My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1825: Son, sit down

In front of the ice tomb, there is a hunched old monk sitting!

The old monk was as thin as firewood, and his skin and flesh seemed to be plated with gold. In front of him sitting cross-legged, a pitch-black wooden fish the size of a basin was placed.

This Buddha turned out to be a golden body——

Su Jin was shocked. He once accidentally read the record in China. The golden body is the ultimate expression of the Buddha, and it is also the end of the yearning of the Buddhas. What is the origin of the owner of this ice tomb? Not only is there eight thousand men and women buried with him, but also a golden old man The Buddha stayed in it.


It's incredible.

"The golden body will last forever, will the ultimate Buddha's way become like this? The Taixu God Realm is vast and I don't know how many billions of miles, where the aborigines have gone, whether they died in the years, or the natural disaster happened in the past. , Was forced to move away."

Su Jin avoided a few sudden eyes of the wind, took a deep breath, and turned to the other side of the iceberg. He soon became more sure of his judgment and made even greater discoveries!

In the southeast corner of the tomb, there are six ‘beast head’ copper stove lamps, among which more than half of the corpse oil is still lit in the eternal ages. This lamp is still on, which really made Su Jin never expect--

Eyes of wind were constantly appearing around Bingfeng, becoming more and more dense, and Su Jin was dangerously and dangerously avoiding a few more places. The manifested vision in the "Mahe Town Prison Eye" made his scalp numb!

In the northwest of the ice tomb, there are sixteen altars in the tomb. On the altar hang eight men and eight women, eight men and eight women, and the head of the human body!

This turned out to be the bodies of eight dragon princes and dragon princesses!

There was a trace of confusion in Su Jin's eyes. There was a bloodletting trough under the sixteen mouth altar. The owner of the tomb kept the dragon prince and princess here, using 16 blood from the noble dragon royal family. He didn't know what he wanted to do, but where the bloodletting trough would flow. , It is the center of the ice tomb!

Right in the center is where the coffin is located——

When Su Jin looked towards the center, he looked closely and felt that on the wall of the tomb room, there seemed to be nine-headed dragon souls detained in it.

"I have never seen such a terrifying tomb owner." Xiao Umbrella was awakened by the faint dragon soul, and said the first sentence after waking up.

"There is also a golden Buddha and Taoist monk here praying for the owner of the tomb and knocking on the wooden fish. He knows that he will never get out, but he is willing to sit in it. The owner of the tomb also captures sixteen dragon royal families and releases them slowly. They have exhausted their blood." Su Jin said, feeling a tingling sensation in the Mohe Prison Eye.

Xiao Umbrella said with emotion: "It's hard to imagine. Some people think that China China Shenzhou is vast and vast, but they don't know that China World is just a corner of peace. I don't know how many big worlds there are, stronger than China."

Su Jin was silent.

Xiao Umbrella’s words reminded him of what he had seen from the "Xuanyue Daughter Ancestor" in the Yaochi Holy Land. At that time, the Great Emperor borrowed the Xuanyuan clan’s **** soldier Xuanyuan Sword. The great emperor, how tired he has been.

"It's amazing here, so I can't let anyone know it yet." Su Jin took a deep breath.

"It's really important, and only you can see the truth of the'Maha Town Prison Eye'. There are golden Buddhas and other large decorations here. I am afraid that it is difficult for the emperor to figure it out." Xiao Umbrella said.

"Unexpectedly, I came to Extreme Cold Wind Eye, but I discovered this big secret. You can't stay here for a long time. You should withdraw early—"

Su Jin was about to go straight back, but soon his face changed suddenly, as if he was aware of it. On the sixteen altars, the eight dragon princes and eight dragon princesses all seemed to look at him~~~

Thirty-two long eyes seemed to be looking at the far-reaching future. The divine light of the dragon spurted from their eyes, and Su Jin soon saw the void beneath his feet, densely woven with mysterious patterns...

"Really! Do you want to catch Lao Tzu in and be buried with someone?" Su Jin's thoughts flashed. No matter how fast the whole person is, then he felt his body twitch and he plunged into a brief darkness.

After a while.

Su Jin took a deep breath, the lines under his feet disappeared, and the foreground of his eyes gradually became darker and brighter.

The gloomy environment made people feel depressed. Su Jin knew very well that he had been teleported into the ice peak, but it looked like an underground palace in front of him, and it seemed that he could not go all the way to an underground palace.

"My son, sit down."

Two beautiful girls, holding a fruit plate, tea, and appearing in front of the corner of the underground palace, came over as if they were ripe, and placed the fruit plate on the stone table aside.

Su Jin looked at him, his face calm, without the slightest change.

These two beautiful girls, he had seen with the "Mahe Town Prison Eye" before, were among the eight thousand male servants and maids who were buried with him, and even now he can still use the "Mahe Town Prison Eye" Among the eight thousand burial persons, they found their existence.

Knowing the real situation is very scary. Especially when they can see their bodies, it makes people sweaty.

It was a funeral, a person who had already died, but now Yingying Yanyan came with a fruit plate. This is obviously a ghost—

Su Jin has a lot of courage. It can be said that he has not been afraid of anything. There are still two female ghosts in his Huangquan Notes so far. Those are the two he once received at Guimenguan. Now I don't know how to practice.

They come, the security.

Bah baah-

Su Jin removed the word ‘An’ in his heart. He didn’t want to stay here for too long, but he sat down at the stone table and looked around.

The real scene is actually in his eyes. He is currently sitting outside the ice tomb, and the old monk is sitting a hundred meters away, and he is in front of the 8,000 male and female burial persons, about twenty or thirty meters. If he hadn't had the ancient pupil technique, I'm afraid he might have been bewildered by the illusion of this palace.

"How old are you?" Su Jin asked casually as he looked around.

"I am eighteen."

"I am sixteen."

The two maids were smiling and standing on both sides of Su Jin, the smiles on their faces were really nice.

"It's a pity, so young." Su Jin sighed.

"What do you mean by what the son said?" The sixteen-year-old **** the left has a small mouth, a soft demeanor, and doubts in her eyes.

"Nothing, just staying in this underground palace for a long time, aren't you tired?" Su Jin smiled.

"There is no shortage of tiredness. We have many people who chat every day and are busy with life in the palace. They are all big acquaintances--" The 18-year-old girl seemed to have a bit more chill on her face, Su Jin said, "It's a pity." Make this girl seem to feel something.

"Yeah, yes, we have fun here, the son will stay a little longer, he will definitely like it here, please have tea—"

"You tea, I don't dare to drink it. And this place, I want to stay more--"

Su Jin said more bluntly. The two female ghosts must know that he saw the real environment. He was so clear, but he wanted to know... how these two female ghost servants answered.

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