yuanshi female realm master had already entered the empty passage that had just been opened.

But before she could catch a breath, the ghost king Su Jin of the black pupil had already stopped in front of her!

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