My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1821: Out a hand

This person is good.

Su Jin knew from the perception on the Qi machine that the opponent was not a good enemy to deal with, but it was just a holy king.

The nine-hole "Flying Dragon Sacred Fire Spear" is full of oppression! In every hole in the void, the ferocious two-winged flying dragon draws power from the depths of the void, and is gaining strength for its owner.

"Ghost King? To my Holy Realm, it's just a joke!"

The red-haired young Master Galoyah, full of strength and a trace of fiery energy, wandered around his body, step by step, walked towards Su Jin from the void and said something.

Su Jin said indifferently: "Confidence is often a good thing, but for you today, self-confidence will only make you die faster."

"In my eyes, any holy king is not worthy to fight with me again. I am invincible at the same level as Galoya. You are a holy king of a small domain. There is only one dead end to my holy world!" Staring at Su Jin, as if wanting to see some flaws.

Pretend with Su Tianzi?

"I'm not afraid of hitting you, Little Saint Realm, I haven't paid attention to—"

Su Jin's voice didn't fluctuate. He walked through strong winds and waves. Naturally, this kind of pediatric threat was not taken care of.


Jialuoye's face became gloomy, and then he said in a deep voice, "Three days later, it will be the day of this young man's wedding. Before the rejoicing, the death of the ghost king Su Tianzi will definitely come to congratulate my holy world. Go to glory!"

"You died young today, you couldn't marry a wife~~~" Su Jin laughed suddenly, laughing arrogantly. He loves to see this situation most. He is still complacent when he gets married and wants to add glory to himself? Didn't you think about the possibility of even a trace of death in Lao Tzu's hands?

"court death!"

Galloye stomped on the void directly, and the whole person quickly rushed towards Su Shao. What he felt in Su Jin's words was all ridicule. Who would dare to face him like this in the holy realm and make such crazy talks, it is impossible. , Never encountered it!

Su Jin held his hand very calmly, walking towards the void, the arc-shaped streamer was dazzling——

Once it appeared, it immediately aroused the exclamation of the monks watching the battle.

"Ah? This is the legendary king of ghosts? He is indeed a great man, with the courage to defend Young Master Jialuoye." A holy monk was surprised.

"Before I was called, I was a Chinese monk. There are rumors that Tianzi Su is a member of my Chinese domain. Now he has emerged and shines in several big worlds. I heard that he has offended several big worlds, but Has not been beheaded yet."

There was a Chinese monk who had been descended to the lower realm by the Holy Realm God's Mansion and had been ‘inspired’ to the Holy Realm, and his tone was very excited at this moment.

"I want to see, his Little Domain Saint King, what can he dare to fight against Young Master Galloye——"

"Recently, there has been a lot of uproar in the body of the ghost king, but now he is not full of black energy, which is not in line with the legend, has it suppressed the ghost king body?"

"It should be the deity of Emperor Su, but unfortunately, if the ghost king body is used to fight Galoy, there is still a chance of winning."


At this moment, there were still many people talking about it, but as the audience suddenly and unanimously exclaimed, an incredible scene appeared in the eyes!

Master Galloye was very magnificent, and after the hand-to-hand combat, he threw a terrifying punch!

However, Su Jin still held his hands behind his back!

This is too arrogant~~~

In the face of Young Master Jialuoye who can choose his ancestor, is Su Tianzi's posture arrogant, or does he really miss Jialuoye?

Su Jin dragged out forty-five phantoms that were enough to be true, with a dazzling stream of light, and the punch that Galloye slammed did not hit!

Gallo Ye was stunned, his face flushed, and he immediately raised his hands high, grabbed it in the void, and a bright red "Flying Dragon Holy Fire Spear" Saint King Soldier. He caught me on top of his head, and soon the "Flying Dragon Holy Fire Spear" was taken by him. The dancing tiger is full of wind.

Above the void, among the nine flying dragon caves, nine flying dragons with wings sprung up, vomiting a curtain of fire, spraying them on Garoyah, and suddenly a flying dragon king'condensed' out!

The'Flying Dragon King' is bigger than the nine-headed flying dragon added together! After condensing, it directly roared into a void!

Galois was also blessed because of this, and his strength rose rapidly! ! !

His state at the moment is enough to fight the ancestor! This scene happened very suddenly and very quickly. After the "Flying Dragon King" was condensed and revealed, Galoyah disappeared directly. After seeing Su Jin's location, he shot it over!

Su Jinhu's body shook slightly, and his whole person appeared to the side of Galois, and Galois swept back in the blink of an eye——

Disappear again...

The scene is very quiet and shocking!

Galoye's strength at this time is too terrifying, but Su Jin is undoubtedly better! Because there is no move yet, it seems to be a perfect ‘walking the dog’!

One strike, five strikes, ten strikes!

"You can shoot if you have the seed, and fight me upright!" Galloye trembled all over, as long as he swiped a move, he was sure to kill Su Jin in a continuous move, but the opponent's speed was very high. Fast, faster than him!

"Okay~~" Su Jin said in a very indifferent tone, "I'm going to make a move, I'll make a move--"

"You, you..." Galois was going crazy, and he saw Su Jin stretch out his right hand and gently pointed towards the void.


The emptiness on that side was blasted by a ‘immortal bridge’ connected in the eternal depths! Horrible~~

The scene was suffocated for a while, and the monks who looked from a distance felt particularly real, as if their bodies were suppressed by the mountains. Now Su Jin under the Heaven-defying Saint King, the bridge of the Great Immortal Technique, has also transformed unimaginably.

Galoyah completely miscalculated. He and Su Jin were in the same realm. Although he had beaten the ancestors and gained fame because of that time, that time was just an accident. The opponent was an ancestral realm who was about to become sitting, and he almost killed him!

At this moment, in the same realm, Su Jin was against the heavens, and an immortal bridge squeezed Garoy, like a baby who had fallen into a quagmire, with speed like a toddler!

Su Jin disappeared in the same place, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Garoye, with one hand behind him, and a light pat with his right hand~~~


Jialuoye seemed to have been taken lightly by Su Jin, but the whole person sprinkled blood on the sky and flew hundreds of meters away!

The monks who watched the battle almost dropped their eyes! Dumbfounded, this is too strong, Galoyah was seriously injured by a blow?

They also don't want to think, this is not a competition at all! Su Jin has faced more than a dozen ancestors in the "Ancient Temple", and none of them exhibited fear, and this person is just a holy king of the small world! Overconfidence!

At this moment, Su Jin's face was stunned. He saw the individual and was ‘familiar’.

After Jialuoye stabilized his figure, his eyes were full of fierce expression. He was also shocked in his heart. Why is Su Jin so strong! But a girl had already walked out not far away, and at the same time it made Garoyah look discolored.

"Retreat!" Galoyah said anxiously to the girl.

The girl slowly said, "Tianzi Su, although you and I were hostile in the past, the gap between us is very big now. I will not fight against you anymore. Can you spare Galoyah's life? I will make peace in three days. he has married--"

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