My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1822: Love because of hatred?

"Shut up! I Galloye, when do you want a woman to beg for me!"

Jialuoye's face turned blue, he was from the dignified ‘Holy Realm’ nobleman, and he couldn’t afford to lose that face!

Moreover, according to the rules of the "Holy Realm", the throne of the future Lord of the Holy Realm is not indisputable, but now the fiancée begging Su Tianzi for mercy will definitely be seized by others.

At this time, Su Jin stared at the girl, completely ignoring Galoyer's rants. He had no idea that the girl would get married in three days!

Vaguely returning to that day, Su Jin bravely seized the holy scroll, and even took her away. Take her as his own in a hostile posture.

Later in Shengzhu City, in order to avenge herself, she did not hesitate to hold a ‘holy sacrifice’ for herself and tied herself to the cross. Later, she was captured by Su Jin, and Su Tianzi did not kill her. At that time, I never saw her again.

Goddess...Rovell Yini!

"Are you married?" Su Jin squinted, with a weird smile on his face. This is a joke to him. Whether it is an enemy or a friend, this girl has long been his own. Whether she is willing or not, this It's all a fact.

"Yes. After the holy sacrifice, I still have a heart to avenge you, and I practiced the divine method hard. Later, I was called by the holy lord to the'sacred realm'. I have ordered people to pay attention to your various experiences. We are no longer at the same level. , So long ago, I gave up being your enemy."

Lavril Yini chuckled her mouth when she finished speaking, and shook her head pretentiously.

"Oh~~~" Su Jin thought for a while, then nodded and said: "If you don't choose to be my enemy, then you want to be my friend?"

"I don't want to." Lovril Yini responded.

"Oh, if you pay attention to me so much, will it be possible to hate me? After all, I am so handsome. Although I can support myself by face, I still chose to use technology."

Su Jin clicked his lips, not caring that Galois was still not far away, watching and listening.

And Su Jin also noticed the expression of Galloye, which had turned from cyan to black. Could it be that the goddess Rovier Yini has nothing to do with each other?

Galloye's face was cruel, although he was a little embarrassed, but he was the one who was hit the most! He liked Lovril Yini very much. After meeting a few times, he even felt that she was absent-minded. At that time, he suspected that the fiancee had someone in her heart, but there was no evidence.

I can't find it.

But now--

Sure enough, Lavril Yini's body trembled slightly, and she was possessed by him that night, but she did not accept it. I would rather die, and the holy sacrifice could not do anything to Su Jin. Later, the name of Su Tianzi started. She learned of Su Jin's movement and news from the holy realm not far away from millions of miles.

Finally had to serve.

No woman dislikes heroes, especially Su Jin, a disobedient hero who dares to guard against the sky. Gradually, she has a shadow in her heart. Every time news of the Five Realms is sent back to the Holy Realm herself, she can’t wait to know. Formed a habit.

"Leave Garoye, he won't be your enemy anymore." Lover Yini said.

Su Jin's smile gradually closed, looking at Galoyah's gloomy face, pointing his nose and cursing: "Today I let you go. Three days later, if your marriage can be formed, I will have your last name--"

"You..." Lover's heart burst.

After a long time, Lavril felt that Su Jin was more rampant than before, and she regretted showing up. After all, three days later, the "Holy Lord" was going to attend the wedding of the Galoy family! And Su Jin is now obviously going to do things.

"You dare to come to my family to make trouble, since then there will be no Su Emperor!" Galoye did not believe that Su Jin had the guts.


Su Jin laughed, with a cold expression on his face: "If you speak big words, you are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue? At that time, Lao Tzu will annihilate your entire Galoya clan—"

The ruthless words were first put down, and then under the gaze of Lavril Yini, she turned around, turned into an arc streamer, and disappeared from everyone's vision.

Galloye's gloomy face began to improve. Although he liked Lovril Yini, his family's interests, the holy realm's interests were above all else! If this wedding is planned well, killing Su Tianzi is easy! After all, the opponent himself has suppressed the ‘Ghost King’s body’.

Su Jin, who is not in the state of the ghost king, is not difficult to destroy. Moreover, Lavril Yini sometimes doesn't want to see him. There are many beauties in the world. It is very cost-effective to use a Lavril to exchange Su Jin's life for a wedding!

When Lavril arrived here, she didn't even look at Galoyah. Her heart was a little complicated. Could it be that Su Jin would really go in three days?


At this time, Su Jin is already a hundred miles away. According to a normal schedule, Xu Fengxiao and Long Yingru are most likely to appear in the restaurant at night. He is alone and fast, and he plans to go to the "Cold Wind Eye". Go take a look.

I want to make sure that the old tortoise who was born with a ‘glazed altar’ on his back is still there—

Three thousand three hundred miles was not long for Su Jin now.

It gets colder as it goes north, and most of the time the extreme cold wind is in the snowy weather.

Fortunately, when Su Jin arrived, luck was good. The sky was clear blue, and when passing by that mountain, the Snow Python Demon King had already left and was missing.

"Discuss something." Xiao Umbrella's voice suddenly appeared in Su Jin's mind, as if he understood his thoughts.

"What?" Su Jin asked.

"If you can kill the white turtle and cut off the altar from it, I may be able to draw all the strength from it, and I will definitely be able to replenish it by then." Xiao Umbrella said.

"You're talking nonsense."

Su Jin hadn't thought about it at all, because the white tortoise came from Mo Min, and he didn't have any weaknesses in his body, he was not sure to kill him, not to mention if the other party went crazy, he might not be able to kill him.

"Hey, just think about it. In addition, if you can get the'Shen Jing' that the Yuanshi Realm Lord took out before, five, only five can help me recover." Xiao Umbrella sighed again, and the more he said Not emboldened. Because it's harder than killing the white turtle!

Don't Su Jin want it?

miss you--

Once he was carrying a small umbrella, but he went straight to blast the'Boundless Sword Mountain' and wiped out one realm. If the terrifying power can be restored, he would immediately dare to go to the'Most Start Realm'. Even if it can't smash that big world, it can smash a part of it.

After all, Wuliang Jianshan couldn't compare with the "Yuanshijie".

Once the "Blessed Sword Mountain" was so big, the Yuanshi Realm was a big world, and the real boundary was dozens of times the "Blessed Sword Mountain"!

Without talking about the unrealistic things, Su Jin walked to the hiding place of the "White Tortoise". He took this turtle and arrived here!

"Where's that turtle!"

Su Jin walked into the crushed ice and found that the white giant tortoise had left, but how long has it been, has it been asleep?


The ice layer shook for a while, and ice cubes continued to fall, Su Jin's face was cold, his whole person turned into streamer, leaving under the ice layer, appeared in the void——

The scene that appeared in his eyes made him unexpected.

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