My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1832: What!


Su Jin immediately took a sigh of relief, his face was solemn, his hands folded, and the ‘light of life and death’ burst out directly, enveloping the Buddha’s light in circles around two meters around his body.

The owner of the tomb appears!

Although it was a blue-and-white hand, the hand was slender and slender, and when it was poking out, many fine golden scriptures appeared on the skin!

Su Jin shook his whole body and couldn't move anymore! Fortunately, it can't affect his thoughts, how powerful this tomb owner should be!

Emperor Realm?


Or the powerhouse of the Three Steps of Heaven?

This was just a flash of thought. After Su Jin realized that he could not move, he cried out in a horrible voice. His life and death Buddha's light didn't work at all. He could only watch that hand and almost reached the center of his eyebrows— —

Su Jin could clearly see that the nails on this hand were very long, about 20 to 30 centimeters in length, and they were bluish-black. It was obviously the reason that the body was too long and had not been repaired.

"Damn, is she going to dig your eyes?" Xiao Umbrella was dumbfounded, and continued to communicate with Su Jin in the spirit.

"This person must be a masterpiece, but if she wants to kill me, it should be simple. But why didn't she do it directly?" Su Jin wondered.

There is no killing intent, not even a bit of evil thoughts. When this hand appeared, Su Jin had already seen the gender of the other party, at least it was a female emperor——

The weird atmosphere of terror was spreading, and Su Jin forcibly closed the ‘Mahe Town Prison Eye’, but after being touched by the slender fingernail, Su Jin opened it uncontrollably!

At the edge of the vertical eye, gently rub and rub the long nails on it, and then rub and rub it for at least four or five minutes before a long sigh appeared in the horrible ‘Tengu Bone Coffin’.

When that hand slowly pulled away, Su Jin felt able to move, and couldn't help but say: "This senior, this junior entered the treasure building by mistake. There is no offense. Please forgive me!"


In the entire bone coffin, the fluorescence was shining, and the bright light appeared like a sunny day and a white day, which made people have an urge to conceal the illusion. The contrast was too great, and it was still pitch black just now!

However, when Su Jin saw the person in front of her, she found her back to herself, with long black hair waist-to-waist, wearing a white and red lined women's gown, her hands were put together——

Su Jin didn't know the purpose of the white and red line robe, but it didn't feel very good, because he felt it was very similar to the shroud style of the year.

"The glitz is like a dream, the dynasty is perishable, and the dream is built for thousands of years, but a piece of duckweed and nothing."

The voice of the owner of the tomb is pretty good. It doesn't sound too old. The voice of a woman in her thirties? Su Jin felt that his guess was correct.

"Senior, no matter how many years, even if a mortal lives for decades, as long as you live a wonderful life, you can die with a smile after the lamp is gone!" Su Jin said lightly.

"How many people can do it? How many people are willing to leave?" The female tomb owner sighed lightly.

Su Jin was silent.

It is indeed easy to say but too difficult to do.

"Senior has a difficult problem, can the younger generation be able to help?" Su Jin asked deliberately.

"Your realm is too low to help me. Besides, you are a'iron and stone heart'. If you are not willing, I cannot get the'returning blood'."

The hostess of the female tomb was calm, and continued: "Even if you can get it, plus your portion of'Returning Yang Blood', it is still a few thousand copies of'Returning Yang Blood'. I can't wait for that time."

The ‘Iron Stone Heart’ refers to the ‘Pangu Will’ enveloping Su Jin’s heart, and Su Jin can naturally understand it.

"Senior Shouyuan is not exhausted yet?" Su Jin couldn't help asking.

If it doesn't run out, it would be terrible, God knows how long she lived!

"It's already exhausted, but I have a way to persist. I am ugly now, with corpse spots all over my body, and it will not last long." The female tomb owner shook her head.

Corpse spots?

Su Jin naturally knew that it was just that the other party could persist until now, and it was already a shocking existence. It was obvious that the female tomb owner had already planned to give up.

"Senior, like me, is a cultivator against the sky?" Su Jin hesitated, looked at the female tomb owner with his back to him and asked: "How long can I hold on?"

"At most a hundred years." The female tomb master said: "It is still estimated with the best situation."

"What are the conditions for returning Yang blood? I might be able to help seniors!" Su Jin said.

"Are you willing to help me?"

The voice of the female tomb owner fluctuates a little, "You are indeed good at strength, and you need to be at least the realm of the'Holy King' to restore Yang blood. It is still more than 4,000 copies, which means that more than 4,000 holy kings will be killed. How can you help me? ?"

"My ghost king body is intolerable in the world. I don't know how many people want me to die. In the future, I will be the enemy of me. I will eliminate all of them. More than 4,000 copies of Yang blood may not be collected!" Su Jin's voice was very cold. The time the other party said was very generous for him.

"How do I believe you, in case you are a word for getting out of trouble--" the female tomb master said.

"Believe it or not." Su Jin can only say: "Senior survived against the sky, and can persist for such a long time. Maybe in the future I will also embark on this ‘survival road’. I’m just ashamed of my heart."

The female tomb owner turned her back to Su Jin, and did not want to show Su Jin's face, but after Su Jin said so, she faintly believed him.

"Nothing--" the female tomb owner said: "I can let you go. It doesn't matter whether you help me or not, because I have no choice."

no choice!

It is easy to kill Su Jin. Even if he is a ‘ironstone heart’, he can still do it by taking a copy, but a copy is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

"Only I can do it!" Su Jin said heavily.

"This is a'Cicada King' I refined. If you want to take the'Returning Yang Blood', it will automatically get into the'Holy King Corpse' to get it. If you swallow enough of the Returning Yang Blood, it will Transformed into a'returning a worm', I can live another life."

The female tomb owner ejected a flat round jade box backhand, and Su Jin took it into her hands——

Su Jin took a deep breath, and then asked, "What is the name of the predecessors? If you can meet the predecessors and descendants, maybe the progress will be faster..."

"Sanqing Miaozun." The female tomb master said four words.

"Good name! I want to come to the predecessors of the year, must be the invincible power of Fenghua!"

Su Jin's eyes lit up, and then he said: "It shouldn't be too late. When I leave here, I will start to do this. Unfortunately, many Saint Kings died in my hands before. If there is this King of Cicada in my hands. I want to be able to gather earlier."

"Do you want to leave so soon? Why don't you want to look at my face?"

The hostess of the female tomb turned her back to Su Jin, with a calm tone: "The reason why I didn't kill you is that there is actually something in your body that moved me with compassion--"

Su Jin's scalp is a little numb, and his face with corpse spots is so beautiful that he naturally doesn't want to look at it without asking, but now he can only say: "Oh? There is something on me? What is that?"

Then the female tomb owner slowly turned sideways, and finally turned around, showing the true face to Su Jin's eyes!

Su Jin felt a little in his heart, she actually...

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