My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1826: Yang blood

"The son said, what to keep?"

The eighteen-year-old ghost girl pretended not to understand the meaning, and her words had a weird smell, making her back chill.

"Stay a little longer—"

Su Jin blinked at the second girl, with a playful tone, allowing the two maids to see each other.

"The host said that we would be happy to entertain the distinguished guests. Your so-called stay is not in line with the rules of the host's underground palace." The eighteen-year-old ghost girl responded.


Starting to put pressure on me in a disguised form, Su Jin's complexion was stunned. The master of the eight thousand male and female servants aroused his curiosity. After all, he knew very well that he had strayed into the ice tomb, and it seemed that it was not easy to get out. , This is the most hurtful.

"Our master is kind-hearted, and the person is very nice. Since the son has been invited by the master, he will stay for two days so that I can wait and treat." The sixteen-year-old ghost girl said with a dimple on her mouth and said with a smile.

"Okay, it's okay to stay for two days, but where do I live and where do I sleep?" Su Jin was in the mind to see through everything, but he didn't break it.

"My son, please come with us." Seeing Su Jin's words, the two women turned with joy on their faces, and started to lead the way in the dark underground palace.

Su Jin stood up from the stone table, thinking that he wanted to see what you wanted to do.

Soon, he walked left and right, even when he really passed by when he was outside, he felt very strange inside the ice tomb wall, but he still didn't speak.

Because he knows that the ice tomb is the coffin of the bodies of the two ghost servant masters!

It didn't take long before it took me less than two minutes to walk.

During this process, Su Jin saw himself walking by the corpses of 8,000 male and female servants. These corpses were well-preserved in the iceberg. Except for the lack of blood on their faces, their deaths were terrible and hideous.

Being able to see the real situation in the underground palace of the illusion with his own eyes, it would have been broken for someone else, but Su Jin has seen how many great worlds he has, and he has become a bear!

The two female ghost servants stayed in a dark room, and two pale candles illuminated the entire room. The candlelight jumped, and ferocious aura seemed to linger in the room.

"My son, it's not early. If you need anything, you can shout." The two ghost servants looked at each other, and the eighteen-year-old ghost girl spoke.

"Well, get back." Su Jin directly ignored the two women, realizing that after they walked out of the dark room, they stared at the pale candles--

Underworld fire, also known as ghost fire, the flames on the two white candlesticks continue to transform into ghosts, which is daunting.

Su Jin felt quite interesting. He had never seen a shady lantern, and he finally opened his eyes this time.

There were a few people who wanted to kill him, threatening to wind his true spirit in the wick of the shady lamp and endure the pain of eternal roasting. This is probably what is happening in the two candlesticks in front of you. In it, it is difficult to break free.

Su Jin tilted his head and looked at the bed four meters away——

Quite realistic, but this dark room is just a slaughterhouse, not a real room!

As for the bed, Su Jin dared to guarantee that even if an ancestral realm powerhouse lay on it, there would be no return, and the true spirit would be invaded by unclean things, and the head would be chopped off by the heavy hanging blade above silently. .

Because Su Jin saw it all with the eyes of Mohe Town, this slaughterhouse has a total of more than ten'corpse beds', on which there are eight ancestors separated by their corpses, and five holy kings, dead and peaceful. Without knowing it, he was suddenly beheaded to death.

There are only four empty beds left, no one on them. There are two blood grooves on the corpse bed that match the blood grooves on the ground. If someone decapitates the head on them, the blood will flow through the blood grooves to other places. I don’t know the function. .

And the two female ghost servants arranged for Su Jin to sleep in one of the four empty beds. The two female ghost servants were obviously ill-intentioned and wanted to kill him!

"If I don't have this divine eye, I'm afraid~~~" Su Jin thought to himself, I'm afraid I would have said, after all, everything here is too real, so real that no one has thought that this is a terrifying tomb——

The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched, and the sneer was obvious, because he was not sure whether the owner in the ice tomb was alive or not. With this ability, he could never be an opponent, but why didn't he show up? So much effort?

After all, I still couldn't lie down.

Immediately Su Jin wandered around the slaughterhouse, where eight of the ancestors were beheaded to death. This shows how confident the ancestral realm was back then. The so-called drowning will be watered, and the self-confidence is too much. No one can blame anyone in an accident. It's a duty now.

At the moment, the two female ghost servants in the dark room of the slaughterhouse prepared for Su Jin, who were just leaving the Palace of Illusion on the other side, were talking quietly.

"Sister, when shall we go in to collect the ‘returning blood’?" the sixteen-year-old female ghost servant asked in a low voice.

"Wait, I don't know why, I don't think he is easy. He is different from anyone who was introduced before." The eighteen-year-old ghost girl shook her head and said.

"What's not simple, it's just a holy king, it's not that troublesome. Our glorious achievements are beyond the imagination of others. There were eight ancestors who were killed by us, holy kings of the same level, Five were also beheaded, is he nothing special?"

"But I just feel that way! The ancestor more than a thousand years ago, when I face it, I don't have the horror of the Saint King. He always feels that he can see through everything—"

"Impossible, impossible." The sixteen-year-old ghost girl shook her head again and again.

"After a while, if he is beheaded to death, we are digging out his heart, taking the'returning blood' while it is hot, and offering it to the master—"

"it is good!"

The two female ghost servants discussed it and felt that in order to prevent accidents, they decided unanimously and waited a while.

Time passed by every minute.

The pale white candlesticks and gloomy ghost images loomed in the slaughterhouse. Above the murderous corpse bed, the hanging blade bound by the chain swayed gently, grinning coldly, and there is no **** on earth.

Su Jin was full of energy, and the two female ghosts didn't want to think about it. Although it was snowing outside, it was hard for people to sleep in broad daylight, so Master Su bored a stone bench and raised his legs. It’s a fact that two female ghosts want to harm him.

But why hasn't it appeared for so long?

Su Jin is waiting--

The time for a stick of incense flashed by.

The door of the slaughterhouse was slowly opened, and there was a soft humming sound in the ears of the two female ghost servants.

The two female ghosts looked dull.

In his eyes, Su Jin was sitting handsomely on the stone bench, his already raised legs were still trembling slightly, obviously very comfortable, humming in his mouth!

The two women met by chance, and a puzzling thought appeared in their hearts.

Why didn't he sleep in the corpse bed!

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