My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1814: Ten Halls of Ghost King

"You are the King of Ghosts, or Emperor Su!"

The Yuanshi female realm master looked at the young man who stopped her in front of her, feeling a little flustered, she couldn't understand why Su Jin, who was severely injured by herself and Yan Feiyang before, had such a terrifying physique!

Ghost King Body——

But no creatures would allow him to live, and it would be a disaster for everyone if it provokes him.

"This king is the king of ghosts and the son of Su, but this king will not give the deity another chance this time. I will let him watch how powerful he is when he becomes the king of ghosts. You just said that this king is intolerant. Also the first one to shoot at me."

Ghost King Su Jin tugged at the corners of his mouth and continued: "Tell this king, how do you want to die—"

"His Royal Highness Ghost King, you are so famous, how offended you were just now!"

Yuanshi’s female realm master turned her eyes quickly, and then said with a fist, “Because I have an enmity with Su Tianzi, I just thought that Su Tianzi was in charge of this ghost king body, so I was in a hurry. I, Yuanshi Realm would like to fight with the ghost king into a jade silk, and I really hope that the ghost king Your Highness can live forever, and be invincible forever!"

"I said... The Emperor Su is me, and I am the Emperor Su, you have grudges against me, and you are killing me! My ghost king has the'Ten Palace Vision'. If you pass through it, I think it may be in my mood. Let you go..."

The words of the ghost king Su Jin's yin test, let people hear it completely cold, after the words were finished, he raised his hand to grasp the void!

Just like a parallel world!

The 10 visions of the'Ghost King's Hall' manifested the entire sky and filled the void around 100,000 miles!

The void is shattered! Within a hundred thousand miles, ghosts burst into the air, and the sound of angry howling filled the void, seemed to compose the sobbing music of the Qiang flute, and black air was everywhere around the Ghost King Palace!

"Please enlighten me!" Yuanshi female realm master has an ugly face, she has no choice. If she doesn't enter the'Ten Halls of the Ghost King', I am afraid that the Ghost King can pinch her to death with a hand!

Don't doubt the ability of the ghost king!

Yan Feiyang is a good example, his fate was terrible!

Moreover, when the ghost king came back to the world, he seemed to be in a good mood. At this moment, the opportunity given to this Yuanshi female realm master seemed to treat her as a plaything!

Yes, that's right! It's a plaything!

A full ten'Ghost King Hall' manifested in parallel. In front of the first'Ghost King Hall', the ground was about a thousand miles wide, among which there were mountains and water, but all black, and the white flames on the ground jumped, Like the seedlings planted in the field.

The virtual white flame swayed slightly with the wind, like a fire knife, and in front of the fire knife land, under the old black tree, lighted a shade. Under the shade, there was an evil spirit Kutua, resembling an old man. At the low branch of the old black tree, there was an old clock hanging--


Gui Kutuo had no expression on his face, slowly pulled the bell hammer, and slammed into it——

With a bang, the first hall of the ghost king, the female realm master Yuanshi who had accepted the order of the ghost king went past!

It can be regarded as human torture! The Yuanshi female realm master took a deep breath, and stepped on with her bare snow-white jade feet!

The ghost king Su Jin smiled sternly, slowly sitting in the void, where he sat down, a black dragon chair as big as a palace manifested under him, with nearly 500 heads around the black dragon chair. The black dragon, swimming slowly...

Yuanshi female world master's face became more and more solemn.

This first ghost king palace puts a lot of pressure on her! Her feet stepped on the fire knives that were dense like seedlings, and the tormenting pain made her groan. Finally, when she couldn't bear it, she opened the ancestral world and swept to the second ghost king palace!

But in this ‘ten palaces of the ghost king’, her ancestral realm’s power is rapidly consuming ten times faster!

She tried secretly and couldn't open the void channel and leave!

The stone tablet that can't communicate with the too virtual gods disappears-

"Stupid, if you continue like this, you can't walk through my three palaces, the so-called ancestral realm power, can't even bear this bit of pain?"

The ghost king Su Jin didn't want to let the good show end, and the voice appeared in the ears of Yuanshi female realm master.

The original female realm master gritted her teeth, knowing that the'ten palaces of the ghost kings' were not invincible. She might walk out without using the slightest strength of the ancestral realm, and with her tenacity, she could walk with her eyes closed.

But it’s easy to say, every time you step, your body is like a knife twist, it will produce burning pain!

This is only the first hall of the ghost king, it is already terrifying, and the subsequent torture can be imagined! Her original female world master, has never received such treatment!

Just when the ghost reminded Su Jin, Xu Fengxiao walked into the void and came to the front five bodies of the'Black Dragon Chair' to worship, and said, "His Royal Highness Ghost King——"

"Well, you did very well."

The ghost king Su Jin praised Xu Fengxiao. How could he be dissatisfied. If it were not for this loyal servant, I might not know how long it would take to recover. The last time he followed the Dao of the deity, then the Shakya joined the chanting the ghost king The body was suppressed and almost couldn't be born again.

Now Xu Fengxiao hopes that it is not the ghost king before him.

She has no soul orbs to induce the ghost king's body, but now the ghost king's body has taken the initiative, Su Tianzi is likely to be dead. Can't think of any solution.


At this time, the female realm master of Yuanshi collapsed. She looked up to the sky and screamed, and immediately became a little bit exhausted, and shouted at the ghost king Su Jin: "Ghost king! You must not die...The future of the world is to eliminate the ghost king body! I am! Yuanshi Realm, come if you have a seed!"

After finishing speaking, Yuanshi female realm master gently stepped on her feet, and a six-pointed star formation appeared under her feet. At the same time, she moved her hands, and eighteen crystals were photographed in front of her, each crystal clear crystal embedded in the'six-pointed star formation' !

Eighteen crystals!

The price is terrifying to the extreme. If it is the price, these eighteen crystals can buy thousands of miles of fertile soil in the world! The original female realm master even planned to fight for serious injuries, and would not waste these gods if he could not heal for ten thousand years!

For example, three-inch crystals can buy Yan Feiyang and come with her to kill Su Jin, while three-inch crystals are only a quarter of each one!

The ghost king Su Jin stood up suddenly, but at this moment, the'six-pointed star array' was dazzling, and directly engulfed the female realm master of Yuanshi, breaking through the confinement of the'ten halls of ghost kings', and in the blink of an eye sent the female realm master back to the realm of Yuanshi. area--

"Tsk tusk, I knew that there was such a fetish, so I killed it before talking about it." The ghost king Su Jin was a bit pity, and sat back again.

In front of the ancient temple, everyone was silent, no one thought of what happened to Su Jin, and the battle was almost reversed with a trend of complete crushing——

Deep in the void.

The leader of star picking is like a dish. From now on, this ghost king Su Jin will be a big trouble for the'celestial dragon world'. He just used the natal magic'star picking' for the first time, and flees dangerously and dangerously. He has no idea to deal with this ghost king. !


A piece of sea a hundred miles away from the ancient temple, at this moment the waves suddenly lifted up to a hundred feet high——

"Wang Gu Giant Beast!" a monk exclaimed.

"Why does it appear at this time? No, no one can see its face clearly. Now it has a spine... it turns out to be a white turtle!"

"White turtle, unheard of!"

"Ah! It also carries a ‘glazed glass altar’ on its back."

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