My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1833: Old guy arrives

She turned out to be such a face!

Su Jin had thought about what her appearance would be like, but after thinking about it, she didn't expect her face to be like this, it's not bad to be long.

As a female emperor-level existence, she has bluish-white corpses in other places, but her face is quite well-protected, white and pure, if it weren’t because she was too sick, she definitely disregarded the existence of Qunmei. Su Jin's beauty did not surprise Su Jin——

He was surprised that there was a hole in her forehead~~~

Back then, this empress-like existence also had a ‘eye in the sky’ on her eyebrows! No wonder she said that not killing herself was moved by compassion!

"Senior, this is—" Su Jin said in a surprised tone.

"Sanqing Shentong, although not comparable to your'Mahe Town Prison Eye', it is also the sixth-ranked existence in the pupil art in the world of heavens." Sanqing Miaozun said with a sigh.

"Then why is it lost?"

Su Jin had a bad premonition in his heart. He felt that Sanqing Miaozun’s divine eyes would never be so easily lost--

"The retribution of the heaven-defying person, once at my peak, my eyes were dug away overnight. I thought that there were few strong men in the world who were enemies of me, but on that night, there was no warning—"

Sanqing Miaozun looked very solemn, and said, "So I remind you that the cultivators are not allowed to die, and the karma is added. Later, there will definitely be invincible strong people who will take away your divine eyes, then~~~"

Su Jin's face is full of vegetables...

From brilliance to decline, Sanqing Miaozun may have been stunned that night and knew that his time of death was approaching, and only then arranged this ice tomb in advance to use all means to prevent the fate of being killed.

And this ‘Tiangu Bone Coffin’ can prevent the original spirit body from returning to the body of the deity. It can be seen that there is a terrifying mystery in it. It allows Sanqing Miaozun to hide in it and prevent the fate of disaster, so that it can persist until now.

Su Jin nodded heavily, "I have pity for the same sickness, and I have to help the predecessors. I'm just doing good things."

"As long as you remember, if you help me collect all the yang blood, I will definitely have a generous gift --" Sanqing Miao Zun raised a little hope in his heart.

A brainstorm!

Su Jin arched his hands and said, "I have a female partner with great talent, but I don't have a suitable practice method. If the predecessor has a side magic method, can you give me one?"

Since she was a female emperor, the discipline she cultivated was naturally extraordinary. Su Jin thought of An Qianyi and thought of finding a discipline for her.

Sanqing Miaozun thought for a while, then flipped his hand and took out a jade slip, threw it to Su Jin, and said, "There are several divine techniques here, all suitable for female cultivators. Among them is a'danxia technique'. It has the function of being reborn, and the face will stay forever."

Su Jin is overjoyed——

In this way, there is no need to look for it anymore. He immediately clasped his fist and said: "So, I will swear by the true spirit here that I will not let the seniors wait for a hundred years, at most ten years, I will definitely let the "Cicada King" Transformed into a "returning a worm"!"

A touch of joy appeared on Sanqing Miaozun's face, and he nodded and said: "It should not be too late, I will send you away now..."

Swear by the true spirit, if Su Jin does not send the "Returning the Sun Worm" within ten years, he will surely suffer an unimaginable calamity. Very few monks dare to swear like this, and she now feels that Su Jin’s strength is rarely a saint. Wang can shake, maybe he can really do it.

Soon a circle of patterns rose up under Su Jin's feet, the patterns were complicated, and there were traces of golden scriptures wandering in the pattern, and then he disappeared into the'Tengu Bone Coffin'——

Outside, the wind was biting.

The eyes of the wind continue to rise and fall, and the iceberg is still as usual, and the snow flies wildly.

Su Jin stepped on the'Happy Streaming Light Technique', turned into a streamer, and swept southward——

Finally, when he was about to approach the ‘Agrada City’, he chose to use the meta-spirit body to communicate the ‘fantasy’ Shi Pai and returned to Qin’s body.

Xia's residence, bedroom.

Su Jin opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. In that ‘Tengu Bone Coffin’, he almost never returned. Fortunately, he returned to the flesh without any danger. Before returning to the flesh, he remembered all the contents of the jade slip, and there were several exercises in it, which were indeed quite amazing.

'Danxia technique' will remain youthful and transform into a danxia **** body after a beauty has cultivated to Dacheng. It is definitely the longing book of countless beautiful women's dreams. There is no one, and it is indescribable.

There is also a practice called: "Yujing Brahma Spirit Copy".

This exercise is also quite impressive, even better than those ancestral methods. If only female cultivators can practice, he would be very tempted.

There is also a "Jade Girl Sword Book". This magical technique makes him crazy. Why can only female nuns practice? why? Because if you want to practice this exercise, you must pass the meridians. Some beautiful women have meridians, but men don’t!

Su Jin intends to pass the'Danxia Shu' and the'Jade Girl Sword Book' to Xia Yuyan and An Qianyi, and'Yujing Fantian Spiritual Copy'. It is estimated that their physiques are not suitable, so they still keep it for the time being. Unfortunately, he could only watch the magical method on the book.

Standing up, Su Jin walked to the door of the room, opened the door, and came to the living room.

It was past four o'clock in the afternoon, and the old guy hadn't appeared yet, Xia Yunxi didn't know where he went, and the whole living room was empty.

Su Jin sat on the sofa, grabbed a piece of fruit, turned on the TV, tilted Erlang's legs, and waited--

Can't find a good station~~~

For hundreds of channels, Su Jin still chose the news set. Compared with those boring TV series, watching news is more flavorful.

Ten minutes passed.

Su Jin was attracted by a piece of news.

"According to Ocean Channel reports, recently in the high seas, a ‘New Thailand’ ocean-going freighter sank. Below is an image from before the sinking of the freighter—"

In the video, black clouds are pressing on the top, waves of seas soaring up to a height of 100 meters, the huge bow of the ship floats up and down in the storm, and there are constant screams. And far away from the storm, the wonders of ‘dragon sucking water’ were looming, and a dragon head turned into a cloud on the black cloud, sucking away a water column tens of meters wide!

"Anti-Vulture!" Su Jin opened his "Mohe Town Prison Eye" at the center of his eyebrows.

The scene he saw made him dumbfounded and fell into a state of silence for a while——

In the field of vision, there were more than nine thousand blood-colored corpses on the bottom of the sea. The corpses were all red as fire, beating continuously in a circular restriction, hissing silently, as if they wanted to break the restriction and escape from the bottom of the sea.

What happened there~~~

Su Jin didn't want to think about it, but soon he woke up, turned off the TV casually, and kept rubbing his forehead.

In less than half an hour, there was a knock on the door, and Su Jin rallied and immediately got up and ran to open the door.

The old guy appeared in front of you! He arrived a little earlier! The arrival of the old guy means that the news of the mother will be revealed!

The old guy's face didn't seem to be relaxed. When he saw Su Jin opening the door, he said, "Are you ready?"

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